Submitted by Hombre on Mon, 2003-12-08 23:57
Boy Genteel writes "Article>>
I was responding to a column on the diminishing numbers for young males watching television.
Great work Brian!
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Submitted by Adam on Mon, 2003-12-08 03:56
SJones writes "The city council of New York has decided to order that all new buildings proved 2 women's bathrooms for every 1 men's bathroom. Their justification is that it willl 'benefit men too because when you are standing holding her packages it won't take as long for her to come back.' This is the lamest excuse for blatant anti-male sexism they could possibly come up with.
Also, they offer that builders can be put in compliance by simply eliminating existing men's bathrooms or converting them into women's bathrooms.
The story is here"
Notice the bill is called "The Restroom Equity Bill" I was unware that Equity consisted of twice as much as everybody else. And since I'm in a sideswipe mood: Yvette Clarke, the woman behind it, said""We don't have the same type of equipment that you men have and it requires gentle procedures. At certain times that's much more time consuming." That's what this is all about: A woman resents a man's natural ability, and seeks to criminalize him for it. Alot like a certain ideology I could name.
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Submitted by Adam on Sun, 2003-12-07 23:46
Anonymous User writes "This is the last of the Susan B. Anthony series for now. See it at, or read the whole series at this site. Or post a reply under the copy of the latest at this site. Feel free to post a whole copy on your Web site (exactly as is, with the links and list of references as shown here), with credit and an e-mail to the author, Art Lemasters, and with a link back to the series at this site or here. Enjoy!"
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Submitted by Adam on Sun, 2003-12-07 19:43
Boy Genteel writes "...not old enough for me to say she's living in the Stone Age. Page down to a column by Stephanie Mencimer. If we want to tell her how we feel about her, though, it may require some detective work. This is like a copy of a copy of a copy."
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Submitted by Thomas on Sat, 2003-12-06 04:47
NOTE (Thomas writing now): I've fixed the bad link in the original post. (Sorry for any inconvenience.) If you tried to view the article and gave up, please try again. It's an interesting read.
jenk writes The former Gwinnett school teacher who three years ago fled to the
Cayman Islands with her children, only to lose them to their father
earlier this year when authorities returned her to the United States,
got them back in a Fulton court Tuesday.
Fulton County Superior Court Judge John J. Goger overturned an earlier
order that had given custody of Emily and Jeffrey Taylor Weeks to their
father, Jeff Weeks. In a decision late Tuesday morning, Goger gave
primary custody of the children back to Joyce Williams, 35, of Sugar
Hill, claiming he had misgivings about their father's character.
Thomas writing again: This case may be of concern to both men's rights activists and gay/lesbian/bi-sexual rights activists.
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Submitted by Thomas on Sat, 2003-12-06 01:56
jenk writes "FluMist has been running misandrist ads showing that a mother with the flu means the house falls into complete chaos with inept fathers. Here are some contacts, let them know how you feel.
Media Contacts:
Jamie Lacey
MedImmune, Inc.
Douglas Petkus
Investor Contacts:
William Roberts
MedImmune, Inc.
Justin R. Victoria
Thomas writing now: Please note that, while I have a great deal of respect for Jenk, unless I saw the ad myself, any letter that I wrote would contain a statement such as "though I haven't seen it, I understand that you are circulating an ad depicting fathers as bumbling fools. Rest assured that, if I ever do see such an ad for your products, I will never purchase any of your products again."
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Submitted by Thomas on Sat, 2003-12-06 00:20
frank h writes "We so rarely see the coarsest of terms applied to women accused of sexual misconduct, so I thought I'd submit this article. It's statutory rape, but rape nonetheless, and the newspaper actually called her a rapist!"
Thomas writing now: Slowly... slowly, we are having an effect.
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Submitted by Thomas on Fri, 2003-12-05 23:47
jenk writes "Here is a petition to instate mysandry as a hate crime.
The more the merrier.The Biscuit Queen"
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Submitted by Thomas on Fri, 2003-12-05 21:43
jenk writes:
Vote Spiderman, AKA Dave Chick, as London's Personality of the Year!
I put in my vote,
The Biscuit Queen
Thomas writing now -- The Biscuit Queen/jenk has informed me that they are only seeking votes from Europeans.
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Submitted by Hombre on Thu, 2003-12-04 12:07
Anonymous User writes "While people might differ about the importance of the phrase "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance, everyone should agree that it's a tragedy for fathers to be turned into wallets and be legally deprived of the opportunity to be a father. Yet the fact that the guy in this case cares about his daughter is being used in a front-page Washington Post article (Dec. 2, "An Allegiance to Dissent") to portray him as a weirdo! Here's my response to the Post:"
Click "Read More" for the text of the very well-written letter.
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Submitted by Hombre on Thu, 2003-12-04 12:06
Henry Vincent writes "I'd like to propose that Dec. 7 be recognized as Life-Gap Awareness Day. Men in the Western world die on average 5-6 years earlier than women. This works out to around 24 days a year less that men have to live than women. The number of days from Dec. 7 to the start of the new year would represent the difference in the amount of lifespan between men and women each year.
Anyone think this is a good idea?"
Sounds like a great way to get the message out to me.
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Submitted by Hombre on Thu, 2003-12-04 11:58
jenk writes "As reported in The Age,
The Chief Justice of the Family Court has accused a federal MP of attempting to intimidate him by calling for his resignation amid a heated public debate over child custody.
Chris Pearce, Liberal MP for the eastern Melbourne seat of Aston and a member of the parliamentary committee examining reforms to joint custody law, said yesterday Chief Justice Alastair Nicholson should step down because he had unduly tried to influence the committee.
A prominent parenting lobby group, the Shared Parenting Council of Australia, joined the call for Justice Nicholson's resignation."
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Submitted by Hombre on Thu, 2003-12-04 11:52
Trudy W Schuett writes "I've got an essay on feminism up at the DLJ
It is a somewhat different viewpoint than I've taken before. Take a look!"
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Submitted by Hombre on Wed, 2003-12-03 12:08
Anonymous User writes "Citigroup has a program open to women only called Women and Company. Members receive a wide range of benefeits from Citigroup associates such as Citibank, Smith Barney, and Travelers Insurance. Benefeits include a hotline for financial planning advice and discounts for childcare services for mom (sorry, dad). Surprisingly, members have access to lower interest rates for home mortgages, auto loans and student loans. The rationale for all of this is the 76.3 cents per every dollar a man earns argument."
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Submitted by Thomas on Wed, 2003-12-03 02:41
I'm posting a link to this article, because I think it shows where we are headed in the near future or, perhaps, where we've already arrived.
Now that the courts as well as the general public are becoming aware of the fact that some women lie about being assaulted or otherwise victimized, I suspect we will soon see an increasing number of cases like this, where the woman claims the man abused her and the man claims the woman abused him and government entities find it's in their interest to side with the man.
It was so easy, when we all knew that women never lie about being assaulted (sarcasm off). I can't tell you how often I've been told, "No woman would ever lie about being assaulted by a man," though I haven't heard that one for a couple years.
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