Eeva Sodhi Discusses Unjust Laws

Bruce M. writes "This is a great commentary written by Eeva Sodhi in
It basically sums up (as men's rights activists have been saying all along) the unfairness towards men by the laws passed with the influence of gender feminism.

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Special Events and Violence

Dan Lynch writes "This weekend is SuperBowl weekend. It has been reported (falsley I add) that this was a weekend when domestic violence skyrockets and shelter phone lines go threw the roof. None of this was substantiated in any form whatsoever. I'd like to point out that this scare tactic (that teaches women to both fear and hate men) is becoming more and more common. Shelters in Ireland were trying to pull the same stunt on their World Cup Soccer. It has also been reported that DV spikes during Christmas time. None of these allegations are accountable for and none of the accusers state whether or not men are asked about abuse against them. This is a common tactic no doubt to cash in on the events themselves. Im sure they will expand to every and anything they can think of for the bottom line M-O-N-E-Y. I didnt add any links, this post is meant as a reminder, but feel free to list some of relevence. Enjoy your weekend, Dan."

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Large Scale Study Finds One-Parent Children at Risk

Anonymous User writes "This story in the NY Times [free reg. required] reports that according to a Swedish study unprecedented in scale and follow-up, one-parent children have a significantly higher risk to develop serious psychiatric illnesses and addictions later in life. The story didn't focus on children raised by their mother only, but nevertheless this is a strong argument against the current sole custody policies of the family courts." Studies like this are of great importance to the default joint custody movement.

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Man Friendly Feminists?

Dan Lynch writes "Speaking of fourth generation feminism (not sure if this qualifies)Christina Hoff Sommers is invading campuses in an effort to "Take Back the Campus" campaign. The campaign was originally started by the IWF. Whats good about this is a Chicago unversity club has started up and they are naming themselves "The Partnership for Common Sence Feminism". I know sounds like an oxymoron, but; the group is aiming to set the record straight about research. This undoubtedly will be a welcome sign for the men's movement. So if these women who are starting campus groups are going to be thorough in their investigations there will be another voice speaking out against the misleading information. Best of all it will be women dealing with women. They also ask men to participate aswell. This is FYI to let you know its spreading."

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DNA Dragnet of Men in Louisiana

Bill Kuhl writes "I saw a report on national TV news about a dragnet of men in Louisiana and then later found this article on the same story. Apparently there is a serial killer of women at work in the Baton Rouge/Lafayette area. Police have identified the murderer as male and have commanded hundreds of men in the area to show up to prove themselves innocent through a DNA test. How unbelievably unconstitutional can you get?!!! The same would never be done to women, I believe. One man refused to show up for the test and his name was put in the paper." To me, the most disturbing thing is the number of men who are willingly giving up their rights. [Question to readers]: When will these dragnets hit the town that you're in? Will you submit to the same, given that you have "nothing to hide?"

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Cathy Young Comments on the California Rape Ruling

mcc99 writes "Cathy Young has commented in the Boston Globe on the recent ruling regarding the definition of rape and consent in California. I submitted a letter to the Globe editor, printed below. If you send your own, please make sure it is utterly original, since they are far less likely to publish any letter that appears to be part of a form or write-in campaign." I would encourage people to read Young's article, since she has brought to light some other factors in this case that I was unaware of until now. Read More below to view mcc99's letter.

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MANN Chat: Roe v. Wade--Not for men!

Steve writes "I will host this week's MANN chat, Wednesday night (1/22),
starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, at the usual location. The
topic for this chat will be 'Roe v. Wade at 30: Same Old Legal Abuse of
Men'   In all the hooplah over the 30th anniversary of the U.S.
Supreme Court's controversial 'Roe' decision, many people are
overlooking a simple fact: in the last 30 years, men's rights
concerning reproduction have decreased dramatically.  We now have
rampant paternity fraud, an antire industry dedicated to collecting
so-called 'child support', increasingly anti-father adoption laws,
legalized baby abandonment, and a seriously damaged system of divorce
law.  Where are men today in the area of reproductive choice?
 What can we do to improve things?  Join us at this week's
MANN chat to assess the situation and develop a strategy to correct it."

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January Men's Hour Released

Raymond Cuttill writes "On the January Men's Hour: Senator Anne Cools on her work in the Canadian parliament. Trudy W. Schuett on the successes of 2002 and hopes for 2003. Ian Kelly on the rise of paternity fraud and more media coverage for 2003. MSN has toned down its sexist ecards and the response. Baby bust - the declining population. See the
January programme here.

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It's All The Woman's Fault

In this essay about women not taking responsibility for their choices, Taylor Marsh maintains that it's women, not men, who are to blame for the dramatic downturn in male/female relationships. I've put this into the "Humor" category because, though I don't agree with everything Taylor says, the piece cracked me up.

Here's an excerpt:
"Enter men, that wonderfully easy going, happy go lucky, go with the flow gender, who have stood by and watched as women implode, explode, and erode into a group of confused, hesitant, irresponsible people that won’t take yes for an answer."


Like0 Dislike0 Tones Down Male Bashing E-cards

Raymond Cuttill writes " has toned down its ecards. The "Man whining" ecard has gone. There are 3 along the lines of "There are no good men to be found", a slight improvement on violence. has changed its ecards to match although I doubt any feminist would like them. I'm sure MSN would claim that the change was just a facelift of the MSN site, but I can't help thinking that maybe those protest emails and had some influence." This is great to hear - many thanks to everyone who has written to MSN and applied some pressure.

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Men Seek 'the Truth' on Prostate Treatments

CJ sent us this insightful article from the Boston Globe and quotes it:

"Men who have suffered prostate issues feel they were misled about the sexual side effects of their treatment. ''Why can't we get good solid information?'' said one Boston man....The result is that with 180,000 men diagnosed and 55,000 undergoing prostate-removal surgery each year, thousands of survivors are glad to be alive, but painfully disappointed with their sexual function."

CJ comments, "Perhaps its time that hospitals start treating men's cancer issues as importnant as they do for breast cancer, and supply support and information in a manner that is effective for the continued health of men."

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More On The Baby Bust

I like to keep track of this type of article, because I'm pretty sure that population collapse will soon result in crises throughout the developed world. (The Aussies seem to be paying more attention to the problem than anyone else.)

The piece makes a number of interesting points including, "About 20 per cent more women aged in their late 20s and early 30s have (bachelor) degrees than men in the same age group." So let's review what we frequently find... The fembots drive men out of the school system with their unrelenting anti-male hatred and lies; women are less inclined to "marry down" than men; many women complain about the shortage of worthwhile eligible men and, when they're in their 30s and 40s, complain that they're single and childless.

Brace yourselves, folks. The population collapse is gonna result in serious turmoil.

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V-Day Parody Contest Deadline Approaching

The parody contest sponsored by Jack Kammer is still accepting entries for their "If I only had a V" contest to satirize the radical feminist hijacking of Valentine's Day as "V-Day". The deadline for submissions is February 6, so please get them in early, for a chance to win $100! Read on for more details, and check out the contest link.

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The Media's Double Standards

Dan Lynch writes "This opinion piece is a great example of how things are progressing to the awareness stage for men's issues. Some of the books being mentioned are mainstream books. They are along the same lines as Spreading Misandry. The fact that more and more material is coming out and being published is a welcome sign. One which, according to this author, will lead to the improvement of men's health."

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L.A. County Sanctioned $700 for Ignoring NCFM Request

Marc writes "The County of Los Angeles was sanctioned $700 by a judge of the L.A. Superior Court for not responding to NCFM, LA's demand for documents on their gender policies that we made several months ago. The judge gave the County 10 days to come up with the documents. We filed this case last year because L.A. County funds a Commission for Women but no Commission for Men. To view the complaint, see
this PDF file. We recently filed another suit against L.A. County for spending millions of dollars on an Office of Women's Health but having nothing similar for men at all. We will post that complaint on our website soon."

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