No standards and you can still be an abuser

crescentluna writes " These are examples of out-dated but still used methods of psychoanalysis, with examples of misintrepretation. A lot of the bad examples involve child custody battles with guess who losing. I think anyone involved in one should ask for a second opinion when any of these experts claim a child has been abused or a parent is an abuser using these methods."

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Ireland's feminism ill-serves YWCA

CJ writes "This is an excellent article in the Boston Globe by Cathy Young. It covers many issues relevant here: pay wage gap myth, domestic violence, double standards, and how Ireland's leadership at NOW embraced virulent hostility toward fathers. Under Ireland, NOW issued an ''Action Alert on `Fathers' Rights' ''she accused divorced men who seek a role in their children's lives of abusing power ''in the same fashion as do batterers'' and urging feminist activists to combat such proposals as joint custody and divorce mediation instead of litigation. What impact will Ireland bring to the YWCA? Her appointment is a radical 'slap in the face' to the founding mothers of this institution."

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Lifetime Movie Title Generator

It's been sooooooo long since we had a good laugh around here, so why not have a mess with the Lifetime Movie Title Generator and post your results here. We could all do with a laugh.

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Pesticides Linked with Prostate Cancer

radikal writes "Nothing new or unexpected about this, but I'm interested in how this relates to Warren Farrell and his contemporaries theories on men taking on more dangerous occupations."

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Fathers are not optional: a woman's view

Chas writes "Opinion piece in 'The Australian' newpaper of 8th May 2003 by a female journalist. It discusses the significance of fathering - often denigrated - and the role of the Family Court of Australia in parenting orders which favour mothers over fathers.

She says, "So often the deep bond between father and child goes unnoticed. It is underestimated and sadly misunderstood. How else do you explain a society where fatherlessness is so common?"

This is a pro-father item and is refreshing to read when Naomi Wolf in in Melbourne pushing the motherhood bandwagon this week.

An encouraging item.


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The men's movement, why bother?

Thundercloud. writes "Recently I posted some submissions about the way men are being depicted in the media. The formost thing that I found disturbing is the images of "men-in-bondage-by-woman" scenerios as well as simple gratuitous violence against men in general, that are alarmingly freaquent in movies and TV., these days.
The responses I saw disturbed me further. I kept seeing posts that said things like; "Men like being abused by women.", "Men like being dominated by women." and "Men like being treated like dirt."
This gave me pause for thought. If men LIKE being dominated, humiliated and abused by women, then what the heck are we fighting for?
On the one hand I hear men complaining about domestic violence, then turn around and say; "But we like being abused."
I hear men complain about "women haveing privliges and too much power over them", then they turn around and say; "But we WANT to be dominated by women."
I find this not only disturbing but CONFUSEING.
Either men want equality, or they DON'T. You can not have equality if one person or people have "dominion" over another.
If men WANT to be dominated by women, and abused, etc., Then they do NOT want equality, they want to be dominated.
It is at this point I am wondering if I should even be spending my energy fighting for a group of people who say one thing, but WANT just the opposite.
I hope someone can clear this up. Because it HAS to be one or the other. It can't be BOTH!
I am dis-heartened and disapointed by this "revealation" if it is true. But most of all I'm just confused. And I have enough aggravation.......-Thundercloud."

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Men forced out of work and into domestic service

mcc99 writes "MSN can barely contain its glee in this article: 440 at the number of men who, after layoffs and downsizings, are at home being Mr. Mom. Very few by choice, it seems-- most by necessity.

Notice this quote in from article:

"The first half [of the feminist vision] was to liberate women from domestic servitude," says Suzanne Levine, a founding editor of Ms. Magazine and author of "Father Courage: What Happens When Men Put Family First." "The second half was to integrate the men back into the family."

"...integrate the men back into the family".

So, Step One of the 'Grand Plan of Family Destruction' included driving men out of the family and undermining their econominc base, all at once. This seems to have largely succeeded. Step Two appears to consist of re-including men, but as domestic servants, who may be removed at any time through any of various means, including false accusations, etc.

That 50% replacement western birth-rate looks like it'll probably stay that way for awhile."

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PCBs Make Mothers Less Likely to Give Birth to Boys

radikal writes "In conjunction with the Lundberg and Rose study concluding that women with boys are more likely to get married, here is another article detailing the possible connection between high PCB content and low birth rate of boys. Seems like there will be a lot less married women then? nss043003.php"

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Mothers More Likely to Marry Fathers of Sons

radikal writes "Lundberg and Rose, two profs from University of Washington, conclude that mothers having sons are more likely to marry the father than when they have daughters. Most interesting are their speculations about why this is so, particularly Lundberg's. -wma050503.php"

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Wife, Husband Ordered to Separate

Tatis writes "With one baseless accusation two families were torn apart, three children lost their father, and a woman lost the husband she loves. When John was falsely accused of sexually abusing his daughter from a previous marriage, the state not only drove him out of his daughter's life but also forced John's current wife Rosalind to separate from him and bar him from being a part of their children's lives.

John, Rosalind and the attorney who's fighting to unite John with his children will tell their story on His Side with Glenn Sacks on KRLA 870 AM in Los Angeles at 11 PM on Sunday, May 4. For more information about the show, click here"

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Military Fathers Betrayed

Tatis writes "Glenn Sacks' latest column, "The Betrayal of the Military Father" (Los Angeles Daily News, 5/4/03) explains how current laws allow military fathers to be stripped of their children while they are away on deployment. Readers can comment on the article by sending letters to the editor to" And on this, you should comment!

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Betty Lucas And D.V.

radikal writes "OHIO - In May 2001, Betty Lucas violated an order of protection by inviting her ex-husband to a party. Following a violent exchange, both were charged with domestic violence. Lucas also received an additional charge for her complicity in violating an order of protection. Now, Lucas wants her conviction overturned and the Ohio Supreme Court has the tough decision of establishing one's responsibility and culpability in violating an order of protection in domestic situations."

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Voluntary Fatherhood

Freebird writes "Here is the link to the Voluntary Fatherhood Project. No doubt a lot of the news material at this site will make your blood boil, but this is an established organization working to stop the exploitation of males for reproduction purposes. This may be an opportunity to help put a stop to the pedophile females we've been reading so much about lately. I didn't get a chance to read the story all the way through, but there is a link on the page about a man in Australia who WON a sizeable settlement in a paternity fraud case. Our battle is not an easy one, but it is definately winnable...if we show up and fight it." While we do have this link on the frontpage, it looks like we've had an influx of newcomers lately, so here it is.

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Woman makes false accusations as blackmail

AFG writes "According to this story in the Sacramento Bee, a women who had falsely accused 8 men of rape -- in a blackmail effort to get $500,000 from them -- received a maximum of only one year in jail, due to a plea bargain. Now, if that doesn't get your blood boiling, this will: Her boyfriend, who had a lesser role in the crime, received a maximum of 2 years in jail. Even if he was the motivating factor behind her rape claims, she was still guilty of more crimes than he was. And wasn't she the one who made the accusation after all? 7448998c.html"

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The Man Matrix: The Five Different Types of Men

radikal writes "Shana Davidson, a blogger and graduate of Hampshire College, posited her ideas about the five different types of men and the "rules" of dealing with them. A year later, she reconsidered it. Read the original post at the bottom in bold first, then go back to the top for best results."

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