Submitted by Adam on Tue, 2003-05-06 00:29
Tatis writes "With one baseless accusation two families were torn apart, three children lost their father, and a woman lost the husband she loves. When John was falsely accused of sexually abusing his daughter from a previous marriage, the state not only drove him out of his daughter's life but also forced John's current wife Rosalind to separate from him and bar him from being a part of their children's lives.
John, Rosalind and the attorney who's fighting to unite John with his children will tell their story on His Side with Glenn Sacks on KRLA 870 AM in Los Angeles at 11 PM on Sunday, May 4. For more information about the show, click here"
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Submitted by Adam on Mon, 2003-05-05 20:39
Tatis writes "Glenn Sacks' latest column, "The Betrayal of the Military Father" (Los Angeles Daily News, 5/4/03) explains how current laws allow military fathers to be stripped of their children while they are away on deployment. Readers can comment on the article by sending letters to the editor to" And on this, you should comment!
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Submitted by Adam on Mon, 2003-05-05 16:36
radikal writes "OHIO - In May 2001, Betty Lucas violated an order of protection by inviting her ex-husband to a party. Following a violent exchange, both were charged with domestic violence. Lucas also received an additional charge for her complicity in violating an order of protection. Now, Lucas wants her conviction overturned and the Ohio Supreme Court has the tough decision of establishing one's responsibility and culpability in violating an order of protection in domestic situations."
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Submitted by Adam on Mon, 2003-05-05 02:40
Freebird writes "Here is the link to the Voluntary Fatherhood Project. No doubt a lot of the news material at this site will make your blood boil, but this is an established organization working to stop the exploitation of males for reproduction purposes. This may be an opportunity to help put a stop to the pedophile females we've been reading so much about lately. I didn't get a chance to read the story all the way through, but there is a link on the page about a man in Australia who WON a sizeable settlement in a paternity fraud case. Our battle is not an easy one, but it is definately winnable...if we show up and fight it." While we do have this link on the frontpage, it looks like we've had an influx of newcomers lately, so here it is.
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Submitted by Adam on Sun, 2003-05-04 20:37
AFG writes "According to this story in the Sacramento Bee, a women who had falsely accused 8 men of rape -- in a blackmail effort to get $500,000 from them -- received a maximum of only one year in jail, due to a plea bargain. Now, if that doesn't get your blood boiling, this will: Her boyfriend, who had a lesser role in the crime, received a maximum of 2 years in jail. Even if he was the motivating factor behind her rape claims, she was still guilty of more crimes than he was. And wasn't she the one who made the accusation after all? 7448998c.html"
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Submitted by Adam on Sun, 2003-05-04 20:35
radikal writes "Shana Davidson, a blogger and graduate of Hampshire College, posited her ideas about the five different types of men and the "rules" of dealing with them. A year later, she reconsidered it. Read the original post at the bottom in bold first, then go back to the top for best results."
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Submitted by Adam on Sun, 2003-05-04 16:32
Trudy W Schuett writes "We’ve got a new front page, featuring the site of the month, a link to upcoming events, and a new, easy way to subscribe. We won’t be archiving past issues on-site this go-round; Volume 3 issues can be found at Smartgroups. As you’ll see from the events, your DLJ publisher is getting around, so this will be one less thing for her to do.
The May 2003 issue features news on how orgs can get help finding volunteers, the long-awaited film, "Evelyn" starring Pierce Brosnan, and much more!"
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Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2003-05-03 20:53
Garth writes "In British Columbia, Canada, the policy is changing so that there will no longer be mandatory charges laid in every case of alleged spousal abuse. Hopefully this will result in some common sense being used when dealing with these cases, rather than an automatic chasing down of the alleged perpetrator with pitchforks."
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Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2003-05-03 16:48
rage writes "Thanks to the tremendous efforts of Men's Health America, the May issue of the American Journal of Public Health features a theme issue on men's health....and the American Public Health Association
held a news conference on April 29 on this topic.
As the Men's Health America site states, "this is a historic event in the development of men's health. We invite you to thank the American Public Health Association for this publication."
So please do thank them by emailing them, and check out the following
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Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2003-05-03 02:50
If the previous incidents over in New Zealand didn't get your blood boiling, this will. According to the stuff story it's quite a depressing read, and right now words fail me.
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Submitted by Adam on Fri, 2003-05-02 22:49
Dittohd writes "I wonder how many at this site are aware of the Free State Project. I'm also wondering what others here think of this as a possible avenue to help us and other like-minded men and women to set up one state as not only more "free" than all the others, but a lot more "equal" and male friendly. As a quick synopsis, people are signing up who are fed up with our continued loss of freedom in the U.S. A number of states are being analyzed to determine and compare each's small population (easier to effect changes in state law and to get elected), the current population's predisposition to the philosophy of more rather than less freedom based on their current laws, etc. The goal is to get at least 20,000 people to move to the chosen state within 5 years of the project reaching that number of particpants. The state will be voted on by all members as soon as 5,000 sign up agreeing to move to that state after the 20,000 number is reached. There are over 3300 presently signed up. What do you think? Do you think this might be a good cause for us to join and advocate?"
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Submitted by Thomas on Fri, 2003-05-02 18:31
It appears that very soon, with artificial wombs, men will be able to create male and female offspring, and women will be able to make female offspring, without recourse to the other sex or to the female body for gestation. (Women may only need male embryonic stem cells, however, to make Y-chromosome sperm and, thereby, to make male offspring.) This article describes how embryonic stem cells (including male embryonic stem cells) can be used to make human eggs.
It's ironic that, just when men are rising up against their oppression, men are gaining reproductive power equal to or exceeding that of women. Ladies and gentlemen: We are living future shock.
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Submitted by Adam on Fri, 2003-05-02 02:30
Thundercloud. writes "I couldn't believe my eyes, when I saw on MSN's homepage an article on MEN'S health. Not women's as is the norm, but MEN'S!
The article is entitled; "Why men die sooner".
They covered all kinds of things that the regular news won't even let see the light of day. Includeing MANY things we have discussed here at MANN.
They compared the life spans of Black and White men, But left out American-Indians, American-Asians and other American men, as usual.
(At least Hispanic men were mentioned, albeit breifly.)
This is a step in the right direction. We should continue to protest MSN when they do their anti-man stuff, But we should also praise them when they do things like this!
If you want to check it out, here's the link;"
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Submitted by Adam on Thu, 2003-05-01 22:27
Doctor Damage writes "I found this one at Mens News Daily. For sheer, jaw dropping insensitivity to the needs of men and our right to justice, this one stands head and shoulders above the pack. In this story a brazilian judge ordered that a man not only pay child support amounting to 100 pounds a month, but fined him a further 10000 pounds. Why? because a probability greater than 99.9% that he was not the natural father based on DNA evidence was insufficient to counter the testimony of witnesses who claimed that he was the father. Notice also, that the story is listed in "quirkies" as if this example of judicial misandry completely out of control is somehow amusing! "
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Submitted by Thomas on Thu, 2003-05-01 03:36
Napnip writes: I was at my local mall today, and there is a store in it called "Gadzooks". It's a trendy clothing store that has all the latest fasions. Well, when I walked past it, I noticed they had lots of large print signs in the windows. The signs said "SAY NO TO EQUAL RIGHTS" and "PROUD TO BE A SEXIST". The signs all had pictures of beautiful women with the bold letters in front of them.
Another sign said that all the male-related items were on sale and that the company was switching over to a completely female-related product line.
If you go to their website, you'll notice that their homepage says "By this summer Gazooks will become a whole new place. One that celebrates, glorifies, dresses and accessorizes girls only." Notice the words "celebrates" and "glorifies".
It's one thing to switch over to a strictly women's clothing store. It's another thing entirely to blatantly display sexism to the point that their signs declare that they're proud of it!
Do you think we should start a letter writing campaign to this company?
If you look at the lower left corner of Gadzooks' Home Page, you'll see a poster that says "EVERYTHING FOR GUYS MUST GO!" Note that the "EVERYTHING FOR" is much smaller than the rest, so what really catches the eye is "GUYS MUST GO!"
Also, Dan Lynch found this gem. Can you imagine an all-men's store selling T-shirts that say "GIRLS ARE STUPID... THROW ROCKS AT THEM!"?
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