Men wrongly accused

angry_young_men writes "Hello all, this article I found this morning:New laws designed to stop unsuitable people working with children have left many teachers wrongly accused and their reputations tarnished for life. Bettina Arndt reports. Sounds familiar."

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No more state-funded circumcision in Florida

Anonymous User writes "The state of Florida has joined 10 other states by not providing state Medicaid funds for circumcision. You can read about the issue in The St. Petersburg Times . While circumcision is an accepted practice in many religions, in the US millions of boys are circumcised without their consent for what comes down to nothing but cosmetic reasons (since medical justifications for the procedure have long been disproven). The future sexual and psychological health of these boys is risked in what amounts to a double-standard that is still permitted by American society, and in my opinion, should be stopped."

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Richard Hayden Marrow Donor Drive

Trudy W Schuett writes "Richard Hayden is the listowner of the Abused Guys Yahoo Group, a support group for domestic violence victims active since 1998. Richard has been a source of much encouragement and support for both me and my activism efforts, and was instrumental in ensuring my research into the subject of DV for my book, "Friends to the End", was accurate. He was also among the first to "break the Pink Barrier" by publishing man-friendly DV works at the now-defunct Themestream website. If it wasn't for Richard there probably wouldn't be a DLJ. When I heard a few weeks ago he'd been diagnosed with leukemia, he also told me a bone marrow transplant could be his only hope. So I was determined to do what I could to help. The rest of this is in the "read more/post comments" section.

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Men could choose to get pregnant

rage writes "Check out the following link and especially one of the last paragraphs :
"Surgeons in Saudi Arabia attempted a womb transplant in a 26-year-old woman in April 2000, but it had to be removed after three months because it suffered from blood clots and began to die. If implantable wombs become a reality in humans, they need not be confined to women. Some men might also be keen. "It's technically possible," said Prof Brannstrom."

Of course the article is mainly focused on women, but it appears clearly that such techniques could give a man the ability to carry a child . We are all waiting for ectogenesis and artificial wombs, but despite the articles already posted here, I'm very skeptical that these breakthroughs could occur before, say, fifteen years. And I think artificial wombs would be outlawed as soon as they would appear to cater for the claims of feminist pressure groups, as usual.

But if a man were given the opportunity to give life to a child by himself, it would be the end of feminism. And it's pretty sure this wouldn't be made illegal. Women control 100% of human reproduction these days. And that's why feminism is so hard to tackle. Because men depend on women, whereas women depend far less on men thanks to sperm banks. But if we can make our sons without resorting to a woman (remember the article stating that male stem cells can make eggs ?), we could attack more harshly feminism and destroy this ideology once and for all.

Your French brother,

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Montana provides free educations for the exonerrated

Anonymous User writes " reports that Montana has enacted a new law that will require the state to provide free educations to anyone convicted in the legal system and then exonerrated by DNA testing. New Mexico is extending its DNA proof deadline to three years instead of one year to allow convicted felons to prove their innocence through DNA testing. "

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Mallard gets fifty years

angry_young_men writes "Now this is what I call justice: A Texas woman who struck a man with her car, drove home and left him to bleed to death while wedged in the windscreen has been sentenced to 50 years in prison for murder. With a sentence of this magnitude, one could have expected the same penalty had the sexes been reversed; hence it shows us that, in sentencing, there exist at least some judges who don't discriminate by sex or gender but rather by severity of the crime."

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Ask Ads 5

This week, I've decided to talk about a topic that hasn't been discussed in a while, and that's choice for men or C4M as it's sometimes called. So let's hear your views.

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Woman boss accused of putting boot in

John Gardiner writes "Woman boss fooling around kicks male employee in the groin and creates serious injury. Check this out

This has got to go international. Maintain the rage! Make a noise. It demonstrates the sick and low attitudes held by women and public institutions towards men. An utter disgrace. This is a new low in female behaviour.

Fight the fight,

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Child Abuse

Neil Steyskal writes "This editorial in the Boston Globe illustrates the lack of progress on child abuse, even after all these years. It's still not a criminal offense! Abusers don't go to jail. They just lose their kids for a short period -- sometimes. Why? Hint: the editorial shows that officials and the media won't even mention who is doing all the child abuse. If it were men, I suspect they'd tell us."

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Goverment inquiry into child custody rights

Chas writes "The Australian Federal Parliament "will consider whether parents should automatically be given equal custody of their children if they split up and whether grandparents should have access rights in the event of a family breakdown.

Prime Minister John Howard announced yesterday that the Standing Committee on Family and Community Affairs will have until December to also consider whether the existing child-support formula works fairly for both parents given how much each contributed to the care of a child."

Notable in this enquiry is an investigation in to financial relief from Child Support payments for non-custodial parents who actively care for their children. Not reported in this item is the suggestion that fathers should be offered financial benefits for increasing their time with their children.

Read the report here"

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Alison Armstrong on Glenn Sacks

Philalethes writes "Highly recommended: If you didn't hear Glenn Sacks' program Sunday night (June 29), you can still catch it on his archive page for a few days.

'Educator and relationship guru Alison Armstrong, who has given workshops to thousands of women all over the United States, claims to understand men. Some quotes: "In my relationship courses for women a lot of women will say they want a man who wants a six figure income. I'll ask them if they know the percentage of men who earn a six figure income. It's maybe the top 5%. And then I'll ask them 'are you in the top 5% of all women?" ... "Men give women a lot more slack than women give men." ... "Women expect men to act like women--women can't see men for who they are. All they see are rude, hairy women. When a man doesn't do what a woman would do he's immediately in trouble."'

And my favorite: 'The more I'm willing to be responsible for, the more impact I can have in my own life.' I had to go back and listen to this again to make sure I heard it right. Nice to hear a woman willing to talk some sense."

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Boys Poor Readers - Universal ?!?!

Thunderchild writes "Here's an article claiming that boys are poor readers is a universal phenomenon - I think the scource is UNESCO, so no surprises there then !


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Thunderchild writes "It looks like the message is starting to get through in the
UK. Article


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Men Aren't Marrying Because They're........

Mark writes "This article in the Baltimore Sun blames the immaturity of men for the declining marriage rates in America. Surprise, surprise...there is no mention of how women may in any way be responsible for this." Or the government for that matter.

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The Death of Feminism ?

Thunderchild writes "I almost fainted when I read the headline on this one - content leaves a wee bit to be desired ! rtifact/0,4678,2-989268,00.html


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