Another Man Driven To Suicide Over Child Support

Luek writes "Last year in the US it was Derrick Miller who publically killed himself in California over an outrageous child support order. Now in Canada, Darren White has committed suicide because of the same misandric burden.

Just when will this insanity end?

The story"

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Fizzled Augusta National Protest A Failure. But A Success For Men?

The screwball, Martha Burk's protest against Augusta National for not having any women members went beautifully as far as I'm concerned. Tom has turned us on to this link on another thread, but I enjoyed the article enough to want to make sure as many people as possible read it.

Many thanks to the misandrist, Martha Burk. She's got a lot of people pointing out that men have rights (freedom of association in this case).

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Martha Burke, still at it...!

Thundercloud. writes "I was just watching the NBC evening news.
They ran a story on the "contraversy" of Augusta national's "men only" policy.
I have to say it was classic far-left, anti-male media bias. They gave Martha (the jerk) Burke plenty of air time to screech like the harpie-feminazi that she is. But the guy who runs Augusta was given perhaps a 3 second blurb to defend his position.
They DID show men counter protesting the feminazi protesters, But they made absolutely certain that they showed the member of the KKK that also showed up at the men's counter rally. This was done, of course, to make it appear that men's activists are SYNONYMOUS with the likes of the Klan!
I find it interesting that the media never asks the question, that if Burke is truely for gender equity, why she and the fem-squad never take to task things like the WNBA, that has no male players. Or why is it that there are at least 500 ALL FEMALE universities in the U.S.A. but NO all men's universities, and why that is the case.
Oh, no. The media would never dare ask such things. If they did Martha (the jerk) Burke's and all feminazi arguments would be rendered completely MOOT! And we can't have that. Not in misandrist America...,


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Unless we forget

zerostress writes "I found this story 2 years ago on an Australian site.
It touched me to know they are still remembered, even if
is only by a small group, the
Men's Titanic Society."

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Heroic Father Risks Jail Rather than Lose Daughter

Tatis writes "Martin Luther King went to jail to end segregation. Nelson Mandela went to jail to end apartheid. Edgar, a Los Angeles teacher, risked a long jail sentence for his right to be a father. Hear this heroic father's gripping story on His Side with Glenn Sacks on KRLA 870 AM in Los Angeles at 11 PM on Sunday, April 13. To listen to the show live via the Internet, go to Listen Live Listeners can call the show at 1 866 870-KRLA.

Also joining Glenn will be Lisa Scott of TABS and former police officer John Brumbaugh."

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Japanese Women Putting Money First?

Looks like the cynics in us are gonna get their fix of cyncism with =,1870,39432,00.html>this article telling us about the Japanese women's
standard in money. The bigest problem I have with this is they're not wanting to marry a man, but an image, and images have a
reputation for fading. This quote makes me wonder "The survey also found that 64 per cent of women questioned thought they would
never get married, although it offered no explanation as to whether that had more to do with women's high expectations or
the nature of Japanese men.
I do wonder about this sometimes.

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History of the Women's Movement: One Woman's Perspective

Since we're having so much fun discussing Erin Pizzey on another thread, I thought I'd add this essay by her on how she's seen the women's movement develop since the late-60s and early-70s.

By the way, I didn't dig through it, but BC Fathers looks like it may be a good site.

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MANN Chat: Men's Right to Freedom of Association

I will host this week's MANN chat, Wednesday
night (4/9), starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, at the href="">usual location. 
The topic for this chat will be "Men's Right to Freedom of
Association."  The recent flap about the Augusta National Golf
Club has generated a lot of controversy.  However, one point that
is often overlooked is the value of men-only spaces.  Sometimes,
men want to be in the company of men.  Should men have the right
to have men-only clubs and organizations?  What value do such
groups offer to individual men and to society, as a whole?  We'll
discuss this question from an unabashedly male-friendly perspective at
tonight's chat.  Join us for tonight's chat and share your views
on this issue.

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Erin Pizzey: Ardent Anti-Feminist

For those who aren't familiar with this wonderful, important woman, Erin Pizzey is the person who started the first shelter for battered women. She quickly became disillusioned by the way feminists stole her efforts and used them in their war against men and little boys. This essay is attributed to her. (It's not on an official, Erin Pizzey site.) I wanted to share it, because it's a good read.

Erin does say, "The gross injustice to men deserves our concern but save your tears for innocent women." I find that statement unfortunate, since feminism has cost men at least as much love from women as it has cost women the love of men. In addition, men are losing their children and being sent to prison as a result of false accusations -- one of feminism's preferred weapons. Nevertheless, this is a good essay.

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Courts, Laws Allow Military Fathers to Be Stripped

Tatis writes "When Gary, a US Navy SEAL, was deployed in Afghanistan as part of Operation Enduring Freedom in the wake of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, he never dreamed that his service to his country would cost him his little son.

Gary and Larry Hellmann, president of the National Congress for Fathers and Children, discussed this terrible injustice and the reforms needed to change it on His Side with Glenn Sacks on KRLA 870 AM in Los Angeles yesterday evening. To listen to the archived show, go to"

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1 in every 142 people in US was in jail last year.

Serge writes ""A report from the US Justice Department also estimated 12 per cent of black men in their 20s and early 30s were in jail last year. [...] The US currently incarcerates more people than any other country in the world."" Articles like this prove our movement to be a moral imperative.

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Retired Lieutenant gives his opinion on DV

This is something I feel is at the heart of the matter for the men's movement. Since the ennactment of VAWA more innocent men have gone to jail than we can imagine. Hardline feminists are not at all interested in finding a solution to domestic violence. They are more interested in destroying the family unit and dividing men and women against eachother. This retired-lieutenant, who has seen it all first hand, gives a good essay on the subject. One that I have fought for myself and one that you should too. Read Here

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Trident Gum castration campaign

SJones writes "Trident Gum has been running an ad featuring two men being castrated by a squirrel which runs up their pant leg and bites their testicles while they scream. Trident's CONTACT link on their web page is not working so they will have to be contacted by other means to complain. But please do complain. Meanwhile, there is a web site that rates ads and has the Trident ad, which you can click on and watch before voting your opinion. The link to the site with the ad is here and so far has rated the ad highly. But only 14 people, including myself, have voted. Only a few of us can bring the rating down closer to where it belongs for using gender-specific sexual violence to sell gum. Please vote and remember this web site next time an ad is run featuring sexual abuse of males to sell a product (and you can be sure there will be a next time, unfortunately.)"

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CA - Incorrect Default Paternity Judgments

warble writes "As everybody knows, anytime that men's activist try to bring fairness to paternity law we get overwhelming opposition, and as predicted the opponents of paternity fraud legislation are opposing SB1030 in California in big numbers. Currently, there are only two letters of support in Senator Ashburn's office for SB1030. Therefore, we need every person on this forum to send in letters and faxes. Do not send emails or make phone calls. They will not work. This must be in writing. Here is a sample letter: Click Read More/Post Comments
for the letter.

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Replace "Failed" Institution of Marriage?


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