Submitted by Adam on Sun, 2003-06-08 01:36
Tatis writes "An influential Canadian ministry has accused American and Canadian men’s and fathers’ organizations of "hate propaganda" and has issued recommendations which could threaten the Canadian groups with prosecution and jail.
Marc Angelucci and Ray Blumhorst of the National Coalition of Free Men, one of the groups targeted by the report, will discuss this threat and NCFM's struggle for men and fathers on His Side with Glenn Sacks on KRLA 870 AM in Los Angeles at 11 PM on Sunday, June 8. To listen to the show live via the Internet, go to Listen Live."
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Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2003-06-07 22:35
LeMorteMark writes "I just learned that the cable station TNN, will become SpikeTV. It appears they are trying to market this as "TV for Men". I am looking forward to seeing this channel but when I checked out the website, it looked more like a station for reruns of cancelled shows than a "Lifetime for men". Still its a step in the right direction. They should have a couple of shows that focus on men's news and politics. Maybe a news program anchored by Glenn Sacks or a TV version of "families under siege". I would be more interested in that kind of stuff than just seeing more stereotypes of guys belching and watching football. Here's the website: Spike Tv"
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Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2003-06-07 18:34
ppmnow writes "Very nice article (remember to check and remove any spaces!)- written by Bruce Linton. Can't believe MSN actually posted this. Could it be...pressure? I would prefer fairness, understanding, equality. Maybe they're starting to listen afterall. I damn well hope so!"
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Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2003-06-07 03:30
Caeruleus Flamma writes "This is an article from yahoo that, I think is pretty good. Mostly it discusses Hillary Clinton Which naturally shrewd and shark-like operator won fame, power and certain riches on a platform of pity - posing as the pathetically abused victim of one of the world's most powerful men?
A. Monica Lewinsky.
B. Jayson Blair.
C. Hillary Clinton (news - web sites).
The correct answer is - you knew this was coming - D. All of the above."
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Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2003-06-07 00:23
This week, I'm posting a requested essay from one of our regulars, I think you'll find it interesting. Click the old "read more/post comments" to read it.
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Submitted by Adam on Fri, 2003-06-06 22:22
CJ writes " The Associated Press has an odd propensity for outlining issues relevant to women despite the relevance of the data (or study). In this article, one would read the headline and assume that increased driving speeds are killing women. However at the end of the article it states that "highway deaths may be increasing for women but nearly 28,000 men died in automobile crashes in 2001, compared with more than 13,000 women. Obvioulsy many factors contribute to this disparity (such as more men on the road driving), but to frame this study as a isssue relevant to women while more than double the amount of men are dying on the roads illustrates a common yet slight double standard in contemporary journalism. Post how you think the headline would read if the genders were to be reversed..."
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Submitted by D on Fri, 2003-06-06 21:12
Marc writes "The June 2003 issue of Men's Health Magazine surprisingly contains an article on how the child support/custody system is devastatingly unfair to fathers. I've subscribed to Men's Health for about 10 years and have never seen them cover men's rights issues this honestly, with the exception of issues like circumcision and the huge disparity in funding for prostate cancer research compared to breast cancer research. I know a number of activists have written the Men's Health editor in the past and requested more coverage of men's rights issues. Maybe it helped after all. It would be good if we purchased the June 2003 issue of Men's Health and even wrote thank you letters to the editor to send the message that we want more coverage of these issues.
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Submitted by Adam on Fri, 2003-06-06 19:22
Anonymous User writes "Today, numerous media outlets are covering a lawsuit against 10 domestic violence shelters in LA County alleging they use state funds to discriminate against male victims. It has been on the radio and in various large newspapers, one of them being the
San Bernardino Sun.
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Submitted by Adam on Fri, 2003-06-06 00:20
Ron J writes "We now have 53 cosponsors. Write to your congressmen and Senators and keep this momentum going.
Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham and Senator Mike Crapo have introduced companion bills which will establish an Office of Men's Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This office would mirror the work of the existing Office of Women's Health, which has helped to save thousands of women's lives and has improved the lives of many more.
Write a letter to your congressmen and Representatives. Sign this
online petition" The list of co-sponsors is copied below.
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Submitted by Adam on Thu, 2003-06-05 22:17
The Gonzo Kid writes "From the `Things to make ya go hmmm Department:" I find the last line in this whole story very revealing, to wit: "Asked whether she continued the struggle out of a desire for vindication, or in revenge, she said, ''A little of both.'' That's right, you greedy female. Go after the kids from the second marraige. Well, in Boston, it doesn't even end with death, does it?"
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Submitted by Adam on Thu, 2003-06-05 18:13
Chas writes "Men are now expected not to stray too far too often. Out-of-home leisure - all-day weekend rounds of golf, days at the dogs - now has to compete with the new demands placed on men by their wives and children.
Is this true, and if so, is it a good thing?
Bettina Arndt is an Australian journalist who regularly examines men's issues and in the process frequently runs foul of certain feminists. In this article, in Melbourne's "The Age" newspaper, she discusses recent research which shows men generally work longer hours than women in paid and unpaid employment and have far less leisure time than they used to. Read the article here. The online reaction is worth looking at too."
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Submitted by Steve on Thu, 2003-06-05 05:06
I have sent a lengthy letter to the Honorable Jean Augustine, Secretary
of State (Multiculturalism) (Status of Women), to protest Status of
Women Canada's recent publication that calls for
censorship of men's activists and organizations. You can view the
letter as a
file here, or in
format here. I hope other men's activists will write letters
protesting this advocacy research and the Canadian federal government's
funding of it. My letter is an open letter, so feel free to use
it for your activism if you find it helpful. I'd appreciate an
attribution if you do. Thanks.
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Submitted by D on Thu, 2003-06-05 02:47
MrDave writes "Would a man get a fair trial?
In our culture today men are not allowed to denigrate women, but women compete with each other in their ridicule of men ... In our culture today whites are not allowed to comment about blacks, but blacks can say, well, pretty much anything ... This story in the _NY Post_ combines both of those ironies. ... As you read it, wonder, 'Would a white man get a fair and objective trial from this judge?'"
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Submitted by Adam on Thu, 2003-06-05 00:18
masculinism writes "G'Day from Sydney Australia. If it wasn't so serious it would be laughable. Under the Office of the Status of Women the Federal Government launched a $50 million dollar 'initiative' on domestic violence to be headed up by a department called Partnerships Against Domestic Violence. Now just take a look at the supposed "Facts About Domestic Violence in Australia" that underpinns this departments philosophy on domestic violence. Here is a exerpt: In 1996 the Australian Bureau of Statistics surveyed 6,300 Australian women for the Women's Safety Survey. The survey asked women about their experience of actual or threatened physical or sexual violence and found that in relation to violence by a male partner" 6,300 WOMEN!!!! What the hell happened to the survey on 6,300 MEN!!!!! Read the exact document here
Regards Masc"
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Submitted by Steve on Wed, 2003-06-04 21:15
This week's MANN chat will be held on Wednesday
night (6/4), starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, at the
href="">usual location. Recently,
Canadian feminists used Canadian taxpayers' money to publish a
for censorship of men's activists that was disguised as
"research." We began the discussion at last week's chat.
This week, we'll discuss direct action that we can take to combat this
latest threat to men's rights. Also, Scott has fixed some
settings on our chat server, so it should work much better for us this
week. I hope to see you there!
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