January Men's Hour Released

Raymond Cuttill writes "On the January Men's Hour: Senator Anne Cools on her work in the Canadian parliament. Trudy W. Schuett on the successes of 2002 and hopes for 2003. Ian Kelly on the rise of paternity fraud and more media coverage for 2003. MSN has toned down its sexist ecards and the MSNHatesMen.com response. Baby bust - the declining population. See the
January programme here.

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It's All The Woman's Fault

In this essay about women not taking responsibility for their choices, Taylor Marsh maintains that it's women, not men, who are to blame for the dramatic downturn in male/female relationships. I've put this into the "Humor" category because, though I don't agree with everything Taylor says, the piece cracked me up.

Here's an excerpt:
"Enter men, that wonderfully easy going, happy go lucky, go with the flow gender, who have stood by and watched as women implode, explode, and erode into a group of confused, hesitant, irresponsible people that won’t take yes for an answer."


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MSN.com Tones Down Male Bashing E-cards

Raymond Cuttill writes "MSN.com has toned down its ecards. The "Man whining" ecard has gone. There are 3 along the lines of "There are no good men to be found", a slight improvement on violence. MSNHatesMen.com has changed its ecards to match although I doubt any feminist would like them. I'm sure MSN would claim that the change was just a facelift of the MSN site, but I can't help thinking that maybe those protest emails and MSNHatesMen.com had some influence." This is great to hear - many thanks to everyone who has written to MSN and applied some pressure.

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Men Seek 'the Truth' on Prostate Treatments

CJ sent us this insightful article from the Boston Globe and quotes it:

"Men who have suffered prostate issues feel they were misled about the sexual side effects of their treatment. ''Why can't we get good solid information?'' said one Boston man....The result is that with 180,000 men diagnosed and 55,000 undergoing prostate-removal surgery each year, thousands of survivors are glad to be alive, but painfully disappointed with their sexual function."

CJ comments, "Perhaps its time that hospitals start treating men's cancer issues as importnant as they do for breast cancer, and supply support and information in a manner that is effective for the continued health of men."

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More On The Baby Bust

I like to keep track of this type of article, because I'm pretty sure that population collapse will soon result in crises throughout the developed world. (The Aussies seem to be paying more attention to the problem than anyone else.)

The piece makes a number of interesting points including, "About 20 per cent more women aged in their late 20s and early 30s have (bachelor) degrees than men in the same age group." So let's review what we frequently find... The fembots drive men out of the school system with their unrelenting anti-male hatred and lies; women are less inclined to "marry down" than men; many women complain about the shortage of worthwhile eligible men and, when they're in their 30s and 40s, complain that they're single and childless.

Brace yourselves, folks. The population collapse is gonna result in serious turmoil.

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V-Day Parody Contest Deadline Approaching

The parody contest sponsored by Jack Kammer is still accepting entries for their "If I only had a V" contest to satirize the radical feminist hijacking of Valentine's Day as "V-Day". The deadline for submissions is February 6, so please get them in early, for a chance to win $100! Read on for more details, and check out the contest link.

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The Media's Double Standards

Dan Lynch writes "This opinion piece is a great example of how things are progressing to the awareness stage for men's issues. Some of the books being mentioned are mainstream books. They are along the same lines as Spreading Misandry. The fact that more and more material is coming out and being published is a welcome sign. One which, according to this author, will lead to the improvement of men's health."

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L.A. County Sanctioned $700 for Ignoring NCFM Request

Marc writes "The County of Los Angeles was sanctioned $700 by a judge of the L.A. Superior Court for not responding to NCFM, LA's demand for documents on their gender policies that we made several months ago. The judge gave the County 10 days to come up with the documents. We filed this case last year because L.A. County funds a Commission for Women but no Commission for Men. To view the complaint, see
this PDF file. We recently filed another suit against L.A. County for spending millions of dollars on an Office of Women's Health but having nothing similar for men at all. We will post that complaint on our website soon."

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New MANN Admins to Replace Scott

It has come time for me to announce that soon I will no longer be administering Mensactivism.org on a day-to-day basis as I have since the site was started. We have taken on some new people who will be working with some of the older co-admins to keep this site running smoothly and in the spirit that it was created. This is a decision I have not made lightly and I think will improve the quality of this site as a resource to men's activists. Read on for more explanation...

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National Center for Men Preparing Legal Challenge for Men's Reproductive Rights

On the 30th anniversary of the historic Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, the National Center for Men is announcing their intention to legally challenge the unjust double standard of "her choice, his responsibility." They seek to establish a legal recognition of men's reproductive rights. Their press release can be found on the choiceformen.com web site here.

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Governor Davis' Executive Order on Paternity Fraud

warble writes "As we all know, Governor Davis vetoed AB2240 last year and claimed he was doing this because the bill was flawed. That was a very disappointing event in the men’s movement. However, NCFM, LA is made up of winners, and winners will always find a way to turn a failure into a success.
So NCFM, LA examined the veto and determined that there was an Executive Order in place. Then we made some phone calls and sent in a FAX asking about the Executive Order. The order in effect directed the Department of Child Support Services to work with the proponents and opponents of paternity fraud to reach a resolution to the issue. To our surprise we received a phone call from the DCSS and they are demonstrating a literal commitment to resolving this issue. It turns out that the DCSS representative is very friendly to men's issues in the matter of paternity fraud. To our surprise, we are finding that the DCSS wants fairness in paternity fraud issues!
" There's much more to this post, see the Read More section below for more info.

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"MFNBC" to Broadcast Men's Issues Shows

HombreVIII writes "MFNBC is pleased to announce that we will start broadcasting men's rights shows live, via the internet, this Sunday starting at 8 PM Central Time. Accompanying the 2 shows we will be broadcasting this Sunday will be a hosted chat, (accessible through the site), where listeners can discuss the shows as they are being aired. MFNBC - the Masculists Factfinding Network and Broadcast Channel located at www.MFNBC.com, will be presenting episodes of Jack Kammer's 6 year running radio show called "In a Man's Shoes" for the first time ever on the internet starting this Sunday! This will be followed immediately by a broadcast of Raymond Cuttill's newest "Men's Hour" show, scheduled for realease on that date as well." For more details, see the Read More section below.

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Court Challenge on Maryland Child Support Guidelines

fightbigotry2002 writes "The Maryland Judicial Equality Committee and other Maryland Men's and Children's advocacy groups are in the process of seeking out both non-custodial mothers and fathers to challenge the current Maryland Custody Guidelines for Child Support. As you may remember, a Georgia lower court has declared the Georgia Child Support Guidelines unconstitutional, which has been appealed to the Georgia Supreme Court. Those of us in Maryland will be building upon that case to mount a challenge to bring equity to the child support issue for all concerned. If you can help us out, please contact us for details at Fightbigotry2002@yahoo.com."

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MANN Chat: A Manly Sense of Humor in Men's Activism

Steve writes "I will host this week's MANN chat, Wednesday night (1/15),
starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, at the usual location. The
topic for this chat will be 'A Manly Sense of Humor in Men's Activism.'
  We have seen a lot of anti-male humor in the last few years.
 Still, humor can be an important tool for men's activists.
 When should we use humor in our work to promote equality for men
and boys?  How can we use humor effectively to laugh at ourselves
when appropriate?  How can we disarm the mean-spirited man-bashing
and boy-bashing humor we encounter in the media, in the workplace, and
in social situations?  Help us answer these questions at this
week's MANN chat.  As always, invite a buddy or two to join us!"

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More On What Constitutes Rape

Kathleen Parker has written an essay, published in the Orlando Sentinel, on the 17-year-old boy who was convicted of rape for not stopping consensual sex when the girl said, "I should be going now" and "I need to go home." Unfortunately, Parker asks "Where's Daddy? Who didn't teach this girl the rules of engagement?" while not asking "Where's Mommy?" I guess women/mothers can't be held liable the way men/fathers can. Besides, maybe dad was driven out of the home as a result of a false accusation by the mother.

On the whole, it's a good article, though. I've called to thank her. You can write to her here.

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