Submitted by Hombre on Thu, 2003-08-21 18:55
Anonymous User writes "A Central Illinois woman was arrested after she was videotaped hiring a hit man to kill her ex-boyfriend and his sister in order to regain custody of her daughter. He had been given custody of their daughter after she had attempted to kill the child in her own suicide attempt. The story is covered at: 821025.shtml"
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Submitted by Hombre on Thu, 2003-08-21 08:33
The Mens Activism News Network is challenging its readers to take part in our grassroots campaign to support Farrell's candidacy and put men's issues on the political map. A new page has been added to this site, (see the new link at the bottom of the activism section to the right), which will list the daily, weekly, and campaign long activism challenges we encourage everyone to participate in. The time until the election is short, so lets make the most of it by redoubling our activist efforts for the few weeks we have. Together we can make a difference, let's do so!
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Submitted by Hombre on Thu, 2003-08-21 05:57
Acksiom writes "A Delhi biomedical engineering professor has developed a new male contraceptive that looks very promising!
According to the Alternet article at :
"The injection coats the vas with a clear polymer gel that has a negative and positive electric charge. Sperm cells also have a charge, so the differential charge from the gel ruptures the cell membrane as it passes through the vas, stopping the sperm in their tracks before they can even start their journey to the egg.""
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Submitted by Hombre on Thu, 2003-08-21 00:29
The National Coalition of Free Men and others will be hosting a rally in order to support Warren Farrell and men's rights starting at 9 AM on Tuesday, August 26th at 600 S. Commonwealth Avenue, in front of the Los Angeles County Courthouse. JeffS provides more details in the Read More section.
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Submitted by Hombre on Thu, 2003-08-21 00:26
tparker writes "A BBC article offering counter arguments in the "Y-Males? Y-Not!" debate here. Some interesting information on the decoding of the Y chromosome, and indications that human males may be around a bit longer."
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Submitted by D on Wed, 2003-08-20 05:16
I posted this because it might make men feel there is some good out there. The author of this article is making an argument that the latest Terminator movie is "Anti-Feminist". I seen the movie and I thought the exact same things and a few more. Careful not to confuse anti-feminist with anti-women, because the movie is not anti-woman in any regards. To make it simple the robots represent the "system" and its almost as if the system is "feminist". Maybe Cameron's divorce gave him a view at the biased nature of our environment? Read Here.
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Submitted by D on Wed, 2003-08-20 05:04
Analog Worms writes "It seems that the feminist controlled Department Of Trade And Industry in the UK is suffering from a male backlash against it's blantant anti-male rules. A small group of male workers have written a pamphlet called the backlash which exposes the lies within the department. Read about it here. ?t=741 (You may have to scroll down a bit)"
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Submitted by Hombre on Tue, 2003-08-19 07:44
Submitted by Hombre on Tue, 2003-08-19 07:31
Best-selling men's issues author Warren Farrell discussed his historic men's and fathers' rights campaign for Governor of California on His Side with Glenn Sacks on KRLA 870 AM in Los Angeles on Sunday, August 17. To listen to the archived version of the show, go to His Side.
Farrell put forth his long-term solution to relieving California's budget problems--keeping fathers in children's lives. Farrell proposed a package of reforms to solve this problem, including the rebuttable presumption of joint custody and placing legal limits on post-divorce move-aways.
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Submitted by Adam on Mon, 2003-08-18 21:31
bernee writes "This article in the Sydney Morning Herald outlines how the Australian government is suffering somewhat of a rebound from legislation originally formulated to ‘protect’ battered wives. Immigration legislation was amended to allow foreign spouses who were being sponsored by Australian residents special treatment when it came to getting a visa if they had been subjected to domestic abuse. It seems many women were abusing the system (surprise, surprise). Being the egalitarian society it is, law required the Australian legislators to make this legislation gender neutral – of course, only women are abused, aren’t they. Lo and behold men are now applying in droves for protection under the law."
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Submitted by Scott on Mon, 2003-08-18 01:25
As you can see from the posting below, we have a new member of the admin team. Hombre is probably well-known to many of the regulars here, especially to participants of the on-line chats. Hombre's activism and enthusiasm for men's rights is a great example for us all and his web site,, is a great resource. Welcome, Hombre!
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Submitted by Hombre on Sun, 2003-08-17 21:08
AFG writes "Here is a good site dealing with the corrupt and feminist controlled family courts in Canada. Take a look at some of the articles and letters and get a good idea of why Canada's family court system is one of the most misandrist in the world."
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Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2003-08-16 21:46
In case you hadn't noticed Warren made the Washington Times, scroll down to "It's a guy thing" to read. The coverage is good BTW.
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Submitted by D on Sat, 2003-08-16 07:48
HombreVIII writes "In an effort to find out more information about Warren Farrell's candidacy, I've contacted him via email and requested he conduct an email interview, the results of which would be posted on this site. He graciously agreed, and here it is. SEE READ MORE
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Submitted by Thomas on Sat, 2003-08-16 04:45
I heartily agree with this editorial, which calls for an end to shielding the names of women, who accuse men of rape. It's good to see that this idea is finally being openly debated. Also, I've noticed a reduction in the rate at which accusers of rape are referred to in the press as "victims." They are now often referred to as "alleged victims." That alone is a major step forward. The press, these days, isn't always going along with the hateful, feminist declaration that no woman would ever lie about being raped.
Next step? Prison for false accusers and a lifetime position on a national, public registry.
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