Radical feminist publicly calls for male gendercid

Anonymous User writes "This article by Dr. Helen Caldecott is the most disgusting article I have ever read and the mainstream is taking it seriously. This woman is pissed off becaues an editor at Marvel did not want to run her anti-male rant so she developed this "Code Pink" speech. Be warned that frontpagemag.com is really busy because of this article so you may not be able to see the page on the first try. Here is a quote from the aritcle. ""I mean how dare, HOW DARE these men think they can do this. WHO DO THEY FLAMING WELL THINK THEY ARE? They are truly pathological and they should all be removed, as I have said, for the public health of the people of the planet. Now 53% of us are women. We’ve had the majority and we’ve been absolute wimps. And it’s time we smacked their bottoms, removed them and we took over. I’m not just joking --this isn’t funny. I am deadly serious.""

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Domestic Violence Broadcasts

Dave writes "Gentelemen,

PBS will broadcast via most of their stations Tuesday and Wednesday evenings (18 and 19 March) programs on domestic violence. We should hope that these are done looking at both sides of the matter. Let us watch these shows and judge them for what they are. IF, they are biased against men we need to be prepared to shower them with our thoughts and opinions. Check out their web site at: http://www.pbs.org/previews/DomesticViolence/"

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Sacks Writes about the 'Damned of the Earth'--Iraq

In his latest column,"Iraqi Draftees: We Should Care about Their Boys, Too," mens issues columnist Glenn Sacks writes "Today the young Iraqi male is the damned of the earth. Drafted by force at 18 or younger...this generation of young Iraqi men can see nothing but pain and death both in front of it and behind it....By decrying the death of 'innocent' civilians, those on both sides of the war debate backhandedly ascribe guilt to these young draftees. Yet if they are not innocent victims of this war, who is?" The article can be seen at "Iraqi Draftees: We Should Care about Their Boys, Too."

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My name is EARL

Anonymous User writes "Now that the Dixie Chicks are controversial for their anti-american speech, the parody song "My Name Is EARL" by the Dixie DICKS is funnier than ever. It is a sarcastic shot at the Chicks and Martina Mcbride for their hatred of men that can be downloaded here

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Men's health

Mangesh writes "Finally, the problem of male suicide has got some attention here in India. During the last year, in the city of Pune, there were 496 reported cases of suicide out of which 344 (70%)were cases of male suicide. These statistics are based on the analysis done by an Assistant Commissioner of Pune Police. Dr. Ulhas Luktuke, a leading mental health professional based in Pune says that the higher rates of male suicide are due to excessive societal expectations from men and the frustration that it leads to. The link is the story in the Mararthi language newspaper Sakal (15th March, 2003, Pune edition).

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complaints on dv

gistmason writes "For there is a right in this state for non warrrented arrests, per states attorney office, unknown of statue for non warrented arrests of youngmen that are innocent of crime. But women should be believed since they are the weaker sex. True crime is believable? A question that is probably asked by youngmen perhaps who can't find a way to prove innocence. Is there control in the judicial system, if so
where is the line drawn for nonviolent so called crime? Maybe there should be a new law of nonviolent domestic situations to be filed for men so they can have a chance to prove they were the ones victomized
and to be heard in certain cases. Why? Think about being in reverse mode while driving."

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A request from columnist Bettina Arndt

I've just seen this on a mailing list I'm subscribed to, and I think you'll be interested in this. If you can help out, do so, She's prepared to give our issues a hearing in public, so click "read more/post comments" to find what she needs.

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An Excellent Response To A Critical Woman

Freebird writes "Devvy Kidd blasts American men as unchivalrous and lazy in this article: http://www.newswithviews.com/news_worthy/news_wort hy.htm and gets a response which echoes a lot of the feelings of the men seen on this board, including mine: http://home.iprimus.com.au/grahamstrachan/reply_to _devvy.htm

Until more alleged "non-feminist" women think about what their silence tells both men and feminists alike, the chasm between the genders will widen. Perhaps the fact that more and more men are turning away from women will prod them to finally speak up."

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Martha Burk on the Ropes

Hombre writes, "Hey guys,
 we've got Martha Burk on the ropes!  Last Saturday's
NCFM-sponsored protest in DC was a great success, and Todd Manzi's
site, The Burk Stops Here,
has had a strong impact.  Let's go for the knockout punch!
 Mr. Manzi has taken it upon himself to spearhead this battle, and
needs all the help he can get.  Let's give it to him.  Check
out his site for more info and then email him at href="mailto:tmanzi@theburkstopshere.com">tmanzi@theburkstopshere.com
to see how you can help."

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Men forced to wear ties discriminatory?

Dittohd writes "Here's the latest on the complaint in England by a man fighting against the forced wearing of ties with no corresponding dress code for women:

http://news.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/n ews/2003/03/12/ntie12.xml&sSheet=/news/2003/03/12/ ixnewstop.html/news/2003/03/12/ntie12.xml"

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Contacting the Father

Severin writes "I saw this news story (http://www.uwire.com/content//topnews031203002.ht ml) posted on ifeminists.net and I was just curious what people thought about this. I personally believe that a father should be notified if he is the father of a child, so that he may be involved in the decision as to what to do about the child, and at least have the chance to state his case one way or another. But is this something that we should require by law?"

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Bring back otousan!

nagzi writes "This news article from a Japanese newspaper has a solution to the 'Declining morals of mothers' has the article would put it, that many here would cheer for. PS: otousan is japanese for father."

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Yet Another Reversible BC Option for Women...

mcc99 writes "Amazing. This article discusses new BCPs that cause the menstrual cycle to be elongated to three months instead of monthly. The article discusses the many benefits of doing so while quoting some misandrist as follows:

"'Cultures have long had many practices to manage the taboo and stigma of menstruation over the years. You can see them all as ways of managing women's behavior,' said Joan Chrisler, a professor of psychology at Connecticut College in New London, Conn., and president of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research. 'Many feminists would say that misogyny is at the base of it.'"

Meanwhile, men still have the same-old options for birth control: abstinence, homosexuality, masturbation, condoms, and sterilization. We apparently don't merit the serious option of reversible BCPs though these are entirely a workable option."

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MANN Chat: The Power of Protests

I will host this week's MANN chat, Wednesday
night (3/12), starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, at the href="http://www.mensactivism.org/chat.shtml">usual location. The
topic for this chat will be "The Power of Protests in Men's Activism."
 We'll discuss NCFM-DC's
recent successful href="http://www.mensactivism.org/article.pl?sid=03/03/09/1738221&mode=threaded">protest
of Martha Burk in MacLean, Virginia.  We'll consider the factors
that made the protest successful, discuss the lessons we can learn from
it, and share ideas for future protests related to men's issues.
 Join us at tonight's MANN chat and invite a friend or two!

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Fund Raiser for Prostate Cancer

A New Jersey Non-Profit Corporation is having a fund-raiser for prostate cancer. Please go to the post and check it all out. See if you can help or contribute. Or even just make it known that prostate cancer is a killer.

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