Submitted by Hombre on Tue, 2003-09-16 06:36
Ray writes "Stop restraining order abuse and prosecute false accussers is the request at the top of this petition: 6
Orange County CA is the target of this petition, but all can sign. Men have written in to Mensactivism from Orange County CA, expressing their misery over abuses at the hands of the Domestic Violence Industry. We need your help, your signature on this petition."
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Submitted by Hombre on Tue, 2003-09-16 06:30
Anonymous User writes "Boys have fallen seriously behind girls at all K-12 levels. Educational consultants Bret Burkholder and Ed Leitner, founders of Boys' Hearts &Boys' Minds, explained what we need to do to make our schools more boy-friendly on His Side with Glenn Sacks on KRLA 870 AM in Los Angeles and KKOL AM 1300 in Seattle on Sunday, September 14. To listen to the show, go to'
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Submitted by D on Tue, 2003-09-16 00:40
Anonymous User writes "Here is an excellent example of the hypocrisy surrounding equality in sports. While the feminazi's and mass media practically idolize women who play on the football team, go out for wrestling, and make the PGA circuit, look at the foaming and outrage when a male hits the female circuit. American women are increasingly indicting themselves as two-faced sexists. See 18/HIG . If this link fails, the article is linked at Remember, equality is only equlaity when its in their favor."
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Submitted by D on Mon, 2003-09-15 08:28
"People are most susceptible to propaganda when already in a high state of tension, and the emotion aroused by this scene was quickly used in the play to deal with what is perhaps the most difficult problem facing the Communists: how to break down the traditional family system in a manner that will split fathers and sons in hatred, and thus turn them in bitterness to the promising haven of Communism."
This quote is on the topic of a play that was being presented to university students. It was titled: "The Question of Thought".
It could probably be saddled right beside the propaganda known as "The Vagina Monologues".
The entire book is on the pdf file. A great read if I must say. Brain-Washing in Red China. In hopes of understanding what exactly is behind Misandry.
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Submitted by D on Mon, 2003-09-15 08:28
rage writes "Found on the Angry Harry's website, an interesting article in the Times (UK) stating a well-known fact : men are at the same time at the top and at the bottom of the human race when it comes to the IQs. Have you ever wondered why all the geniuses throughout history happened to be males exclusively ? Now scientists have discovered the reason at last. Einstein, Beethoven, Mozart or Picasso could never have been female. To be a superior intellect, you've got to possess the once called puny Y-chromosome as explained in the article. Bad news for feminazis.
Enjoy ! m"
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Submitted by Adam on Sun, 2003-09-14 22:16
Analog Worms writes "British fertility expert Lord Robert Winston, author and TV presenter of BBC Science programs believes declining sperm counts and the doom of the Y Chromosone is a load of media rubbish."
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Submitted by Adam on Sun, 2003-09-14 18:08
Anonymous User writes "Warren Farrell's website has been updated to include a schedule, media coverage (some of it), a video of his CNN coverage, and some photos of the fathers' rally held at the courthouse in Los Angeles on 8/26. You can view the photos here.
We have been holding lots of small rallies that aren't on the website. We held one today with about 13 people with signs, a bullhorn, and tons of fliers, at the Democratic Convention. We challenged the democrats for losing sight of their values, for becoming femicrats, and for driving so many men out of their party, and we informed hundreds of them, perhaps thousands, about fathers' rights and paternity fraud. We were both outside and inside.
Tomorrow Warren will speak at a church service, a homeless center, and a dinner (three separate events). This is an exhausting campaign but it's very worthwhile and we thank everyone for their support.
We're getting the issues out one small event at a time.
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Submitted by Hombre on Sat, 2003-09-13 19:30
09-13 & 09-14: This 2-day Daily Activist Challenge is to catch up on helping Farrell! I know its not always convenient to do a small bit of activism every day, so lets all take advantage of the extra time on the weekends to catch up. The challenge is to pick 10 challenges from the archives which you haven't yet done and do them over the weekend. The reward will be knowing you've put some real effort out in helping the movement and Farrell's campaign. Good luck!
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Submitted by Hombre on Sat, 2003-09-13 19:15
Submitted by Hombre on Sat, 2003-09-13 19:09
Submitted by Hombre on Fri, 2003-09-12 20:24
Bob Geldof, formally of the punk band the Boomtown Rats, has decided to speak up for deadbolt dads. Sky News tells us that...
"He was speaking at the launch of a new book on the subject, Children and Their Families, to which he which he has contributed a chapter.
He told the audience, which included Cherie Blair, parents should get equal "50-50" access to their children, as in Denmark."
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Submitted by Hombre on Fri, 2003-09-12 07:02
Matt writes " 3&ncid=757&e=1&u=/nm/20030911/od_nm/odd_germany_pe nsion_dc
Yep, you got it. A German court ruled that a man divorced from his wife owes her new husband part of his pension after she died. So a man is paying the man his wife hooked up with after she dies because she hooked up with him after they divorced.
Why does Yahoo! News keep putting stuff like this in the Oddly Enough category when it ought to be in a new category called Civil Rights Violations of Men category?
Again, stay single. Here and abroad."
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Submitted by Adam on Thu, 2003-09-11 23:27
While there are some side effects, this new treatment shows great potenial. It does look like the way ahead. "In a study published in the journal Urology, Japanese researchers tested a new method that uses high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) to deliver intense sound energy to destroy the tumor without damaging the surrounding tissue."
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Submitted by Hombre on Thu, 2003-09-11 22:17
This just in from the Farrell Campaign...
"CARLSBAD, Ca. At the Los Angeles Convention Center at 10:30 a.m. on
Saturday, September 13, Dr. Warren Farrell will challenge his
Democratic colleagues/opponents to take a quill pen in hand to sign
his "Ten Theses for 'Reformation' of the Democratic Party."
See Read More for details.
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Submitted by Adam on Thu, 2003-09-11 18:20
To quote: "If a deeply-rooted military tradition of male-only draft registration is to be ended, it should be accomplished by that branch of government which has the constitutional power to do so and which best represents the 'consent of the governed' - the Congress of the United States, the elected representatives of the people"
Hmmm, I got a few opinions about this, but let's read the article for now.
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