Man claims sexual harassment from female boss

A male employee at the online service America Online claimed to have been subject to sexual harassment from his female boss. Among other things, he claims she touched him and prevented him from leaving when he was at her home. One supervisor at AOL suggested that the man himself was to blame for the harassment, possibly because of the clothing he was wearing.

The CBS News article (last checked Sept. 26, 2003) is at the URL Read Here

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Ann Richards "joke"

Dave writes "Gentleman,

Ann Richards, the former governor of Texas, made violence against men the subject of a most disgusting "joke" today (26 September) at a ralley of women for Gov. Davis in the Los Angeles area. I have not been able to locate any report on this on the web. Her story was: the economy is bad all over, it is so bad in Texas that women are now carpooling to run over their husbands! Can you believe this?!! This was shown on L.A. local TV news tonight. I hope that some of the media pick up on this, and all decent concerned people make her a pariah."

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Male-bashing on vs 'metrosexuals'

Matt writes "This article condemns "metrosexuality". No surprise it was off-linked from's Hotmail opening page.

I submitted a comment as written here, and also sent it to the author of this lovely little tract whose e-mail address is found at the bottom of the article she wrote.


For decades men have been scolded to be more like women. Some have become that way, and now they are condemned for it?

The underlying phnomenon here is this: When a man stops living to serve women, he is condemned. If he takes care of himself and/or acts as "self-absorbed" as the average woman does, he is also condemned for it. Women want the right of self-absorption and self-care to themseleves. They would rather sit safely on the bleachers watching men hurt themseleves in sports like football for their own entertainment than watch a man be happy and healthy and care for himself. There is nothing wrong with a man taking care of himself as he sees fit.

The mistake men have been making for a long time is that they have been too much taking their cues about what they ought to be from women. Of course if you live for anyone else's opinion of you, you are bound to get caught in a cycle of pleasing/not pleasing that leads to no one's happiness. You must live life the way you think is right for you, and not for anyone else. To not do so is to allow oneself to get caught in a kind of co-dependency, and that is not good because the results are rarely satisfying.

I say this: individual men should be the way they want to be, act as they want to, and live for their own goals. If those include playing football and not 'doing their hair', so be it. If they include spending $1,000/month+ at the spa, so be that, too.

Men should have as much CHOICE as women have in every area that they have it.

Ms. Pressman needs to update her notions of "equality of the sexes" to include men."

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Marriage? Just Say No.

Darren Blacksmith has just written a superb piece on marriage, and it's a must read. Having seen what happened to my uncle, you're better off without marriage, believe me.

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Stone Soup comic reinforces myth of male power

mens_issues writes "The Stone Soup comic strip, by Jan Eliot, is usually quite
entertaining. However, the past two days have featured a
conversation between the mother and her daughter "Alix" in which
Alix says that she wants to grow up to be a man because "it's a
man's world" and she thinks she will earn more money, etc.
It does say that Jan Eliot took women's studies in college,
which may just have something to do with this.

Here’s the link"

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University shuts down Affirmative Action protest

Doctor Damage writes " reports that Texas University shut down a bake sale which was set up to protest Affirmative Action. white males had to pay $1 for a cookie. The price was 75 cents for white women, 50 cents for Hispanics and 25 cents for blacks. The Universities justified its action saying "This was not an issue about free speech" (uh huh...) "It was really an issue where we had a hostile environment being created."Has anyone heard of a protest which did not result in hostility? is hostility not the underlying reason and purpose for any protest. One remark:"They were arguing that affirmative action was solely based on race. It's not based on race. It's based on bringing a diverse community to a certain organization." struck me as the most egregious sophistry I have encountered in many years (over a decade) following the development of mens politics"

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Finding Men's Activists

The gloominess of men's activism is sometimes difficult to deal with. I would like to point out how there are far more men's activists then we may formerly acknowledge at present. After hearing a speech presented by a children's service departement head no less I am inclined to believe there are far more of us out there than we may realize. I think it is important to find these people and make contact with them. They too may not realize the large movement developing in our mysts. Keep in mind not all of them are up to date as many of us and still may even hold onto feminist propaganda as truth. Try to focus on what they do believe and work slowly from there. A positive attitude opens all doors.

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Farrell's Campaign Bringing More Light to Us

Anonymous User writes "Warren Farrell's campaign for governor of California is bringing some fairly good media attention to fathers' issues. We just learned about this one in the National Review by Jennifer Roback Morse. She supports Warren as her favorite of the lesser-known candidates. She then makes a list of good ideas from the lesser-knowns, and the top two items on the list are Warren's call for joint custody laws and a paternity fraud bill. You can also view TV footage from CNN National and some local stations. Marc"

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Boys bottom of the class worldwide

CJ writes "This study (presented in a somewhat celebratory fashion) shows that women have overtaken men at every level of education in developed countries around the world and blames boys for not being able to overcome peer-pressure as well as unable to deal with disruptions in the family unit as a cause for this problem. Likely, the real culprit behind lagging male interest isn't ability, but motivation. Feminism has replaced core educational standards with a "female empowering emotive-feminist" model. Educational programming has to be a primary factor in the sharp decline in male interest in higher education, not "peer-pressure" which often makes boys thrive. For this article to imply that the educational failure of boys isn't an academic issue that needs high level concern is insidious, and it is indicative of what the global academic feminist institutions intend to do to fix the problem of educational equality - nothing."

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Sacks: Convicted Murderess Gets Custody

Anon user writes: "Glenn Sacks blasts the family court system in his newest column, "Convicted Murderess Can Get Custody but Decent Fathers Can't" (Houston Chronicle, 9/19/03). To read the column, go here"

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Men have no rights?

Mangesh writes "This is (yet another) tragic story of a man who was falsely implicated and lost everything - his job, reputation and his daughter."

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Man arrested over domestic dispute

No nick yet writes "This story appeared in the newspaper where I work. I know the person in the story who is named as a friend of the man arrested. He was with the accused when he was arrested. They were returning to the guy's apartment, with slushies in hand, and found it surrounded by the Crisis Response Team. The guy goes up to a cop and asks what was going on and they tell him there is a guy in an apartment with a rifle - him! The cops had evacuated the building and blocked off the street and then held a four-hour stand-off with an empty apartment. Why? Someone phoned the police and told them he was holding a woman hostage with a rifle. Coincidentally, he had an argument with his girlfriend that morning. So even though the call was a false alarm and there was no victim they arrested him anyway and then went into his apartment and seized his rifle."

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His Side: Father & Son Reunited

Anon user writes: "Despite a decade of physical and emotional abuse at the hands of his mother, Darius never gave up on his dream to be reunited with his father.

Darius and his father told their story on His Side with Glenn Sacks to commemorate Equal Parents Week (September 22-28), an international week of recognition of children's right to both parents. To listen to the show, go to His Side"

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Men's Rights Candidate needed in 2004!

Ray writes "Friends:

I just heard a news report wherein Democrat, Carol Mosley Braun formally announced her candidacy for President, and blamed the problems of the world on men. She has garnered an endorsement from N.O.W., and has stated that she wants to bring women's issues front and center. She is getting a lot of press for her women's issues.

The only question we need ask now is, "Who is the men's rights candidate for President in 04?" I'm running in 08 against Hillary, but we need to take the "bull" by the horns in 04.

My campaign motto in 08 will be either,






My motto for today is LET'S NOT WAIT 'TILL 08.

"A laptop in every pot,"

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Sexual Harassment of Men

TLE writes "Did you see the CBS report on sexual harassment of men by women? The HR department of course ignored this guy's complaint and said he must have brought it on himself! Bet that Kristen Carmen was surprised to see herself on the national news!"

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