Public Humiliation Not Enough Reason For Divorce

AngelKnight writes "I don't know if you've seen this, but there's been a ruling in Italy where a magistrate who divorced his wife because she would berate him in public and abuse him verbally all the time was wrong in divorcing her - because there was no cause. Of course, she claims that this is just par for the course in married relationships."

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History of the Women's Movement: One Man's Perspective

I recently posted a link to an essay by Erin Pizzey that discussed the development of the women's movement since the late-1960s. Here's an essay by a man on the development of feminism in the same time period. It's a bit long, but a good read.

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Scholars ask if manly virtue is all washed up

CJ writes " What is the future of manliness
itself after decades of ignominious retreat? Get a group of academic feminists together, invite a pro-male College professor, and debate the need for masculine studies on campus at Radcliffe. The head feminist asks "whether masculinity studies isn't a form of ''academic Viagra''-an attempt to resolve the culture-wide crisis of ''hetero-masculinity'' by stealing some of feminism's scholarly mojo." The article ends by implying that women have less justice than men do... unbelievable. I’d like to add that it is time to start lawsuits that demand equal budgets for studies in both sexes on college campus, just like in sports. Normative studies on masculinity are all but gone. Thirty years of hard-line feminist studies on perceived masculine socio-pathological constructs have lead to laws which are biased against men, and have resulted in the “culture-wide crisis of ''hetero-masculinity'' – time for a change."

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Men's Health Act : good news at last

rage writes "The Men's Health Act bill is currently being reintroduced in the Congress, or will be in a few weeks, so perhaps this amazing breakthrough for men's rights is not too far away now. Keep up the good work, brothers, men's health is perhaps the only one field in which we manage to make our voices heard!

See the latest news in the

following link"

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Skakel gets Railroaded

Since when did America start convicting people based on soundbites? Have juries become so stupid to take a man's life away from him without hearing the whole context of a conversation? The prosicution kept replaying over and over a soundbite from a conversation taped decades ago by the police while denying the rest of the conversation to be heard. Our individual rights are nothing but a history lesson. Read Here.

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Returning to New Zealand, Things Get Much Worse....

I hope you're sitting down and not drinking anything when you click,2106,2412808a10,00.html>this link and see how things are
unfolding, It's.... Well, here's a quote from the 21 year old woman who had adult relations
with a 13-year-old swim champion; To quote "He is not a little kid. If he made the decision
to deal with grown up things he needs to own up to what he is doing in a grown up way. Maybe he
is a child. But he chose to do grown up things.
" It's quite something when a woman goes
around commiting sex crimes on a minor, blaming her victim and practically no-one cares, Don't you

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Canadian Supreme Court rules separation agreements

Garth writes "An Ontario judge and later the Ontario Court of Appeals ruled that a spouse should be able to reopen separation agreements simply by showing a material change of circumstance (meaning whenever you feel like it). Now, the Canadian Supreme Court has reversed that and what's more has also stated that judges should not "presume an imbalance of power" between a husband and wife. So, not only do agreements actually mean something now, but the court seems to making a point that husbands aren't always the bad guys."

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Sommers and Sacks to Discuss 'Boy Crisis'

Tatis writes "April 24 is "Take Our Daughters to Work Day," which was renamed "Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day" for this year. Christina Hoff Sommers, author of The War Against Boys, will join Glenn to discuss the boy crisis in education on His Side with Glenn Sacks on KRLA 870 AM in Los Angeles at 11 PM on Sunday, April 20. To listen to the show live via the Internet, go to>.

Listeners are invited to call the show and join the discussion at 1 866 870-KRLA. To get CDs and cassettes of all previous and future shows and to learn how to support the show, go to>"

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Equal Opportunity Creates Greater Female Victims

Ray writes "In
this article
author Elaine Donnely asks (Are 'women') "serving at greater risk?" (than men?) emphasis mine. This article appears to try to delve deeper and ferret out the ramifications, “Are women today who encounter combat at greater risk than men in every way? Are they at greater risk, simply because of their gender’s lesser physical strength and resultant inabilities, or does their physiological roll as sexual attractants to men put them in even greater risk of rape, genital mutilation, torture, and death?” Hum? Could you somehow weave the domestic violence “primary aggressor” rule into some of the replies to these questions? Do policies for women in combat and women in domestic violence reflect an American double standard?"
There was also an interesting thread on this as well.

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Gender War, Sexuality, and Love

Philalethes writes "The link (last Tuesday) to BusterB's comments led me eventually to Gender War, Sexuality, and Love, which has a lot of commentary I think MANN readers would enjoy. Perhaps it's been featured before, but not recently. I've been browsing it for the last couple of hours, and particularly enjoyed 'Can't we all just get along? Can't we just go out on a date?,' 'An open letter to women,' 'Masculism, not me-too-ism,' to name only a few. Give it a try."

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A Victory In Canada?

Andrew74 writes "Old Divorce Agreements Can Not Be Reopened-

Edmonton Journal

This looks like a victory for divorced men whose ex-wives use the anti-family court system to extort money from them. The only problem is that it still leaves loopholes for anti-family judges to reopen cases. Canadian anti-family judges are notorious for utilizing loopholes to push their feminist agenda."

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Activism Needed for NH Men's Commission

After being very patient with the new Governor of New Hampshire, the NH chapter of the National Congress for Fathers and Children is asking for help in a focused letter writing campaign to get the final members of the New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men (NHCSM) appointed so that the Commission may fulfill its duties. We suffered attempted sabotage of the commission last year by former Governor Shaheen and now have a more neutral Governor, Craig Benson, in office. However, he apparently doesn't understand the urgency of making these nominations. Please help us demonstrate to Governor Benson that a lot of people care about this Commission and want the nominations to be made immediately. Click here to participate in this campaign. Note that you do not need to be a NH resident for your letter to count. And thank you in advance for your help!

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Further Erosion of our Civil Rights

Here is a suggestion being tabled for domestic violence. This reccomondation will allow the police to monitor just about everyone in the future as far as Im concerned. Ankle monitors will be placed on "offenders". I use the term lightly because none of the alleged offenders will probably see a trial and will have to wear the monitors as a condition of bail. Since the law enforcement will only see men as abusers and are only trained to see men as abusers, this will further subjugate men to the state based on descrimination.

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In New Zealand....

There's one hell of a double standard, You regulars are gonna love this one, It's something else.

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Bill Would Do Away With No-Fault Divorce

This article discusses some of the arguments, pro and con, surrounding a bill to eliminate no-fault divorce in Louisiana. It's a bit of a mystery to me why any man would get married today, but some do so this is an important issue for them.

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