Girls enforce gender roles by framing boy

I'm guessing they were jealous because he was getting a bigger fan reaction than they were. Whatever the reason, the future NOW members of the Pasco High School cheerleading squad demonstrated their support for diversity by allegedly framing the only boy in order to get him expelled so they can have an all girl squad. One of the girls who attends church with some of the cheerleaders says she heard them plotting...

"I heard (a cheerleader) state to these two other girls that she was going to find a way to get Johnathan kicked off the cheerleading squad because he was a boy," she said. Story here.

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Let's get together

nick writes "Might I suggest that all men opposed to feminism and other forms of political correctness visit . This is part of the website. is a brilliant, simple and free (!) website which allows like-minded people to meet up in their home town, wherever in the world this might be. If you visit the site you will understand how this works. There are pages devoted to all sorts of interests and categories and I have persuaded them to start a category for men opposed to feminism and political correctness, which I have called ‘Traditional Men’.

If you are a ‘traditional man’ please join up so that we can all meet up, have a few drinks and discuss issues of interest to us among like-minded friends. Also, if you know anyone else who might be interested in this idea please pass this message on to them too.

Let’s fight the good fight – and have fun doing it!


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Penetration Kills

P George writes " Here is a short article on AIDS. The arctile summary says "Latest AIDS statistics point to sexual and syringe intromission as the vectors of contamination of a disease that disproportionately cuts down women, gays and racially-despised minorities. Created in Quebec by Montreal men against sexism, this logo attempts to raise the issue of penetration as cultural icon."

Now if you go to the bottom of the page it gives a link to the National Institue of Health. Near the top of the page it says "Approximately 50 percent of adults living with HIV/AIDS worldwide are women.", which means the other 50% are men! Then further down the page under the heading " HIV/AIDS in the US" and exactly right above the statistics that these "men against sexism" cut and pasted it says "Approximately 40,000 new HIV infections occur each year in the United States, about 70 percent among men and 30 percent among women." Whose being the sexist here?

Then click on their attached file. It's a picture of a red no smoking sign with a syringe turning into a penis. On the sides it says "Penetration Kills" followed by the inside saying "Montreal men against sexism"! I can't articulate on how this sign is misandry but I can't imagine a similar sign with a vagina that says "cavern of chlamydia" or something. This seems like purely Hate propaganda to demonize men. Why would they do this? What do you guys think?"

I agree with you that the sign is misandrous, and the reason I would call it that is it clearly focuses on the penis as an object of hate and fear, while implying everyone with a penis, (and only those with a penis), is responsible for the spreading of STDs. As to the question of why they would do that, well some people may not be aware of this but in addition to ourselves and groups like the NCFM, ACFC, etc. there is also a fake men's movement. A movement which purports to oppose sexism and care about the issues which effect men but is really just composed of self-hating male feminists. Men Against Sexism is a group which fits this category, and I would bet that the Montreal Men Against Sexism is just a division of that group. A brief perusal of their homepage should tell you what they're about, and why they would actively try to demonize men.

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Police cripple teen over offroad permit

Doctor Damage writes "A young man is confined to a wheelchair and his hopes of a career in aviation are more than likely permanently dashed following an incident of police brutality after a misunderstanding over a permit to take his pickup offroad. The article can be found here and it is being discussed at LibertyForum

Anyone think this incident would have been so egregiously mishandled if the young man were a young woman?"

But haven't feminists taught us that men in power treat other men better than they treat women? In this enlightened age, don't we understand that simply because the officer who savagely attacked the boy was a man his actions therefore represent men's interests?

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Innocent - Until Proven Guilty

Ray writes ""Don't be so quick to judge in Bryant case," is a letter to the editor of the San Diego Union-Tribune, written back in July, but is still a timely read. A growing number of men in the movement are beginning to speak up and get published. Let us hope this continues and becomes a trend. A little media objectivity would be a refreshing change."

Note - The letter is about two thirds of the way down the page.

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If the shoe doesn't fit, get foot changed for whistles!

Matt writes "Does the average woman want to get whistled at in the street, willing to go to such lengths as cosmetic foot surgery to get such attention? A doctor quoted in this article (search on "whistle") seems to think so.

Wasn't men whistling at women in the street a complaint feminists had about men in the 60's and 70s? Or is it now something some of them want?

Such complex times!

BTW, I submitted this under "Media" because no other topic seemed to fit it; one thing I will say was good about this article and decidedly un-NYTimes-like was that it did not have the "obligatory" interview with a "women's advocate" blaming the whole thing on "patriarchal oppression" and somesuch babblings. But the bad thing is that it suggests men (categorically) whistle at women on the street. I have seen sych whistling only a few times, sometimes by women at men. But it is not a regular thing, at least in my experience, to view such happenings."

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Boy Genteel published

Boy Genteel writes "Article>>

I was responding to a column on the diminishing numbers for young males watching television.


Great work Brian!

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New York City Comprimising men's bathrooms

SJones writes "The city council of New York has decided to order that all new buildings proved 2 women's bathrooms for every 1 men's bathroom. Their justification is that it willl 'benefit men too because when you are standing holding her packages it won't take as long for her to come back.' This is the lamest excuse for blatant anti-male sexism they could possibly come up with.

Also, they offer that builders can be put in compliance by simply eliminating existing men's bathrooms or converting them into women's bathrooms.

The story is here"

Notice the bill is called "The Restroom Equity Bill" I was unware that Equity consisted of twice as much as everybody else. And since I'm in a sideswipe mood: Yvette Clarke, the woman behind it, said""We don't have the same type of equipment that you men have and it requires gentle procedures. At certain times that's much more time consuming." That's what this is all about: A woman resents a man's natural ability, and seeks to criminalize him for it. Alot like a certain ideology I could name.

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Susan B. Anthony: Lucifer's Babe?

Anonymous User writes "This is the last of the Susan B. Anthony series for now. See it at, or read the whole series at this site. Or post a reply under the copy of the latest at this site. Feel free to post a whole copy on your Web site (exactly as is, with the links and list of references as shown here), with credit and an e-mail to the author, Art Lemasters, and with a link back to the series at this site or here. Enjoy!"

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This is really old, but still....

Boy Genteel writes "...not old enough for me to say she's living in the Stone Age. Page down to a column by Stephanie Mencimer. If we want to tell her how we feel about her, though, it may require some detective work. This is like a copy of a copy of a copy."

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Kidnapping mom gets back custody

NOTE (Thomas writing now): I've fixed the bad link in the original post. (Sorry for any inconvenience.) If you tried to view the article and gave up, please try again. It's an interesting read.

jenk writes The former Gwinnett school teacher who three years ago fled to the
Cayman Islands with her children, only to lose them to their father
earlier this year when authorities returned her to the United States,
got them back in a Fulton court Tuesday.

Fulton County Superior Court Judge John J. Goger overturned an earlier
order that had given custody of Emily and Jeffrey Taylor Weeks to their
father, Jeff Weeks. In a decision late Tuesday morning, Goger gave
primary custody of the children back to Joyce Williams, 35, of Sugar
Hill, claiming he had misgivings about their father's character.

Thomas writing again: This case may be of concern to both men's rights activists and gay/lesbian/bi-sexual rights activists.

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Flumist ads

jenk writes "FluMist has been running misandrist ads showing that a mother with the flu means the house falls into complete chaos with inept fathers. Here are some contacts, let them know how you feel.

Media Contacts:

Jamie Lacey

MedImmune, Inc.


Douglas Petkus



Investor Contacts:

William Roberts

MedImmune, Inc.


Justin R. Victoria



Thomas writing now: Please note that, while I have a great deal of respect for Jenk, unless I saw the ad myself, any letter that I wrote would contain a statement such as "though I haven't seen it, I understand that you are circulating an ad depicting fathers as bumbling fools. Rest assured that, if I ever do see such an ad for your products, I will never purchase any of your products again."

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A Female Rapist !@@!?

frank h writes "We so rarely see the coarsest of terms applied to women accused of sexual misconduct, so I thought I'd submit this article. It's statutory rape, but rape nonetheless, and the newspaper actually called her a rapist!"

Thomas writing now: Slowly... slowly, we are having an effect.

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jenk writes "Here is a petition to instate mysandry as a hate crime.

The more the merrier.The Biscuit Queen"

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Vote for Spiderman

jenk writes:
Vote Spiderman, AKA Dave Chick, as London's Personality of the Year!

I put in my vote,

The Biscuit Queen

Thomas writing now -- The Biscuit Queen/jenk has informed me that they are only seeking votes from Europeans.

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