Anatomy of a Dysfunctional Legal System

fightbigotry2002 writes "When politics decides who is guilty.
This article is a study of the systematic nature in which the Maryland legal system bends the rules to ensure a predetermined outcome in civil cases. It is not enough to complain in a general manner that men as a group are discriminated against, we must understand how a system works to inform the public. When we make general complaints we are in danger of trivializing the true nature of what we face as a society. It is not just men or any target group who are loosing their civil rights, it's all of us. If we can not overcome the excuse by government to discriminate then we all have lost our civil liberties. Have so many died in 200+ years to fight tyranny only to lose that freedom by the tap of the gavel?"

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Woman stabs her boyfriend to death, gets one year

SJones writes "A female track star stabbed her married boyfriend to death. She only received a sentece of one year for her violent crime. The article made a point of accusing the male victim of domestic violence in an obvious attempt to justify her murderous attack. The article is here"

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What affects all men

Anonymous User:Storyteller writes "Dear friends,
we are an organisation concerned with what affects all men, in all societies. So we hope you can share with us some of your stoires with us at and thank you."

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UK Human Genetics Commission

Anon writes "Hi! I came across a web page for a UK Human Genetics Commission plenary meeting. .htm

Is this meeting to discuss the topic of regulating men's access to parentage testing services?


Is there anyone out there interested in this meeting? Going to the meeting? If so, I'd appreciate being contacted." Dan's note: Hopefully this person will make themselves known on the board, but; I feel this topic needs to be explored immediately. With men's views and choices always taking a back seat we should always be up to date on new relative issues. Thanks for your understanding.

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CA Paternity Fraud Champion

warble writes "Attention ALL California Paternity Fraud victims! I have reviewed all of the tapes from the legislative sessions that took place last year. As everybody knows we need a champion to push paternity fraud legislation in the California 2003 legislative session. I believe that John Longville is that perfect candidate. THIS MAN GETS IT! P
John Longville is the ONLY person on the Committee of the Judiciary that stood up to the bigotry that men face. He identified the issue and went after the issue like a bulldog!

Please send your FAX now requesting him to be our champion for paternity fraud legislation. I believe John Longville is a major fighter and will fight for the rights of paternity fraud victims. You can view his web site here: Assemblymember Longville

All of the information necessary to send letters and faxes are there. You can even call if you like. Please appraise him for his exposure of the bigotry that paternity fraud victims face and encourage him to be our champion.



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Angry Harry, Radical Feminists and the Superbowl

Dan Lynch writes "Angry Harry's blog brings up the issue of the myths and lies perpetrated on Superbowl sunday. Harry has some history as well as some future concerns about the expanding nature of radical feminists falsehoods on all major sports events."

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Legal Waiver to Protect CA Men Against Rape Charge

Matthew Weeks writes "I initially wrote this article about a week ago, once the story of the
California Supreme Court's ruling in People v John Z. broke, and published it on my personal site. It concerns the possible implications of the ruling, and contains a very macabre, yet humorous, tone to it. I drafted a possible legal waiver for
people thinking of engaging in sex that would disavow them from any rape charges. It's made a lot of people laugh.

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The Latest From Glenn Sacks

Glenn Sacks' latest column, "30 Years After Roe v. Wade, How About Choice for Men?" just came out in the Mail & Guardian (published in Johannesburg & Cape Town, South Africa) as well as Mens News Daily.

He also made two radio appearances on Choice for Men this week, on ABC Radio's Early Morning Program in Australia on Monday and on the Nick Kasoff Show on WGNU in St. Louis on Tuesday. Archived versions of the shows may be available soon on ABC Australia and The Nick Kasoff Show

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Eeva Sodhi Discusses Unjust Laws

Bruce M. writes "This is a great commentary written by Eeva Sodhi in
It basically sums up (as men's rights activists have been saying all along) the unfairness towards men by the laws passed with the influence of gender feminism.

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Special Events and Violence

Dan Lynch writes "This weekend is SuperBowl weekend. It has been reported (falsley I add) that this was a weekend when domestic violence skyrockets and shelter phone lines go threw the roof. None of this was substantiated in any form whatsoever. I'd like to point out that this scare tactic (that teaches women to both fear and hate men) is becoming more and more common. Shelters in Ireland were trying to pull the same stunt on their World Cup Soccer. It has also been reported that DV spikes during Christmas time. None of these allegations are accountable for and none of the accusers state whether or not men are asked about abuse against them. This is a common tactic no doubt to cash in on the events themselves. Im sure they will expand to every and anything they can think of for the bottom line M-O-N-E-Y. I didnt add any links, this post is meant as a reminder, but feel free to list some of relevence. Enjoy your weekend, Dan."

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Large Scale Study Finds One-Parent Children at Risk

Anonymous User writes "This story in the NY Times [free reg. required] reports that according to a Swedish study unprecedented in scale and follow-up, one-parent children have a significantly higher risk to develop serious psychiatric illnesses and addictions later in life. The story didn't focus on children raised by their mother only, but nevertheless this is a strong argument against the current sole custody policies of the family courts." Studies like this are of great importance to the default joint custody movement.

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Man Friendly Feminists?

Dan Lynch writes "Speaking of fourth generation feminism (not sure if this qualifies)Christina Hoff Sommers is invading campuses in an effort to "Take Back the Campus" campaign. The campaign was originally started by the IWF. Whats good about this is a Chicago unversity club has started up and they are naming themselves "The Partnership for Common Sence Feminism". I know sounds like an oxymoron, but; the group is aiming to set the record straight about research. This undoubtedly will be a welcome sign for the men's movement. So if these women who are starting campus groups are going to be thorough in their investigations there will be another voice speaking out against the misleading information. Best of all it will be women dealing with women. They also ask men to participate aswell. This is FYI to let you know its spreading."

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DNA Dragnet of Men in Louisiana

Bill Kuhl writes "I saw a report on national TV news about a dragnet of men in Louisiana and then later found this article on the same story. Apparently there is a serial killer of women at work in the Baton Rouge/Lafayette area. Police have identified the murderer as male and have commanded hundreds of men in the area to show up to prove themselves innocent through a DNA test. How unbelievably unconstitutional can you get?!!! The same would never be done to women, I believe. One man refused to show up for the test and his name was put in the paper." To me, the most disturbing thing is the number of men who are willingly giving up their rights. [Question to readers]: When will these dragnets hit the town that you're in? Will you submit to the same, given that you have "nothing to hide?"

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Cathy Young Comments on the California Rape Ruling

mcc99 writes "Cathy Young has commented in the Boston Globe on the recent ruling regarding the definition of rape and consent in California. I submitted a letter to the Globe editor, printed below. If you send your own, please make sure it is utterly original, since they are far less likely to publish any letter that appears to be part of a form or write-in campaign." I would encourage people to read Young's article, since she has brought to light some other factors in this case that I was unaware of until now. Read More below to view mcc99's letter.

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MANN Chat: Roe v. Wade--Not for men!

Steve writes "I will host this week's MANN chat, Wednesday night (1/22),
starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, at the usual location. The
topic for this chat will be 'Roe v. Wade at 30: Same Old Legal Abuse of
Men'   In all the hooplah over the 30th anniversary of the U.S.
Supreme Court's controversial 'Roe' decision, many people are
overlooking a simple fact: in the last 30 years, men's rights
concerning reproduction have decreased dramatically.  We now have
rampant paternity fraud, an antire industry dedicated to collecting
so-called 'child support', increasingly anti-father adoption laws,
legalized baby abandonment, and a seriously damaged system of divorce
law.  Where are men today in the area of reproductive choice?
 What can we do to improve things?  Join us at this week's
MANN chat to assess the situation and develop a strategy to correct it."

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