Submitted by Adam on Sun, 2003-07-13 20:14
Anonymous User writes "
One of the most openly misandric articles I have read for quite some time. Right from the beginning, the tone of the piece is defiantly vituperate, with quotations such as: 'Males are, in many ways, parasites upon their partners.' Hornblow continues her salvo by villifying the status of men in education, work, and the family. In conclusion, she argues that, the only way in which modern man may legitimately reclaim his (forbidden) masculinity is through reducing himself to the 'lowest common denominator': thus, embracing the traditional 'bachelor' stereotype. If that doesn't appeal, Hornblow advises buying a copy of Steve Jones' book, "Y: The Descent of Man", and indulging in some real gender autolysis."
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Submitted by Adam on Sun, 2003-07-13 18:13
zenpriest writes "Here is a perfect example
of how women kill - covertly and indirectly - and why they kill - because they don't like the way they are being treated. Notice also that it took almost 5 months for the authorities to file charges against her."
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Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2003-07-12 22:01
Matt writes "Listen over the web at:
Live On Line
here :
NCFM-DC Member to Appear on Radio Show
Washington DC Chapter member Matt Campbell will appear as a guest on a Washington, DC area radio station this Saturday and Sunday, July 12 and 13. (Pre-recorded)
Mr. Campbell will be on radio station WFAX's "Mainstreet" show, with host Don Karnes and will discuss the chapter's recent press conference, "Voices from the Other Side of the Gender Debate", and other men's rights issues and concerns.
Mr. Campbell will also describe other recent chapter activity, including a rally in March to protest Martha Burk's appearance at a local feminist conference, attendance at The Million Dad's March on Father's Day, and development of the chapter's new expanded web site.
The "Mainstreet" show will be aired on Saturday, July 12 at 7:00 AM, 5:45 PM, and 9:30 PM, and again on Sunday, July 13 at 8:15 PM.
WFAX-AM is at 1220 on the AM dial."
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Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2003-07-12 18:00
Garth writes "Researchers have developed a computer program that can guess the sex of an author with 80% accuracy by simply reading their work. Surprisingly (or not), they have been denied publication on the grounds that their work is sexist. One critic states: "This whole rush to categorisation usually works against women." The researchers say they are "just reporting the numbers.""
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Submitted by Thomas on Sat, 2003-07-12 02:38
This article reports on research showing that men are far less likely (in fact not at all likely, if they think they can't get caught) than women to admit to fear. I post this because one of the most common arguments given by feminists, when they attempt to disregard domestic violence committed by women against men, is that if you ask a woman and a man, who have been victims of DV, if they are afraid of the perpetrator, the woman will say "yes" and the man will say "no."
The feminists claim that this shows that the man isn't really a victim, but they know that a man, even if he is afraid of a woman, is very unlikely to admit it.
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Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2003-07-12 02:37
This week, I've decided to do something fun and dust off my 8-Ball to see some active service. Yep that's right, you ask the questions and I'll use the 8-Ball to answer, so ask away, and let's have some good questions ok?
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Submitted by Adam on Fri, 2003-07-11 20:36
CJ writes " Of course little is mentioned in the article
(it would be the reverse if girls were behind). Girls are out performing boys in writing ability by large percentile differences. Federal focus on education has been to eliminate the small gap in math proficiency that boys have over girls, while girls are doing 20% BETTER than the boys (as tested in MA) in writing! Here is an actual quote from the article -"We're seeing it (boys doing poorly)in MCAS, SATs, reading and writing - It's a trend we need to pay attention to." A trend we need to pay attention to!!! What a stupid understatement, I’m sure that they will find a nice feminist solution to the problem. School systems must become boy friendly again and allow programs that interest boys. Right now masculinity is considered a pathogen, as the lesbian-feminist agenda continues to pummel normal and marginal boys into ignorant submission."
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Submitted by Adam on Fri, 2003-07-11 18:33
angry_young_men writes "This should speak for itself: A VICTORIAN man who donated his sperm in the "usual and customary manner" - by having sex with a lesbian - has been found liable to pay child support."
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Submitted by Adam on Thu, 2003-07-10 22:57
Mike Franco writes "
For anyone in MA (USA) who is interested in fairness, please help support Senate Bill 1075 for Shared Parenting which will be heard before the Joint Committee on the Judiciary, Thursday, July 24 at 1 p.m. in Room A1 of the Statehouse, Boston. To review the bill, please go to here. Several legislators across the state are sponsoring SB1075. Please help us bring attention to the bill by contacting your local representatives. The Fatherhood Coalition."
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Submitted by Thomas on Thu, 2003-07-10 11:09
This may come as a surprise to no one. If you're a man and a criminal, you might do society and yourself a favor by getting married. However, if you're a genius...
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Submitted by Thomas on Thu, 2003-07-10 02:06
Matt writes "This speaks for itself.
Letters to the editor are a good idea."
(Thomas writing now) This piece drips with hatred. Just one example is Dowd's statement, "Self-love as a survival mechanism: the unflinching narcissism of men may send women into despair at times" It seems the New York Times has learned nothing from its recent debacle over Jayson Blair. If anything like this were said about Jews, blacks, women—any group except men—the writer would be fired. In fact, it wouldn't make it into print in any publication masquerading as a serious medium.
You can contact the NYT at
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Submitted by Thomas on Thu, 2003-07-10 02:02
It seems that the folks in New Zealand (and Australia) are starting to catch on. Consideration of fathers, who commit suicide after divorce and separation from their children, is terribly overdue, but at least it's finally being addressed.
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Submitted by Adam on Wed, 2003-07-09 23:35
Davii boy writes "Well, Karen De Coster seems to think that males should live to serve women. I wonder if the males she describes in this op-ed are products of a culture that hates men? It also seems to me that disrespect breeds disrespect, and speaking as a 20-something male with expired dreams of family life, the modern day female doesn't look all that appealing from a male perspective."
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Submitted by Steve on Wed, 2003-07-09 20:54
This week's MANN chat will be held on
Wednesday night (7/9), starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, at the
href="">usual location.
The topic will be "The Degradation of Boys." MANN recently
reported about the
speech and actions that have been directed at boys. Why are
such things happening to the next generation of male members of our
society? What can we do to stop such abuses? Join us to
identify and plan appropriate responses.
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Submitted by D on Wed, 2003-07-09 07:57
Here is a short little write up on the state of things. The author points out exactly who really does benifite from 'divorce' and 'anti-male' legislation. I urge you to check it out.
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