Joint custody plan under fire

Chas writes "Following yesterday's article about Australian plans to consider equal custody of children, predictable responses are now reported from women's organisations. American readers might like to respond online to these statements in the news report, and to set the record straight: "Sole Parents Union president Kathleen Swinbourne said overseas evidence showed the move was terrible for children, treating them like equally divisible pieces of property. "The research from America shows that it rarely works and kids are the ones that lose," she said.
Another comment: "Elspeth McInnes, convener of the National Council of Single Mothers and their Children, said California had been forced to amend its shared custody laws to prioritise child safety after "horrendous" problems with violence."
Read the article here.

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Human rights are not for men

In this essay, which first appeared in the Daily Mail, Melanie Phillips lays into Britain's Home Office for selling out to feminists in their war against men. I think there are a few weaknesses in her logic, but on the whole it's a great essay. And I'm glad she's holding feminists accountable and not just blaming women and letting men off the hook.

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Million Dad March

The Million Dad March on DC was a success. It felt good to be standing in front of the Capitol on Father's Day and make a public statement about Men, Fathers, and Father's Rights. The highlight of the day was Dr. Stephen Baskerville's address which you can now see on the web at Just click the link and it will take you to a page that has some pictures and a link to open a windows media file of his brief and powerful talk.

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Chid Support Changes in Michigan

Bigg John writes "The Article here tells of how the Michigan Child Support System is being considered for an overhaul, basing support on the amount of parenting time granted to the non-custodial parent.

And here is a story on how a Father is asking to have the rules clarified, since they are so confusing."

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Could it be?

The Gonzo Kid writes "At this link , it appears that Australia has a proposal to make shared custody the default in divorce cases. Predictably, we have the femboy naysayers like Patrick Parkinson, a family law professor at the University of Sydney, who says, "It only really works when the parents can get along with each other." Hey, Pat! Ever consider that in that case the parent who refuses to get along - FOR THE SAKE OF THE CHILD - shouldn't get custody? Oh, but that would usually be the woman, wouldn't it? And that would go against your collosal suck-up to the Pheminists, wouldn't it?"

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Fiebert's DV studies

Miletus Prime writes "Here is a site listing studies done by competent people and institutions on Domestic Violence. Notice the breakdown is essentially 50/50. Maybe the news media's requirement to report statistics is that they must be from incompetent people and institutions?"

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English Men Starting To Strike Back

Luek writes "

Seems there was a little 'dustup' in family court in England this past week. Over 500 demonstrators for justice protested the way the family court system over there, seems they are just as corrupt as ours, treat men in divorce and child custody.

I think we can learn from the FATHERS 4 JUSTICE that staged this demostration for human rights.

Also, their leader, Matt O'Connor will be interviewed by Glenn Sacks this Sunday night on HIS SIDE radio. Don't miss it."

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The DLJ becomes a blog

Trudy W Schuett writes "Yes, I've done the deal and made myself a blog. Check it out at

This should be easier for me and more widely-read than ever!

Yes, I'll still be publishing commentary and etecteras, as before. They'll be more immediate, since I'll be able to get things onto the website and announced in the blog whenever they show up rather than working by a strict deadline.

Today the big news is the Heritage Foundation report on feminism and marriage --check the blog for where to find it!"

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New to this site

abourret writes "Hi everyone,
I don't really know where to post this...but,
I'm new to this site but not new to the ideas. Everything that is on here I have thought about at one time or another and I cannot help but to be filled with rage by the injustices men are faced with today. Everytime I hear one of my female friends brag that she has been pulled over 15 times for speeding and never gotten more then a verbal warning, everytime I hear just one more dictating, power-hungry feminist speak about the gender gaps, everytime I hear another court decision unfairly ruled in favor of a woman, I become angry and inspired to make change all in an instant. I look forward to being apart of this movement."

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The Y chromosome: Fixing problems on one's own

For years we've heard gleeful titters from feminists about how defects in the Y chromosome can't be repaired. Every other chromosome is paired and can take information from its partner to correct faults. The Y chromosome, having no match, has been cast as inferior, unable to correct its damaged genes. It has even been stated that the chromosome and, therefore, men would disappear in about a million years.

Well knock me over with a feather. Guess what? That clever bit of genetic information that makes a man a man seems to have a way of solving the dilemma. It just works things out on its own! Problem solving on one's own can be difficult, of course, and in this case causes trouble in one out of every several thousand boys, but "'Y chromosomes really have a big trick up their sleeves,' said David Page of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, Mass."

Take a look and have yourselves a good laugh of satisfaction. The Y chromosome is not the decaying piece of trash that feminists would have us believe. It just solves problems in its own way.

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Australia to consider equal parenting reforms

Chas writes "Australian Prime Minister, John Howard, is favourably considering proposals for changing child custody laws in favour of equal parenting provisions. Much of the impetus for change has come from within his own coalition government. "The Australian" newspaper reports that "Mr Howard told Coalition MPs yesterday he was "interested in the broad concept" of rebuttable joint custody – where the court presumes a child should spend equal time living with each parent unless there are strong reasons against it.

His spokeswoman said later that the Prime Minister was "mindful of the need for male role-models for children, and the desire for both parents to have continuing responsibility for their upbringing"." Read the full report here page/0,5744,6615066%255E2702,00.html and note there is an online feedback link to the newspaper.

Watch this space!"

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Roe of "Roe Vs Wade" Reconsiders?

I heard rumours about this, but now it looks serious. To quote: "Norma McCorvey, the woman whose 1973 U.S. Supreme Court case helped make abortion legal in the United States, today petitioned to overturn the historic Roe v. Wade decision." Hmmm, I think you might want to look through the archives before you make a judgement.

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Arabian Paternity Rights

Neil Steyskal writes "Here's a very tough issue for men's-rights activists. An American women isn't allowed to take her children out of Arabia. Try making the case for the father when he's a representative of such a repressive culture. ml?id=110003636"

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MANN Chat: A Database to Track Feminist Hate Speech

This week's MANN chat will be held on
Wednesday night (6/18), starting at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, at the href="">usual location. 
The topic will be "A Database to Track Feminist Hate Speech." 
There is a lot of male-bashing speech and anti-male hate speech
online.  Feminist extremists in Canada are asking the Canadian
government to href="">monitor
and censor men's
activists.   Let's beat them to the punch!  Let's build
a database of feminists' hate speech and male-bashing statements. 
Join us at this important chat to develop a strategy for monitoring
feminist hate speech and publicizing it.  Invite a friend or two
to join you!   (Click on "Read More"  below to see a
list of some data elements that we can capture for the database.)

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sexist tv ads

Anonymous User writes "In the UK the problem of man-bashing tv ads is getting steadily worse. I was particularly angered by the adverts for Wall's "Carte D'ior" ice cream. To summarise one of these ads shows a man and a woman sharing ice cream in the back of a limosine. The woman is dissatisfied with the ice cream the man gives to her (it's not Carte D'ior) so she quickly kicks him out of the (speeding) limo and sends him spinning onto the ground and landing in a load of rubbish bins. As a result I would like to recommend Walls Ice Cream for the "companies to boycott" list on the "standyourground" site"

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