Three Stories Deleted

I have deleted three recent postings on MANN that were too far off-topic for this site. One was on the subject of separation of church and state in the U.S, another on the shutdown of a Nestle plant, and a third on junk food and alternative medicine. I'd like to reiterate that the purpose of is to focus on stories and activism directly related to men's rights and dignity - we are not a general news site for men (such as Men's News Daily, which is a great site for that purpose). The deleted stories are legitimate topics of discussion and debate, just not here. Please check out Our Philosophy page to get an idea of what's guiding principles are. Thank you for keeping this in mind.

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John Walsh Show on Domestic Violence and Men

Tom writes "John Walsh is taping a show this Friday that will focus on male victims of domestic violence. They are seeking men and women who can offer insight into these issues. Click Read more for the contact details."

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Davis' Parting Shot at CA. Men

Glenn Sacks' latest column--"New California Move-Away Law Hurts Children of Divorce" (Daily Breeze, Los Angeles, 10/28/03)-- describes a new law which is Governor Gray Davis' parting shot at the men of California. The law, which was rammed through the California Legislature by feminist groups with almost no resistance or publicity, is a major defeat for California fathers and children. Read the column at Link Here
To respond to the column, go to

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Must-read DV Gulag Essay by Baskerville

Roy writes "Excellent brief essay by Stephen Baskerville on the MND site. Dr. Baskerville echoes many of our reader’s sentiments in describing the Domestic Violence Industry as a Stalinist/Fascist Gulag that has eroded civil liberties and legal due process, while strategically inculcating FEAR in its “target population,” i.e. men.

A must-read for those concerned about our nation’s growing DV Gestapo regime!"

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New Forum To Discuss Various Issues

Anonymous User writes "A new forum has been set up to discuss various issues. Things ranging from gender issues, politics and current events. Aswell fun stuff like music. The place is sympathic towards men's rights so you should feel right at home.

It's called Reality Check -

A Whopping Dose of Clue for the Clueless."

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Child Medication Article in TIME

Anonymous User writes "

The most recent cover-article in TIME magazine is on medication (or possible over-medication) of youngsters... however, in order to humanize the account, they give two girls personalized treatment (three girls, if you include the sidebar "Life on Medication")... even though it is boys who receive the lion's share of children's prescriptions relating to ADHD and bipolar disorder.

Seriously, look through this article-- where are boys mentioned? Not one. They are completely invisible in this narrative."

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Sisters fed, brothers starved

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Women-only floors in hotels...

Matt writes "... that are nicer and more spacious than the "ordinary" floors. Gotta make sure they have lots of room and, with the bigger peep-holes, they can keep an eye out for those evil, awful MEN that are lurking everywhere!!! Hooray for those "forward-thinking" hotels, yes sirree!!!

Here it is:

I wonder if the poor dears are charged a little more for these rooms??"

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Record childlessness

Matt writes "As many of us know/suspected:

I submitted this link under "Fatherhood" because I wasn't sure where else to submit it under. After all, if women aren't having kids, neither are men!

Anthropological suicide in action. Make it too risky for men to have kids and incent women not to, and what do you expect the result to be?"

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Gendercide web site

Matt writes "Good site on "gendercide":

I see an opportunity for men's issues/rights activists to be involved in this area, especially as it links us in more directly with human rights issues (ie, it's a possible "in" for our issues, which have such a hard time getting press in human rights circles as such).

From their "about" page:

"Gendercide is gender-selective mass killing. The term was first used by Mary Anne Warren in her 1985 book, Gendercide: The Implications of Sex Selection. Warren drew "an analogy between the concept of genocide" and what she called "gendercide." Citing the Oxford English Dictionary definition of genocide as 'the deliberate extermination of a race of people,' Warren wrote...." Please Read More.

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Advocating Violence

Dittohd writes "What is the best action concerning a website like this and the last comment that advocates "enlisting the aid of our friends Colt, Smith, and Wesson"?

Should the police be notified? Have they broken the law? Should we find out the ISP and get them taken down, if possible? If so, how do we get this information?

If any of you have trouble with my link, as I seem to have found more and more lately, here is the address for copying and pasting:"

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Minnelli files for divorce from Gest

tjc writes "Minnelli files for divorce from Gest
Entertainer denies husband’s abuse allegations
NEW YORK, Oct. 22 — Liza Minnelli filed for divorce from estranged husband David Gest on Wednesday, a day after he filed a $10 million lawsuit against the entertainer, accusing her of beating him during alcoholic rages. Minnelli moved to end her 16-month marriage shortly after issuing a statement denying Gest’s allegations


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"No shame. No blame. No names."

"No shame. No blame. No names."

Posters bearing this slogan can be found in bus stops and on billboards all over Los Angeles, urging unhappy new mothers to drop off their babies at hospitals and fire stations. The Safe Haven Laws now in place in 44 states starkly reveal the enormous inequality in reproductive rights between men and women.

Glenn Sacks debated the issue of Choice for Men with Kingsley Morse of the Voluntary Fatherhood Project and feminist columnist Elaine Vigneault on His Side with Glenn Sacks in Los Angeles and Seattle on Sunday, October 19. To listen to the show, go to His Side Archive.

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Patricia Ireland Fired from Girl Scouts...

Anonymous User writes "

Read about it!"

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NYTimes hops on divorce-and-boys bandwagon

Matt writes "Well, the NYT has done it again. Jumping on the recent junk-science-based "revelation" that couples with boys stay together more often than those with only female children, they bemoan the difficult place of girls as a result.

Read it and barf here.

No mention of the male-only draft or much higher injury and suicide rates of males, though. Guess that isn't important to them."

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