Submitted by Adam on Fri, 2003-05-16 21:38
Ok folks, here goes the first week of Ask Ads where you ask your questions and I (along with the regulars) try to answer 'em. So let's begin.
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Submitted by Adam on Fri, 2003-05-16 18:24
Luek writes "This is an article about an Air Force Academy cadet charged with raping a female cadet. His name is printed for all the world to see but not the female accusor's.
This man has not been convicted of any criminal act so why should his name be dragged through the mud? This is always the pattern when the media reports alledged man on woman crime. The man is always named but the female accusor is never mentioned so as to protect her precious sensitivities. And of course women never make false allegations of rape or other crimes as we all know!"
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Submitted by Adam on Fri, 2003-05-16 02:40
Andrew74 writes "
This just makes me sick. It's unbelievable, I don't know what to say. It's great to know that only society's standards and the chance of getting caught stop most women from abandoning their families.
Some background history to this story:
Dar Heatherington is a city alderman that made accusations of kidnapping, stalking, and rape when she was found in Las Vegas after disapearing on a trip to Great Falls. She was questioned by the police, her story fell apart, and she admitted that she made the whole story up and had really just ran off with a married man."
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Submitted by D on Thu, 2003-05-15 21:36
" This female 'cadet' downs six shots of tequila in a men's
dorm, then has sex. Guess who's fault it is?"
by Dave Nevers
"And she went to the men's dorm after having drunk alcohol already and
then downed another six shots of tequila.
However, the rape- and various associated charges in the case are for
a good cause, to save the woman's reputation (the sex was apparently
Defense counsel Capt. Kathleen Reder suggested the woman
reported the incident because she was worried her
boyfriend, also a cadet, would be angry with her for having
sex and that her reputation would be tarnished.
The man's reputation doesn't matter; to save the woman's, the man's
reputation needs to be destroyed. That is part of the price to be
paid for female "liberation" and "equality".
The moral of the story is, if you are a woman who has had illicit sex
and was found out, offence is the best defence: LAY RAPE CHARGES!
Chances are it will work more often than not in the woman's favour; if
not, so what! There are no consequences for women for lying in the
There's nothing new about any of that." Here's some points you'll find interesting.
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Submitted by Adam on Thu, 2003-05-15 20:37
Luek writes "This article is about a woman who kills her 2 young sons and tries to kill a third on Mother's Day weekend. This story is almost an exact copy of the Andrea Yates horror of a couple of years ago and in the same state (Texas) believe it or not! I am betting she will get no more than 10 years because her defense team will play somekind of B.S. abuse excuse card!"
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Submitted by Adam on Thu, 2003-05-15 03:49
Tatis writes ""As tragic as the death of a father is in a young child's life, it simply can't compare to the loss of a mother."
With these words syndicated columnist Linda Chavez spat on the American father and endorsed the justification under which millions of men have been involuntarily separated from the children who love them and need them. Glenn Sacks and his guests will fire back at Chavez and remind audiences of the importance of fathers in children's lives on His Side with Glenn Sacks on KRLA 870 AM in Los Angeles at 11 PM on Sunday, May 18."
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Submitted by Adam on Thu, 2003-05-15 00:27
Richard Green, M.D. writes " The Heinz foundation awarded
child support queen Geraldine Jensen a Heinz Award for achievement in public policy. Ms. Jensen is a strong proponent of blatantly unfair presumptive child support guidelines and draconian child support enforcement. She is an enemy of fathers. Heinz should be targetted for boycott.
Regards, Richard Green, M.D."
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Submitted by Adam on Wed, 2003-05-14 20:26
MrDave writes "Communist leader Leon Trotsky observed, 'You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.' ... A perfect view of the war on men ... In the 1930's, in Germany, perceptive Jews escaped to England, Canada, Australia, South Africa, or the USA, fleeing the war of death on their horizon ... Today, where can men escape the war on us?? ... Nowhere in the USA is safe ... Male-bashing is endemic in Canada, Australia, and the U.K. ... I have stopped trying to stem the tidal wave of anti-man attitudes ... I have come to the conclusion that stoping it is impossible ... Now I simply want to get away from this war on men ... Is there any place, anywhere, where a man can escape?" While I did post about such a place in the first Ask Ads announcement, running away will only make things get much worse.
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Submitted by Adam on Wed, 2003-05-14 16:23
CPM writes "Court Appearance for Texas Woman Charged in Sons' Deaths
OK I'll get the ball rolling... I suppose she had post-partum psychotic mestrual patriarchal oppression depression/psychosis! Perhaps we can even invent a few more. Also, lets not forget any men who happen to be nearby. For it is not Miss Laney who did this, some man somewhere must certainly be totally responsible for this horrible tragedy.
"We all believe as a family that this wasn't our Dee that did this to her children," I sincerely sympathize with this family, but I can assure you that it was Dee who did this. She said so herself!
"I'm not sure if she can truthfully say she understands what is going on," Files told the judge.
Perhaps a needle in the arm will help to enlighten this "petite" "wide-eyed" angelic picture of innocence.
"bashed their heads in with a rock," Sheriff J.B. Smith said.
I'll see you in hell Miss Laney; you can room with me..."
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Submitted by Steve on Wed, 2003-05-14 04:08
I will host this week's MANN chat, Wednesday
night (5/14), starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, at the
href="">usual location. MANN
has a new chat server! The
topic for this chat will be "Gearing Up for Men's Health Week."
href="">International Men's
Health Week will be observed June 9-15, 2003. The organizers
of Men's Health Week want to raise awareness about health issues that
affect men. Various men's health events are planned all over the
world during this week. What can we as men's activists do to
celebrate International Men's Health Week and make the public more
aware of men's health concerns? Join us at the
style="font-weight: bold;">new MANN chat server as we share
ideas to celebrate this important week. Tell a friend or two!
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Submitted by Thomas on Wed, 2003-05-14 01:23
What with our buddy, Hootie at Augusta National, standing up to the lunatic fembots, and now men like Vijay Singh and Nick Price daring to forthrightly speak the truth, I'm becoming quite the fan of golfers, if not the sport itself. This Sports Illustrated article reports on the ploy of allowing the Swedish woman, Annika Sorenstam, to play in the PGA's Colonial next week.
Women have the LPGA. By letting a woman play in a PGA tournament, the sports powers-that-be nudge out a man, who would otherwise have gotten to play (a man who might well clean the links with Sorenstam).
Maybe it's time to eliminate special teams and leagues for women. Then again, maybe we should create separate teams and leagues for every special interest group that can't measure up. If I were in college, I wouldn't make the basketball team because I am not tall enough and I'm no longer as fast and agile as I once was. Maybe there should be a separate basketball league for people over 40, who are within 4 inches of average height (and yet another league for those who are shorter). The league should receive equal government funding, of course, and the public should be guilt tripped into attending games.
On the other hand, maybe there should be one team per sport per school, and the best men and women should get to be on the team.
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Submitted by Adam on Wed, 2003-05-14 00:32
Mangesh writes "According to the latest figures released by the Indian government, the proportion of women holding a job in the organized sector in India has gone up from 15 % to 18.5 % in the last five years. In India, the organized sector accounts for only 7% of the total workforce, and a job in this sector is a passport to prosperity. What is worrying is that male employment in this sector actually declined by 1.3 million and female employment increased by 0.4 million. This data explodes the feminist perpetrated myth of `feminization of poverty'. The following link is to the story in the English language daily `The Economic Times'. ncomp/articleshow?msid=45504919"
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Submitted by Adam on Tue, 2003-05-13 19:31
MrDave writes "Time magazine - back in 1994! - wrote: 'the overt man bashing of recent years has now refined itself into a certain atmospheric snideness – has settled down to a vague male aversion, as if masculinity were a bad smell in the room.' (Time, Feb. 14, 1994) ... This quote in a thoughtful essay by Gerald L. Rowles, Ph.D.,
"From M.L.K. To N.O.W. To NAMBLA, Devolution And The Abuse Of Power". ... Rowles' essay offers a thoughtful perspective on what society will be like in the years ahead ... 020520.htm"
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Submitted by Thomas on Tue, 2003-05-13 16:53
Here's an excellent essay by our ally Wendy McElroy. It's a call for an end to male-bashing, to anti-male hatred, really. And it's a great read.
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Submitted by Adam on Tue, 2003-05-13 02:25
radikal writes "Bridget Harrison of the New York Post, compares the movies The Real Cancun and Down With Love to real life tension over casual sex between men and women. Post-feminists never had it so angsty!
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