Submitted by D on Tue, 2003-07-01 07:45
Glenn Sacks' latest column, "New Study Punctures Myth of Uncaring Divorced Dad" came out in New York Newsday last week and is now available at>
The column discusses new research which shows that divorced dads are far more generous with their children than they are given credit for.
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Submitted by D on Tue, 2003-07-01 07:44
As far as boycotting particular companies, I have a problem with that. Only a small percentage of employees at a company (or the advertising executives they hire) are responsible for misandric advertisements, and boycotting could result in loss of business, and many innocent people losing their jobs. The only time I would boycott if is hatred of a particular group is a prerequisite for joining, or a high percentage of the members hate a particular group. Since it seems a very high percentage of NOW members are man-haters, I certainly wouldn't buy anything from them.
As far as boycotting Lifetime, they do have many programs that could appeal to men, such as movies with women many men admire. Also, they once had a movie produced called "Men Don't Tell". It features a man who is physically abused by his crazy, maniacal pig of a wife. She is played by Judith Light, who is a tall, menacing woman.
In a climactic scene near the end, she is yelling at him and hitting him. The little daughter runs up and says, "Mommy. Stop it! Stop it!" She then turns and starts hitting the little girl. To protect his daughter, he slugs his wife and knocks her out. My other e-mail address is
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Submitted by Adam on Mon, 2003-06-30 22:43
CJ writes "
The "Lace Curtain" (feminist tilted media bias) seems to be ripping at some of its seams, but only a little... "60 Minutes" did a story on Title IX. The report pointed out the gains women have made in sports since it was passed, and about the impact this has had on men's athletic programs - basically non-revenue generating men's sport programs have been eliminated on many campuses to meet gender quotas. Of course feminist groups are organized to oppose any reform to Title IX and their viewpoints were a big part of the news story. Title IX was created to stop gender bias, now it is used as a tool to eliminate men's sports despite student interest and participation levels - just to maintain gender quotas, and it is enforced by feminists interested ONLY in the well being of females. Lets support the cause and contact “60 Minutes” with good words for their effort…"
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Submitted by Adam on Mon, 2003-06-30 18:41
Thunderchild writes "Well, if you got hot under the collar about proposals to ban DNA testing without consent of both parents - this one will really make you steam ! Two women trying to prevent ex-partners from destroying IVF created embryos. Talk about hypocrisy!"
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Submitted by D on Sun, 2003-06-29 20:10
Chas writes "This story reports one man's experience of Child Support Agency contact. It is used to illustrate the damage done to fathers by the laws governing child support enforcement. Within Australia, the male suicide rate in a single year is now four times that of the total number of Australian soldiers killed in the Vietnam conflict. Fathers' groups around the country claim at least three clients of the CSA commit suicide every day. "Jack" was almost one of them.Read the story here:
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Submitted by D on Sun, 2003-06-29 20:00
Luek writes "Resa LaRu Kirkland
has a very witty article, that, effectively debunks the radical feminist fear mongering mantra we have all been browbeaten with for so long. Doing some math concerning the falsehood of "a woman being raped every 6 seconds in this country".
The authorities should find this woman and give her some relief! She must be pretty damn sore by now. :)"
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Submitted by Adam on Sun, 2003-06-29 02:30
angry_young_men writes "Hey all, thought you might be interested in this story . It details the failed appeal by a female Australian magistrate (!) against her sentence for intimidating a male colleague. Get this pap from a female-inmate support-group mouthpiece: "She's experiencing the cruel and unusual punishment that every woman goes through in prison." Oh please - "cruel and unusual punishment" is intrinsically part and parcel of the female prison experience?"
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Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2003-06-28 23:25
Chas writes "The federal government's Child Support Agency makes the front page lead story in today's (28/6) edition of "The Weekend Australian". The Agency is responsible for calculating and monitoring child support payments for more than 1.2 million separated or divorced parents [read fathers]. The newpaper's investigations shows that the agency has mishandled or ignored hundreds of threats of assault, murder and suicide by angry parents. This state of affairs has been uncovered by the newspaper's investigations. Elsewhere in today's edition of the paper (see separate post) sympathetic coverage is given to fathers caught up in the child support/separation for children whirligig. Read the lead story here"
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Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2003-06-28 21:18
Dittohd writes "How many feel that this woman, Sara Saga, couldn't have figured out a way to get herself AND children out of Saudi Arabia if everything she is saying about the father and his supposed abuse were REALLY true? Here's the latest."
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Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2003-06-28 18:15
Rand T. writes "New findings by Britain's Continuous Mortality Investigation Bureau show that the gender lifespan gap is narrowing, and men may outlive
women by the end of the century.
These findings cast doubt on the cherished belief of women's greater lifespan being a biological advantage.
The gender lifespan gap, being highly correlated with environmental factors, shows the new focus on men's health brought about by the men's movement is justified and should continue.
Two articles about the new data:
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Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2003-06-28 02:47
Alright folks, it's that friday feeling you can't get enough of, it's Ask Ads! *rampant ego off* you know how it goes by now. So ask some interesting questions huh?
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Submitted by Adam on Fri, 2003-06-27 23:32
Chas writes "In the 'Canberra Times' (24/7/03) Sue Price challenges the myths and 'statistics' trotted out by opponents to proposed reforms to family law designed to support equal parenting and more equitable arrangements for fathers. She especially targets the position of Chief Justice of the Family Court, Alastair Nicholson, and points out the flaws in his arguments. She argues that, under present law, "...fathers are sidelined; considered unimportant to
their children's wellbeing, apart from their ability to provide
monetary support, and allowed to see their children only one or two
days a fortnight." These developments in Australia will give courage to families in other jurisdiction. Read the article here"
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Submitted by Adam on Fri, 2003-06-27 20:23
Mark writes "Joe Scarborough of MSNBC's Scarborough Country has become quite the leader in addressing men's issues lately. Within the past 2 weeks he has had feature stories on gender bias at the New York Times and discrimination against boys in school. On tonight's show are articles on a federally subsidized study on female arousal and one on...drumroll please...women being the PRIMARY AGGRESSORS in the majority of domestic violence cases."
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Submitted by Adam on Fri, 2003-06-27 16:20
Anon user writes "Marc Angelucci, president of the Los Angeles Chapter of the National Coalition of Free Men, and men's and fathers' issues columnist and radio talk show host Glenn Sacks defended NCFM-LA's sex discrimination lawsuit against 10 Los Angeles County domestic violence shelters in a recent opinion column in the Daily Breeze (Los Angeles. The column can be seen here"
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Submitted by Thomas on Thu, 2003-06-26 22:59
This article addresses the increasing number of Stay At Home Moms in the US. It focusses on the concerns of women but has some nice things to say about men and fathers. I particularly loved the ending, "Where will this lead? Not to Mommy Wars between moms who work and those who stay home, I hope, but toward a profound and shared recognition of the importance of mothering and of the husbands that give mothers the gift of choices."
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