NYTimes reports on Wage Gap

mcc99 writes "The NY Times continues to outdo itself on disseminating false information and misleading statistics favoring females. The latest installment can be found here

The myth of the "wage gap" between men and women is based on the false notion of aggregation-as-fact and presumption of equal outcomes with equal opportunities. What this and other articles on the matter fail to mention is that 1. women tend to gravitate for whatever reason to service sector jobs *despite* the "affirmative action" (legalized discrimination vs. men) that they enjoy in every sector, both high- and low-paying, of the economy, and 2. such factors as supply and demand for services and things like time in grade and experience on the job are not safely ignored, and when taken into account, show no wage disparity between men and women."

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Jobs for the boys

Following Bettina Arndt's request here's the article in question.
It looks like it turned out pretty well, so there's not much left to say apart from read it,
I guess....

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A new front in the war (of the sexes)

Am I good at spotting social trends or what?
No sooner had I posted that, do I come across an article
written by Suzanne Fields calling men in general pigs for lashing out at 30 years and more of
rabid man hating, and then she slams us for not putting women in general first! I imagine she
and Devvy Kidd would
get on quite well....

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Video gets Rape Charge Dismissed

The Gonzo Kid writes "This link This link has a story about three men jailed on charges of rape for almost a week on the sole word of a woman until a video caught her in her lie; showing that there was little in the way of a real investigation, and a rush to judgement. Prosecutors are described as embarassed. I should hope so! It still chaps me, though, that they are only "considering" bringing charges against the false accuser."

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"Violence and Gender Re-examined" Richard Felson

Raymond Cuttill writes "Ian Kelly about the new Child Support Agency assessment procedure and the fight with the CSA.

Richard Felson about his book "Violence and Gender Re-examined" that challenges the feminist view of violence against women.

News of women using sex against men (news??), a woman who wants to sell her father, mothers who don't want equality and men and boys who do.

All this on the March Men's Hour

Been ill but getting better. Hope you enjoy the show."

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The Alpha Male Comeback?

An interesting look
at changing gender dynamics from the nearest man's point of view, from the look of things,
It would seem the groundwork and support for our movement is starting to turn up for us to tap into. You'll probably have to fill out a
short form to read the article, but there's very little info to fill out to access it. Reading
this article, I was reminded of Esther Vilar's quote from
The Manipulated Man
when she said "Men are at best praised for their steadfastness,
courage, reliability - all qualities useful to women
" if you focus on certain quotes, you'll
probably get that feeling as well.

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The (convenient) hazards of being female.

Thundercloud. writes "Look out everybody.
Here we go again with yet another malady that targets *women only*.
According to some of the news media I've listened to, women can now suffer from what is called "Hurried Woman Syndrome" or "H.W.S.".
This comes, apparently, from women "having it all". You know, a career, a husband, kids, house work, soccer practice, etc.
Funny, men have had similar if not even more responsibilities in life but notice there is no "hurried MAN syndrome".
Seems like every week there is a new ailment that targets women only.
With all these ailments, syndromes, maladies and "disorders" that effect only women, how come we always hear only about how "weak", geneticaly inferior and flawed MEN are...?


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Sex as a Weapon

This story tells us how women are getting jobs in Japan. I wonder if the Playboy article tells us how men are scammed here in America.

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MANN Chat: Topics and Guests for Upcoming Chats

I will host this week's MANN chat, Wednesday night (3/19), starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, at the href="http://www.mensactivism.org/chat.shtml">usual location. The
topic for this chat will be "Topics and Guests for Upcoming Chats."
 In this chat, we'll collect ideas for topics for MANN chats to be
held over the next few months.  We'll also develop a list of
candidates we can invite to be guests at our chats.  Don't miss
this opportunity to tell the guys at MANN what topics are important to
you.  See you there!

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New Miller Lite Ad promotes Male D.V.

chicago joe writes "I just read in the local paper that Miller Brewing Co. is going to respond to their controversial Lite ad (with the two women fighting, and their clothes coming off) by creating two female friendly versions. Both spots feature "women fantasies", and will begin airing during the NCAA Tournaments. The first one is going to feature two men who are about to scuffle - their clothes flying off - before they realize they are lovers, not fighters. However, the second spot will feature women who've dated cheating boyfriends. They fantisize about various physically violent ways to get back at them. They include a piano crushing one, a golf shot into the groin of another, and lighting striking another.
Noting that alcohol is an unequivical co-factor in most assualts and most domestic violence situations, one must question the wisdom of this move. But I'm sure if the people at Miller Brewing Co. have not realized their foolish mistake, the boys at Mensactivism will let them know!
Side Note: Thanks to Jeffery Leving, the well known father rights attorney in Chicago and Rep. William Delgado (D-Chicago), the Illinios House Judiciary Committee has unanimously approved the states first paternity fraud bill. It now goes to the House for a final vote. I'll keep everybody posted."

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We Must Seek The Truth

This fact finding essay puts legislators on the spot. The total disregard for the evidence in front of their eyes. The refusel to look at the complexities of domestic violence. The facts that will show that the patriarchy is not the reason for domestic violence. As more and more people begin to wake up to the falsehoods of the 'Battered Women's Industry'.

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Sacks Blasts Feminist 'Women do the World's work"

Tatis writes "In Sacks' newest column, "Men, Women and Work" he writes:

"One of the staple feminist claims heard every March during International Women's Day and Women's History Month is that 'women do the work of the world'... negative references to men and housework litter our popular culture. 'The Myth of Male Housework: For Women, Toil Looms From Sun to Sun' was a headline in one major publication, over a cartoon depicting a woman juggling (and struggling) with a baby, a roasted turkey, and a house pet, while her husband watches TV and "juggles" his beer and his potato chips...

...[However] the U.N. report upon which most claims of 'women work more' are based was deeply flawed...""

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Addressing Gender disparity in the workforce

ahhkaboom writes "Men still only go to make up 20% of the workforce in most offices across the UK and unemployment has always been largely a male problem. Manbalance intends to target that disproportion.

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Men's Health Week to become international

rage writes "As some of you may already know, men's health week will become international for the first time in 2003. Countries included : USA, England, Scotland, Wales and Australia. Please make sure that all masculist sites and people you know are informed of that. That event must become known on a large scale.

Here is a link that provides the reader with useful information about this topic.

Men's Health.

Obviously, men's health is perhaps the only one masculist subject that draws public attention, and I think we can be confident for the coming decades as far as men's health is concerned."

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Radical feminist publicly calls for male gendercid

Anonymous User writes "This article by Dr. Helen Caldecott is the most disgusting article I have ever read and the mainstream is taking it seriously. This woman is pissed off becaues an editor at Marvel did not want to run her anti-male rant so she developed this "Code Pink" speech. Be warned that frontpagemag.com is really busy because of this article so you may not be able to see the page on the first try. Here is a quote from the aritcle. ""I mean how dare, HOW DARE these men think they can do this. WHO DO THEY FLAMING WELL THINK THEY ARE? They are truly pathological and they should all be removed, as I have said, for the public health of the people of the planet. Now 53% of us are women. We’ve had the majority and we’ve been absolute wimps. And it’s time we smacked their bottoms, removed them and we took over. I’m not just joking --this isn’t funny. I am deadly serious.""

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