Last day to complete this week's challenge

Just a reminder that today is the last day to complete the Weekly Activist Challenge over at the grassroots center. By the way I received a fortune cookie at lunch who's fortune read "Great tidings of joy will befall those who meet life's challenges", and I'm pretty sure life's challenges in this case refers to the Farrell Grassroots Activism Challenges. Also todays Daily Activist Challenge should be a fun one for those who wish to participate, but you'll probably want to start right away.

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Ask Ads 8

This time, we're looking at marital rape, namely what are your opinions of it? Do you see it as a way to attack the nearest man through his sexuality? Or perhaps as an excuse for the nearest woman to play sexual power games? Or as a sign of madness that there's a law for women who are terrified of having adult relations with the man she loved enough to marry? Regardless, let's hear what you have to say. I know my comments above cut close to heresy for some of us, but if you want to see the big picture, it helps to look at everything, ya know?

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Update - Farrell has nailed the theses

I've just received confirmation that Farrell has nailed the theses to the Capitol door as planned. Apparently there was only a minor problem when police arrived and informed him he needed a permit to nail the ten theses to the capital building, (makes you wonder how some of these laws come about), so the cops handed him a few papers, he filled them out and was granted a permit. I've not found any info from any major news sources yet but the incident was watched by both FOX and NBC's Sacramento affiliates and word has it you might want to keep your eye on the Sacramento Bee for a report too.

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Women Admits Lying About Rape

SacredNaCl writes "The Age Has a story of how a woman faked a violent rape story, claiming her husband raped her in front of the kids to get the edge in a divorce. It's even complete with video evidence of her coaching the kids to lie, a fallback lie, and just for good measure the female attorney throws in the old worn out fallback lie to deny accountability "this shows how dysfunctional and how much abuse she took"?

Unfortunately it doesn't say what they will do to her, but irregardless of what they do, it will not be severe enough IMO."

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Selective Service

Anonymous User writes "The federal government requires only males above 18 to register for the Selective Service (i.e., sign up for the draft) in order to receive financial aid for school. Only males. A group of students have filed a lawsuit claiming 5th and 14th Amendment violations. The article does not mention results. Does anyone know what has happened?"

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Farrell Planning Bold Move for Tommorow Morning!

The following was just sent to us by the Farrell Campaign...

"Dr. Warren Farrell, Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate, Claims Democrats Have
Driven Men Out of the Party and Businesses out of the State.

Farrell to "Nail" to the Capitol Door His "Ten Theses Toward a 'Reformation'
of the Democratic Party"

CARLSBAD, Ca. Almost 500 years after Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to
the door of the castle church at Wittenburg, Dr. Warren Farrell, with a Ph.D.
(in political science) in his pocket and a "hammer" in his hand, will "nail" to
the Capitol door in Sacramento his "Call for a Reformation of the Democratic
Party." The "nailing"
will occur at 10:15 am pct. on Friday, September 5 at the Capitol's main

Dr. Farrell is the first California Gubernatorial Candidate to be listed on
the ballot as a "Fathers' Issues Author." His Ten Theses envision a three-part
Reformation. First, a Reformation of the Democratic Party's propensity for
driving men out of the party;
second, a Reformation of the Party's propensity for driving businesses out of
the state; and third, a Reformation of the Democratic Party's focus on
pleasing constituencies by putting out fires more than by preventing the fires."

So where can I find out what the 10 theses are? As of the time of this writing, only on MANN. Click read more for details.

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Skimpy swimsuit on men indecent exposure?

CJ writes "A man is arrested at a Taco bell because his Speedo swimsuit that he was wearing at a local beach violated an Arkansas law where a person (read - a man) can be charged with indecent exposure if "he knows his conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm." The man faces a $750 fine and possible jail time if convicted of indecent exposure. Not that I agree that this man's decision was in good taste, but would the same happen to a woman if she wore her bikini top and I considered it an "affront?" Or how about women wearing sexy clothing at work while men have to wear suits? It seems that many laws are written specifically for men alone. m"

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Woman Murders Boyfriend, Gets Custody, Murders Child

SacredNaCl writes "As reported by CTV Canada Shirley Turner killed her boyfriend, fled to Canada to avoid prosecution, was picked up by authorities there and was facing extradition hearings. The childs grandparents had filled a motion for custody, but Canadian authorities still gave the child back to the mother even though she was facing extradition for first degree murder in the US. End result? Three dead including a small child."

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Misandric Insanity Is Worldwide

Luek writes " .ece

Here is an article from far away Norway where getting an unintentional "woody" in the presense of at least two females can cause you to lose you livelilhood.

Evidently, the insanity of misandry is a world wide problem."

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Impending Florida Execution Piques Abortion Debate

This Christian Science Monitor article reports...

"The events involving Hill mark the singular intersection of two of the most controversial issues in US society: the death penalty and abortion. Although violence against abortion providers has declined somewhat in recent years, the impending landmark execution has once again drawn close attention to the issues - which has elicited a vocal and unusual set of responses across the spectrum."

Paul Hill's website is, for the moment, still up and contains several articles in which he argues in favor of killing abortion doctors.

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Mere Men

This article in The Age discusses in some detail the negative protrayal of men in the media. An interesting tidbit mentioned therein...

"A survey conducted for the ASB in 2002, revealed that while 40 per cent of all complainants thought women were portrayed offensively, 23 per cent were offended by the depiction of men."

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MSN on "Why women make better managers"

mens_issues writes "MSN had a link to this misandric article about "Why women make better managers."

Can you spot the errors in this article?

The link to it is:"

Like0 Dislike0 runs piece on Ritalin Use

Matt writes "Pleasantly surprised to see this article on overuse/misuse of Ritalin: tml is highly trafficked, too."

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Saying No to Zero Tolerance

Looks like some people in the Ontario education system are finally waking up to the problems with zero tolerance policies, as this Globe and Mail article explains. From the article...

"Not one of the 20 educators contacted for this story endorsed zero tolerance. Most felt the time had come for a more proactive strategy."

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Men's Hour Adding Video!

Raymond Cuttill writes "The August Men's Hour is delayed, at least until September! Due to editing of the F4J Brecon and Exeter protests which is taking longer than anticipated due to doing both video and audio editing for the first time. I hope it will be worth the wait when it is finished."

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