Prosecutors Fight DNA use for Exoneration

This New York Times article exposes the moral bankruptcy of prosecutors who are challenging the release of convicted rapists from jail freed on DNA evidence. From the article...

"Mr. Dow said this exchange illustrates a trend. "What we're seeing is a double standard," he said. "Evidence will be considered more than sufficient by prosecutors if it establishes guilt and questionable or insufficient if it established innocence.""

Note that registration at the NYT website is required in order to read the article, however there is no charge for doing so.

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Australian judge calls for urgent review of Rape Shield legislation

A new law due to be passed in two weeks stating that defenders in rape cases are not allowed to cross examine prosecutors, instead using a "person" appointed by the court to question them on the defendants behalf has rightfully drawn the ire of Justice Brian Sully, whom we hope can inspire common sense in the Australian Parliament. Some excerpts from the article...

But Justice Sully said that if the legislation, due to take effect on September 11, went through in its present form, there was a "very real risk" that the case before him would miscarry.

"It is imperative that someone get through that if we have this sorry interference with the law, it had better be done in a way that is workable - and this is probably unworkable."

Justice Sully said he presumed that the "person" would be legally qualified and be prepared to act without fee. But he asked where such a person would be found.

"What am I to do, ring the Bar Association and say, 'The best I can tell you is that the person is to be questioned in a week's time and I will send your chambers two folders'?" he asked.

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Woman kidnapper!

Dave writes "Father, the legal custodian, is denied 2 of his daughters for 16 years! The mother runs away with 2 daughters and goes underground to deprive the father of his children. This is a very disgusting and bizarre story of a fathers rights denied. And the authorities in Riverside County CA were going to release this woman from jail, until the Texas sheriff called to stop it. By her own words she has "never committed a crime". If released she could run away from justice again!!!!

See part of the story at: THECANEWS/0290edition/myarticles800016.asp?P=80001 6&S=395&PubID=11112"

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Terry Bradshaw Speaks Out about his Depression

"I thought maybe if I won a Super Bowl ... then maybe two Super Bowls will make me happy, or three or four ... but nothing pleased me." - Terry Bradshaw, see article.

This is the way the Superman complex works. No matter where you're at in life, the feeling is that to be okay you need to be more successful than you are right now, you need to make more money, have a prettier girlfriend, be in the same shape you were in back in college, etc. to be okay. As Terry Bradshaw's statement demonstrates, this feeling doesn't go away when you accomplish those goals, but typically makes you think you need to accomplish them even more or transfers itself to other goals.

For more information about how men's success object pressure can lead to depression or just male depression in general, see

Like0 Dislike0 Girls, Boys, and Autism

Matt writes "This is interesting
coming from MSN:
It actually doesn't bash boys. But notice the title of the aricle puts the girls first despite the fact that 80% of autistics are male.

Also note the various subtle anti-male jabs in the article. I'll let you spot them for yourself-- oh that's right, most of you are men and can only view things in terms of systems and stuff. Not able to perceive social vagaries and so forth. Oh yeah, that's it. Well, never mind, don't even try, you're male and thus can't interepret social cues or subtle distinctions in your environment... stuff like being beat up on TV by females and having the canned audience laugh at you. Or something like that..."

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Woman Killed Infant Son Then Had Sex

CPM writes "Woman Killed Infant Son Then Had Sex

Not much to say here other than I would like to know the specifics of the case. I think that for the woman to blame the boyfriend and the jury not fall for it, there must have been overwhelming evidence pointing to her. We all know that juries tend to search for a scapegoat or an excuse to let the woman off. For some reason this jury did not!"

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This is what it's come to.

Man runs from police because he is wanted for 'child support'. He nearly gets killed as police describe him as putting his hands in his pants and acting suspicious. Story Here

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Farrell addresses spirited protest rally in front

Anon User writes: "Men's and fathers' rights California gubernatorial candidate Warren Farrell addressed a spirited protest rally against anti-father family court bias Tuesday in downtown Los Angeles. For details, see "Fathers' Rights California Gubernatorial Candidate Warren Farrell Addresses Rally in Front of LA Court"

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death penalty

greg walden writes "please tell everyone please checkout people sign petitions on line nationwide because of the growing crisis in this country thank you."

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Women teachers doping our young boys

donaldcameron1 writes "It would appear that the custodians of our boys minds can't cope with young boys! Using drugs to enforce politically correct behavior is inexcusable, and I want the perpetrators of this form of child abuse held accountable.

Teachers diagnosing ADD in 50% of cases: study

Doctors act as 'rubber stamp'

Julie Smyth

National Post

Thursday, August 28, 2003"

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Bizarre birthday behavior sets mom on court course

The title makes you think she's just an eccentric woman who got a little out of hand doesn't it? You'd never guess that this woman, who was released on her own recognizance, had repeatedly attempted to grope her son's friends, tried to give them drugs, gave them beer, driven drunk over 100 mph with them in the car, went off the road twice in the process, handed them bills to stick into her panties, and pressured them into driving her car even after they told her they didn't have licenses. All of the boys were under 16, though their exact ages aren't revealed. On the bright side, at least it looks like she's being charged for the whole gambit, and the paper did mention her name.

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Exposing Feminist Militant Terrorism Tactics

If anyone has any more information or evidence of how feminists have used terrorist style tactics to get their way please send it to MANN administration. Erin Pizzey was constantly bomb threatened as she tried to do her book tour. In her book "Prone To Violence" Erin discribed how she need policemen to escort her around the UK for fear of harm. In the recent events of bomb threats in the UK I believe this is something that should be looked at. Nobody has any evidence as to who the culprits are but people are still pointing fingers. Is it the desperation of a father who can't win no matter what he does? Is it the desperation of feminist organizations wanting to stifle fathers` rights movement. Hell it could be the MI5 trying to expain an excuse to shut down fathers' rights activists before they get to out of hand. If we are going to talk conspiracies lets go all the way. These tactics are nothing new to feminists. Read Here for more on Erin Pizzey

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Female Childlove - Feminist NAMBLA?

tparker writes "Not sure if this is a correct venue for this site, but I think it is worth bringing to the attention of fathers out there, in any case. Read the FAQ and draw your own conclusions. I don't imagine this sites speaks for any large portion of the population, but it argues that mother-child incest and woman-child sex should be considered acceptable and appropriate. (Father-child incest is condemned on the site, however....)"

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Suicides as Result of Court Decisions?

Australian courts are probing suicides as a result of court decisions. I think this is a major step towards looking at the injustices of the courts. I also want to point out the amount of homocides in relation to the court's decisions. In many cases it's a murder suicide scenario. A big issue for men and women. One that needs to be looked at objectively. Click Here

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"Ladies" Attack Stripper At Bachelorette Party

CPM writes "Ladies Attack Stripper At Bachelorette Party

Hmm, let's see... A bachelorette, her mother, and a bridesmaid expect a little something from a stripper, they don't get it, so they punch, kick, and hit him over the head with a bottle. Mom gets 30 days court supervision (read "no punishment at all") and $2500 restitution. Daughter and bridesmaid get all charges dropped. Not a bad deal for the ladies! You guys know the routine right? Flip it around. A bachelor, his father, and a groomsman expect a little something from a stripper and she does not deliver. So the three guys decide to beat her up instead. By show of hands, how many of you believe that any of these guys will not be charged with rape (among other miscellaneous charges)? No wait, keep your hands up, I'm not finished counting. Also, would any of the three men have all charges against them dropped? And just in case you didn't notice, this little story just happens to be in the "Strange News" section so as to make it seem funny. My god, I think my comments here are longer than the article."

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