Quentin Tarantino says "Kill Bill" about "Girl Power"

CNN.com tells us that...

"Tarantino said Kill Bill was a feminist statement, "a film about girl power."

"Tarantino said that over 380 litres of fake blood had been used for the movie, and described how one fight scene, in which Thurman dismembers 88 opponents with a Japanese sword, took over eight weeks to shoot."

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Abortion Bill's Passage Expected

The Cape Cod Times is one of many papers telling us that...

"The House voted overwhelmingly yesterday to ban what opponents call "partial-birth abortion," and the Senate is expected to agree today, sending the measure to President Bush, who says he will sign it into law"

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Misandric play - "The male intellect: an oxymoron?

mens_issues writes "There is a play showing in Boulder (where else?) called "The male intellect: an oxymoron?" by Robert Dubac. The "protagonist" of this stupid play is a man named Bobby who supposedly can't figure women out. The explanation then goes into the worn out cliche about him being a chauvinist "like most guys," as well as the fact that the five men who have taught him the most about women are even bigger "chauvinists."

Here is the link:



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No jail for mom who killed baby

donaldcameron1 writes "Do I have to say that this is outrageous?"

Time served is sufficient, but judge orders Krystal Coombs to get psychological help

The Edmonton Journal
October 01, 2003

"Krystal Coombs will not go to prison for the beating
death of her baby daughter a crime she continues to deny.

Court of
Bench Justice Joanne Veit said Tuesday the 20-year-old woman deserves a
four-year sentence for manslaughter but has already served the
equivalent of
that time in custody awaiting the outcome of her trial.

Coombs to one day in jail, which she technically served Tuesday in
court, as
well as three years' probation with psychological treatment and

She also ordered Coombs to notify her probation
officer if
she becomes pregnant again

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Boys are better for marriages

Jen writes "Well, here is something, as the mother of sons, I knew for a long time and never realized was universally true-boys are much easier to have around than girls. Apparently easier on marraiges as well.This story
claims that world wide, marraiges with sons fare better than those with daughters, and the more the better. Very interesting read. I did find the piece at first seemed to be blaming boys, but later down the girls get the same treatment, so I don't think it was really angled one way or the other."

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Non Sequitur comic shows date with vindictive woman

mens_issues writes "The Non Sequitur comic strip for 9/26 (by Wiley Miller) features a
father on a date with a vindictive woman who quotes the worn out
cliche about men and toilet seats before dumping a wine glass on his
head. It ends with his daughter's horse "Lucy" asking why her dad
hadn't remarried. The daughter, Danae, replies that he's
overqualified. This cartoonist is good! Here is a link to the comic strip (choose the 9/26 episode)"

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Male brain science gives clue to nagging questions

CJ writes "Here is an article that touches many deep issues for men. The article tries to help promote a better understanding of men and reverse what seems to be a dangerous assumption born of the past 40 years of radical femininism that men have simply become redundant, but falls short as it argues that it is men that ultimately must live up to the expectations or the newly fabricated "independant women"

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Women Lie About Sexual History

Grant Hayes writes "The New Scientist is running a piece about how men and women lie about their sex lives. Of course, the more likely it was that the women believed she would be caught, the more she lied. The much maligned male, however, proved to tell the truth more often. Conclusions, anyone?"

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His Side: P.I. Reveals Secrets Behind Mercedes Murder

Anon user writes "The Clara Harris "murder by Mercedes" case--wherein a Texas woman garnered widespread sympathy after killing her husband as his daughter begged her not to kill her father--has been a textbook example of our society's noxious mix of anti-male feminism and anti-male male chivalry. Incredibly, last week the murderess was granted joint custody of her twin five year-old boys.

Sunday on His Side, Glenn discussed the Harris case with the private detective who knows it best--Bobbi Bacha of Blue Moon Investigations, the agency which Clara hired to spy on her husband. To listen to the show, go to His Side"

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NYPost discusses wealthiest women

Matt writes "Speaks for itself" Yeah it does, but this speaks even more "but if you're looking for the strongest growth numbers it's probably through divorce"" I hope that didn't comprimise your gag reflex too much. Eugh....

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What *Real* patriarchy looks like

SunCat writes "Hey, if Western Rational Thought is so male and so evil then why do the worst misogynists in the world slash their daughters to death for being Western?

http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/?entry=8350 _Honor_Killing_in_London

I don't do this sort of thing so why blame me?"

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Time online covers high rate of marital breakups

Matt writes "Ever notice how when females break engagements, they are being independent-minded, but when males do it, they are said to fear commitment?

At least Time got the fear of divorce right with regard to being among the top reasons for why people are not following through with this most ridiculous of arrangements. I would say any man who studies the stats should make it his top reason. And predictably, this article focuses on women's opinions of the whole thing.

Read it

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Forced Weddings? Really?

Dittohd writes "Do you all believe this? After such a forced wedding, the groom has no option to void the marriage? Huh? Is this a joke by some prankster trying to see if she could get such an outlandish story printed?"

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The Men's Hour at last! (New and improved)

Raymond Cuttill writes "Following video/software/health delays the New Men's Hour is here. It now has a blog, a forum and video. This includes videos and photos of 2 Fathers-4-Justice protests in the UK. It also has links to other media on the net, such as Warren Farrell interviews and Bob Geldof attacking the treatment of fathers in Britain."

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Domestic Violence Conference, Diverse Perspectives

Lee Newman writes "Please reserve your seat at this very important event!

The excitement is building!

Violence Intervention Program SAFE-NH is co-sponsoring this unique Domestic Violence Conference with the Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and...READ MORE

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