Staunch Feminist Nancy Pelosi Leads Race To Become House Minority Leader

Representative Nancy Pelosi will likely become the leader of the Democratic Party in the House of Representatives. Pelosi is very active in spreading the myth that women are paid far less than men for the same work. She supports the discriminatory VAWA, and wants to see it more staunchly enforced. She is also very active in the campaign to ratify the radical feminist CEDAW. If she wins this post, the Democrats will have taken another step toward domination by the radical feminist agenda.

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Registration required: Are sex offenders unique?

I've often wondered about the forced registration of sex offenders, when other violent criminals are not required to register with the police. This article questions the dubious reasons for forcing only sex offenders to register and have their names and addresses available to the public. It seems to me that child abusers, at the very least, should also be forced to register. Perhaps they aren't because women are the perpetrators of most physical abuse and murders of children.

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An Explosion of Interest in a Commission for Men

warble writes "NCFM, LA completed a tabling project on Tuesday November 5th. The objective of the project was to obtain signed letters in support of a Commission for Men in Los Angeles County. Our goal is to obtain over 100 signed letters before November 19th. Currently, we have about 50-signed letters in support of the commission." See the Read More section below for more info. Congratulations to this group - we look forward to seeing the outcome of your efforts!

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NH Men's Commission Sponsor Re-Elected

Anonymous User writes "In August and September, this site ran articles about David A. Bickford, who was running for re-election to the New Hampshire House. He won. Read about it here." That's correct - David was the primary sponsor of the NH Commission on the Status of Men bill, and due to his district changing, he had a lot of concerns about being re-elected. In the end, he actually received the most votes in the new district (of which the top eight candidates receive seats), so he couldn't have done better. Thanks in part to some of the generous donations that went to him after pleas for help appeared on this site.

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MANN Chat: False Accusations - Disarming the Growing Threat

Steve writes "I will host this week's MANN chat, Wednesday night
(11/6), starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, at the usual location. The topic
for this chat will be 'False Accusations: Disarming The Growing Threat.'
rape laws in the UK
will gravely harm a man's right to due process of
law when he is accused of rape.  This anti-male legislation is just
the latest threat to men's rights that false accusations create.  What
are we going to do to combat such threats?  How are we going to hold
false accusers accountable for their crimes?  I hope you will join us
at this week's MANN chat as we figure out the answers to these questions."

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Does NOW Stand for Equality?

Thompson & Sacks ask 'Does NOW Stand for Equality?'
on their new, live call-in show.

Deborah Watkins, former president of the Tarrant County (Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas) chapter of the National Organization for Women, left NOW to become president of the Dallas-Ft. Worth Chapter of the National Coalition of Free Men. What prompted Ms. Watkins to make such a dramatic transition? You can find out by joining Thompson & Sacks as we ask "Does NOW Stand for Equality?" on our live call-in show on MND radio. The show will began at 9 PM EST/6 PM PST (Tuesday, November 5).

To listen, or for more information,
go to Mens News Daily.

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Gender Equity Policies

Chas writes "In "The Australian" 5th Nov. 2002, Angela Shanahan challenges gender equity policies in schools because they result in inequity for boys. The claims by gender feminists that girls suffered because of gender bias is disputed. Shanahan points to the needs of boys being neglected because of such philosophy. She argues that inequity for anyone is not a gender issue but a pedagogic and educational issue."

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UK Law to Men: Prove it

Gone is the notion that one is innocent until proven guilty. A new UK law puts the burden of proof on men to prove that they are not rapists.

"The Home Secretary, David Blunkett, has made it clear that the current rate of convictions for rape is “unacceptable”, and the explicit aim of these reforms is to find more men guilty."

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NOW's Report on Media Bias

According to this article... well, read this.

"Network programming sends a distorted, often offensive image of women, girls and people of color brought to you through the point-of-view of white men and boys," said NOW Foundation president Kim Gandy. "Television remains very much a man's world, with women serving primarily as eye candy."

Apparently CNN isn't aware that not all women agree.

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A Woman' Right to Choose, Not A Man's

frank h writes "This story says that abortion rights are at the center of many key races in this year's election. We need to pay attention to this because as much as the feminists want to keep the focus on access to safe and legal abortion, the Roe v. Wade ruling is key to father's rights: it states that the father has no right to any decision making in the reproductive process. It is possible for father to have reproductive choice AND to keep abortion safe and legal. Note that this MAY be a possible dividing point with the pro-abortion crowd. There may be many women who favor male reproductive choice who also demand the right to safe and legal abortion."

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Chicago Tribune Columnist Downplays Pedophilia by Women

chicago joe writes "I just read one of the most disturbing commentaries co-authored by Eric Zorn and Mary Schmich of the Chicago Tribune. It was an opinion piece asking the question,"Is sex with teens different if adult is a woman?" This is concerning the recent arrest of a teacher in the Chicago area who is accused of having sex with three of her male teenage students. Both writers agreed that it is not the same. They essentially said female pedophilia is OK! Eric Zorn wanted to know why the boys were not suspended because "they should have known better", and he diminished the felony charges because it is "every teenage boy's fantasy." Mary Schmich states that men are predators when engaging in sex with underage girls, but women are innocent because they are "just having relationships" with young boys. The Chicago Tribune is owned by the powerful media giant Tribune Co, owners of many media outlets and also owners of the Chicago Cubs. This should be an embarrassment to them." Here's the link, though free registration is required to read it.

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Australian Phone Counseling Service for Men Swamped

Anonymous User writes "This story in The Age says that Australia's new phone counseling service for men is unable to keep up with demand. In spite of the degrading cartoon beside the article, men's voices are finally being heard." I also found some of the commentary in the article degrading to men, but I'm encouraged to see that men are making use of this service. We need to help these people, not ridicule them.

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Breast Cancer Gene Tied to Prostate Cancer

SJones writes "After all the disparately high funding for breast cancer research at the expense of other cancers such as prostate cancer it has been found that the gene that increases a woman's risk for breast cancer is tied to a man's increased risk for prostate cancer. The story is here."

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A Man Driven To Suicide/Murder?

We're gonna hear a lot about this.

Robert S. Flores Jr., the man who killed three professors and himself at the University of Arizona, wrote a long letter detailing the reasons for his actions. In that missive he states, "...I will stand up for myself and be assertive. What I discovered was that being a male and non-traditional student, and (shudder!), assertive was not compatible with the instructors at the college of nursing... In many ways male nursing students are 'tokens.'" He speaks of his wife using standard accusations against him during their divorce, though he says she couldn't substantiate any of them and even contradicted herself, and he gives other examples of being abused for being male. He has stated outright that these were among the reasons for his murder/suicide.

It sounds like, among other things, this man cracked after years of abuse and oppression for being male. I'm afraid we will see much more of this sort of thing in the future.

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Male Witches Executed 400 Years Ago

An anonymous user points to a finding by two Canadian academics. It turns out that the witch-hunts that occured around the 16th century were not exclusively female-oriented, as modern media suggests.

"It makes it much harder to maintain the standard, stereotypical narrative of unrelieved misogyny, of blind ignorance, superstition and woman-hating,"

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