BBC Pulls Offensive Commercial

radikal writes "Perhaps I read into the topic a bit deeply, but I could only imagine the silence if the shoe was on the other foot."

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Wed Night Chat: Big Sister is Watching

Dan Lynch writes "'BIG SISTER IS WATCHING' will be the topic. Im amazed at the turn of events; personally, I think its good publicity all around. Can't wait for Oprah to do a segment, myself. Here is a good article on the debacle of government funded feminism to go after men's activists. "Make sure you read to the bottom after the long list of names cited by the Canadian Feminists. The other links are up and running now. "
and "Here. It's a move in censorship that would make Stalin proud and Orwell protesting. Of course the the feminists rely on the oldies but goldies of 'abuse' and 'sex crimes' along with women's oppression as their reasoning factors. And as usual with those crimes its always their word and their word alone that is the convicting factor. With so many closed courtrooms and unconstitutional trials the public will never know until its to late. Its also difficult for embarassed men to fight the system that has degraded them so much publicly without fair treatment. I find it astonishingly interesting that those are the crimes in which rules of evidence are very different than regular trials. Here is another link that I feel coincides with all of this. The author asks why there is "double standards."
Your input at the chat is important and a greater understanding of what's happening here is needed. "Freedom is the freedom to say 2 + 2 = 4"

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Mr T Pities Mensactivism!

You ever wondered what would happen if an certain 80's pop culture icon came across us, and decided to do what we do his way? well, here's a look at would happen if he got his way. He also showed us what he could do to Angryharry and the Ifems as well. Whew, that was something else :-) I'm posting this mainly for keeping our morale up, as it hasn't always got to be doom and gloom in our line of work.

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Women Who Murder Their Children

radikal writes The bodies of three dead infants were found in a storage unit in Arizona. Their mother was their killer. Kranes says in her article, "O'Dell had kept the three pregnancies, and the babies' births, a secret, Lungren said, explaining that she was able to hide her condition because she was very heavy."

Here's an encouraging piece of related news (Thomas writing now). Apparently, courts are starting to hold women a bit more responsible for their actions.

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Male Bashing at the New York Times

After getting caught up in the scandal over dishonest reporting by Jayson Blair, the New York Times has sought to portray the problem as an isolated incident. This editorial by Carey Roberts, writing in, serves to somewhat debunk that spin control by pointing out the newspaper's systematic anti-male bias.

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Girls are victims even when they commit crimes?

CJ writes "Here is a despicable article that clearly outlines a new standard of (in)justice, one applied to men, and another to women. The article (and study) is clearly sexist and feminist, it states that "because there is a zero tolerance for violence in the home, it's been criminalized across the board - But in a lot of the girls' cases these are social service problems, not problems solved by prosecutions.'' What is stated here is the complete opposite of the treatment men (boys) get is MA as set up by feminist jurisprudence. The article states that Girls who commit crimes should get "vehicles to be empowered to control their own destiny." This type of study is non-empirical, and always intends to offer girls less responsibility for their actions while maintaining more options for these girls to get out of any accountability. Please write the Boston Globe with disgust that they would publish this sexist garbage on the front page of their newspaper."

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Domestic Violence issues in Norway.

khankrumthebulgar writes "Gentlemen,

While reading the Glenn Beck web site I found a link to terrorism affecting the Norwegians. On that web site is a link regarding the unfair treatment of Men in Norway in Domestic Violence issues and how their concerns are not being addressed. The UK, France, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Norway, & the US. I turned 47 on Sunday. I can distinctly remember the "Women's Rights" movement becoming a political force as a teenager. Now the Feminazis are trying to create this Lesbian paradise devoid of Men. I hope those bitches love burqas. If this trend of the feminization of The West continues. We can kiss our freedoms and culture goodbye. Dumb asses all of them.

In my 47 years I have seen Oprah become a Billionaire and own 2 cable Networks both anti-male. She made it by bashing Men. I have witnessed Men friends, cousins, relatives go through Divorce and many never remarry. They are burned out to Women and their demands. I am sick of Women's abuse of my gender. I am sick of their abuse of boys. I agree that Bernard Goldberg's book "Bias" speaks volumes about the propaganda war against Men. I fear for my Three Sons and Grandsons. I have been through a Divorce in the mid 90s, and remarried in the late 90s. If my second marriage fails I am personally done with marriage. It holds nothing for Men but obligation. We can thank the gutless asses in Congress from both Parties for this mess. And for the NOW gang of Lesbians. You hate Men, the feeling is mutual. I could use the materials for another drinking cup.


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Family Law Reloaded

Dan Lynch writes "I thought this piece was great. The writer takes some quotes from the Matrix series and applys them to our family courts culture. Its a fun read I think. "Go here."

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Extra-uterine fetal development

Anonymous User writes "Irish Independent newspaper on 24/5/03. It was reported that a baby girl developed on her mother's liver. The baby weighed in at 6 pounds after an ultrasound scan showed the mother's womb was empty. At operation, Professor Jack Krige found the amniotic sac behind the liver, cut it open and delivered the baby. Operation took place at the Groote Schur hospital in Cape Town, South Africa.
This is further evidence that uterus not absolutely necessary for human reproduction. Also it makes the concept of an artificial uterus seem more credible"
I think I saw this on mensdaily, no promises through.

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Meryl Streep Challenges N.H. Graduates

Anonymous User writes "Meryl Streep spreads her wisdom. 0.html"

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Where's the Media?

The Gonzo Kid writes "Well, no link, heck you can probably find your own. Annika didn't make the cut; though credits, I suppose, are due her for not shooting from the red tees. What I do notice is that time and again the "applause" for her is mentioned, even when she bogeyed. So where, I ask, is the media mentioning all the men who failed in their efforts to move to the advanced rounds? Why is it that a woman gets all this credit for trying and failing (while in on a pass) when these men aren't even mentioned at all, many who have failed to make the cut for a few years running, but still plugging away? Things to make you go "Hmmmmmm....""

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The Post Finally Slipped Up

Neil Steyskal writes "Here's an historic event: the Washington Post finally let a letter with a man's point of view get into print. Let's hope somebody doesn't get fired over this. 56-2003May23.html"

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extraordinarily evil message in WA initiative...

ppmnow writes "Read this link:

Here is a quote from the homepage:

"It also exposes the problem that our government could have created a One Strike You're Out Law but instead proved impotent to deal with these horrendous crimes against our children and women."

She is perpetrating a most egregious falsehood on page one by implying only children and women are affected by sex crimes! She also references more instances of men behaving badly throughout her site (I don’t recall her attaching one single referential scenario involving a woman perp).

To everyone involved with this site, get off your duffs and write this lady, tell her what she is doing is flat out wrong! Tell her she either changes the homepage and the rest of her site to make it gender neutral, or we will fight this initiative tooth and nail! Remember, she comes from the same state that produced Mary Kay Letourneau! You can reach her here:

I’m also contacting the print and airwave media to point out the absolute hypocrisy of this situation, but I need your help to make a real difference. Let’s not allow this to go unchallenged. If we are a force, then let that force be wielded now !

One last note: The wording behind this initiative is overreaching and so blatantly unconstitutional I know it will fail any higher court challenge.

Mitchell A. Smith"

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Just walk into any wal mart and look around

Anonymous User writes "Just walk into any wal mart and look around, do you see any guys??? If so what is HE doing??? If you don't want to walk in, just call. . .any department and see if a man actually answers the phone. I have called wal mart (local) and their world headquarters many times. . .managers, human recource, specific departments. . .yet to talk to a man. I watch as anything deemed "Male" items is simply being removed from the shelves.
Discrimination . . . against WHO???
I stopped shopping there, I am driving 30 minutes more to shop at Mejer's. Why? As I told the (apparently "female only")reps for wal mart "I WON'T support any business that has such an obvious anti-male agenda. . . . . . .EVER". I (and my family) have shopped primarily at wal marts for the past 20 years. . .never again."

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Hormone Replacement Therapy for our older brothers

rage writes "For years, women have benefited from hormone replacement therapy (estrogen and progesterone), and as usual there was no equivalent for the growing number of men getting older....but recently HRT for men has become the norm, and in the future men will have full access to male hormones and all their health benefices : growth of muscle mass, increase of bone density, improvement of cognitive abilities (spatial, logical and scientist skills), reinforcement of self-confidence. So for all our older brothers on this site who are in their 50's or 60's, do not forget to visit your physician and ask for the prescription.

Your French brother,
Rage ain554633.shtml"

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