Book Review: Bias

During my daily travel around the web I happened to come across a book review
of Bernard Goldberg's book Bias. While I it found fairly short, it does make for some very interesting reading, proving the old lace curtain is still around, among other things. I've
also heard rumours that there's a section on men's lack of reproductive rights. Perhaps someone who has the book can tell us?

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Common Chemical Damages Sperm

Serge writes "Scientists from Harvard University have uncovered evdience that exposure to the chemical, one of a group known as the phthalates, may lead to damage to the genetic material of human sperm.
"The correlation found in this study is extremely troubling" says Dr. Ted Schettler."
These chemicals are used in cosmetics and fragrance products, so this is a really big deal.

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Erin Pizzey Says: Bermuda Too "Matriarchal"

Our friend Erin Pizzey has been out defending fatherhood, in Bermuda of all places. Her tone seems a bit more radical than normal, but since it's in defence of us, that's allright by me. There seems to be a bit of doublethink in the article, but I can't quite point it out. Have a read
about it and see what you think.

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MANN Chat: Writing About Men

This Wednesday, 12/11, at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, join us for an on-line chat at the MANN chat room. The topic for discussion will be writing about men and men's issues, with a particular focus on how the "lace curtain" poses problems for writers on these issues. Anyone with experience writing about these issues is especially welcome to attend.

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Guess Who's A Ms. Magazine Woman Of The Year

For those of you who were wondering about the direction of the Democratic Party, Ms. Magazine has selected Nancy Pelosi, House Minority (Democratic) Leader, as a woman of the year.

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More Bad Advocacy Coming from the FVPF

CJ writes "The Family Violence Prevention Fund's Judicial Education Project seeks to further erradicate the rights of men by teaching (forcing) judges and the courts' handling of cases involving alledged domestic violence. The FPVC is responsible for creating the statutes that permit probable cause misdemeanor arrest without a warrant in domestic violence cases under specified conditions in most states. These and other changes were prompted by one sided feminist studies that showed that ARREST is a more effective deterrent in domestic violence cases than mediation or other arrest alternatives."

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Whitney Houston Admits Hitting Brown. But Who Cares?

Troy A. writes "In a recent much-hyped fluff interview with Whitney Houston, Diane Sawyer asks the following question: "Has [Bobby Brown] ever hit you?" Houston: "No. Never. I have hit him, in anger." [Note: this was in the video interview, not the article]. There is absolutely no follow up to this admission. It is immediately followed with a segment on Brown's risque music, drug use, accusations of affairs, etc. Later in the program Sawyer asks Brown directly if he's ever hit Houston, and his reply is given considerable inquiry and airtime. Apparently, even when a wife admits to abusing her husband, it isn't called what it is - domestic violence. In fact it's totally ignored. You can e-mail your protests via this page. On top of that, when I sent my thoughts on this via the web page, a Progressive Insurance ad popped up!"

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Mainstream Movie About Father's Rights

CJ writes "In Evelyn, Pierce Brosnan is a father who loses his job and his wife leaves him. Because of custody law, he isn't allowed to keep his three young children who are taken away and put into orphanages. With the help of friends, he prepares to take on the Irish Supreme Court. As 'Ebert & Roeper' stated on their show, "it's nice to see a show about fathers, as fathers are now usually only depicted as absent or evil.""

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Two Double Standards in One Article: Child Molestation and Child Custody

warble writes "This is the typical article of a women getting minimal bail for molesting an 11-year-old boy. Naturally, the police are trying to blame the tall boy for making sexual advances. Oddly enough, the fully-grown 28-year-old woman was unable to overcome the minor’s sexual advances and gave-in. By contrast, we all know that tall 14-year-old girls NEVER come on to older men in their late 20’s. Nope! According to feminists, such men who give in to the sexual advances of a minor are actually predators who are products of the evil patriarchy! Clearly, we need an explanation for this evil woman's weakness. Too bad it doesn't include her taking personal responsibility.

Anyway, Everett is a divorced woman who had a child by her ex-husband. Now where do you think that child was taken after the arrest? The logical choice would be the father. Right? Wrong! For the bigoted male-hating police of Virginia Beach, the logical choice is to take the child to the sister of the molester.

Now image a world that is free of male-hate. Do you think the father of the child might have gotten the child while custody hearings take place? A father cannot even get temporary custody while hearings are in progress."

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"Busted" Documentary Covers Story of a Man's Abuse by His Girlfriend

Education Thru Communication writes, "It's called "BUSTED," and it captures the disturbing reality of the abusive, violent behavior of a woman after being rejected by the man she was living with. But she has no idea that her violence is being documented on video. So imagine her surprise when she gets busted by the evidence and the law. For people who don't realize men can be victims of domestic abuse, "BUSTED" is a shocking, rare glimpse behind the scenes of the domestic battlefront. For men who know the truth, "BUSTED" is a lesson. As one reviewer put it... "A remarkable story of one man's battle in the legal system... to demonstrate, in no uncertain terms, that he was the victim."

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DNA Clears Five Convicted Men of 1989 Rape

Anonymous User writes "CourtTV has been closely following new DNA evidence which has apparently cleared five men who were convicted of raping a Central Park jogger in 1989. The gruesome crime (the jogger was severely beaten and her eyes were destroyed) was originally attributed to five youths. Four of them have already served complete sentences for it. DNA evidence has now exonerated those five after another convicted rapist and murderer confessed to the Central Park crime and provided his DNA as evidence. The story is here. What is most interesting is that the five youths eventually confessed to the crime themselves. They now say their confessions were coerced."

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DV Campaign "Coaches" Boys

CJ writes "The new phase for the Family Violence Prevention Fund is to 'coach' boys into becoming men, the program invites men to help end abuse by teaching boys that violence against women is always wrong. This is good idea, but one sided in approach. Perhaps this well funded organization could include some examples of violence against the male gender and include programs that ensure quality of life for both genders? I found out about this campaign through a banner ad on a high traffic corporate web page. FVPC is getting the word out that they think boys need to be changed. How long will it be before the campaign that states 'boys are bad and abusive' manifests in public classrooms? Lets help ensure gender parity on this issue before our young men are inflicted with more feminist funded psychological abuse."

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The War Against Fathers

Here are a three good articles on the war against fathers.

The first and the second (you'll have to click on the link "click here to read" to access them) report on a lawsuit in Canada challenging the government's bias against fathers.

The third is a column in the Toronto Sun that reports on the vicious injustices meted out by the courts to fathers.

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Fictional Biases?

Trudy W Schuett writes "Among the other things I do, I'm a moderator at the FictionAddiction forum. This may seem like small potatoes, but it's home to about 800 members and many more visitors. The other day, a feminist posted a work about killing men at the critique forum. I spoke my mind and am tonight getting thrashed for it by both sexes. Help me out here, guys! This is one thing where you can make a clear, immediate difference! Blessings and peace! T_____"

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Girls Also at Increased Risk for Using Violence When Witnessing it at Home

SJones writes "A surprising article (for Reuters) about how witnessing family violence influence both the boy and the girl to an increased likelihood of violence in the future is found here. They are dropping this article down and down in their list as quickly as possible. Since I found it the article has already dropped from 5th story to 8th and disappeared from my screen."

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