Using hate speech to promote business

LeMorteMark writes "I found a link where a woman claims:
"Today, these fathers rights groups, many of which have posted on their website that they feel women are second class citizens and even should not have the power to vote".

I don't recall ever seeing a father's rights website that says women should not have the right to vote. As I read further, I realized that the true motivation for these sexist lies was the promotion of a "facial exercise" business.

I wonder how much sexism and bigotry this woman is willing to promote to sell her useless crap.

Here's the link so you know what I'm talking about:

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Parents Bristle at AttornGen child support Crackdown

Stephanie Frostic writes "Some parents bristle at attorney general's child support crackdown

The Associated Press
11/9/03 9:18 AM


""Cox says his PayKids initiative is focusing on those parents who can pay support but don't, not on those who can't afford to pay.""

"""They're taking away custody and only giving visitation. ... Then there isn't a relationship there, it's all about money," says Stephanie Frostic, 30, who pays support for a son from her previous marriage.""

For the full story:
Read Here

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False accuser to be charged

The Gonzo Kid writes "The Detroit Free Press reports that one Nicole Milburn is to be charged with a felony in connection to a September 17 incident. Apparently Ms. Milburn had consensual and protected sex with one of Scotty Anderson's teammates, stole $700 from Scotty, and was trying to inseminate herself with used condoms. According to Mike Dugan, the prosecutor, this was "apparently, either to hopefully cause herself to be pregnant and have a child support claim, or potentially, as it turned out, possibly to support a rape claim." Read the story here at the DFP, and marvel. Hopefully this will become a trend."

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The Mankind Project New Warrior Training

JohnC. writes "
Are you looking for a challenge like none other that you have ever faced? Then have we got a weekend for you. The ManKind Project sponsors the New Warrior Training Adventure, an intense educational training presented over the course of a forty-eight hour period. The ManKind Project is an organization of men working together to improve their lives and help other men. The New Warrior Training Adventure is where this starts."

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The Christian Comments were authored by me.

I'd just like to clear up for the record that the men who submitted the recent articles containing remarks about the "Christian Domestic Violence industry", (Paul and Ray), were not the authors of those remarks.

I added those comments to their submitted articles solely as an attempt to demonstrate a point through analogy and not as a serious attack on Christianity, (I am a Christian after all). I am dissappointed that those remarks were taken as a serious attack, in part because I believe some of the people who did so knew better and wanted to capitalize on the un-PC quality of those remarks when taken seriously. These are people I would have expected better from.

If anyone really was truly offended by what they felt was some kind of religious slur then I apologize and hope that I've cleared up any misunderstandings. - Hombre

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CBC Article on the Gender Gap in Schools

Anonymous User writes "The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation has an article on their website about the current gender gap for male youths in terms of reading. It states that the current gap for reading in favour of girls is twice as large as the (now closed) gap for maths and sciences that used to favour boys. It also states that contrary to popular belief boys are not "catching up" to girls as they get older in their reading skills."

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Schwarzenegger Sellout?

TLE writes "It looks like the Terminator may need a new bionic backbone. Schwarzenegger paroles a female murderer because she shows remorse and promises not to do it again." The article also mentions that he has paroled a man convicted of a murder and denied parole to a man who killed a woman in a drunk driving accident.

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The Eyes of the World are upon us!

Lee Newman writes "The first Commission on the Status of Men in the World has been established in NH.
This Commission was appointed by the Governor to address health concerns and other issues that affect men. This is a very important and necessary initiative considering the high rates of male suicide and other major health, family and even the legal concerns of men.

VIP/SAFE-NH will take an active role in assisting the Commission regarding the issues surrounding violence against boys and men. Everyday we see the impact on men caused by the gender bias that is frequently present in provision of services and compassionate understanding.
We see the impact on boys who are beginning to believe that they are going to grow up to be “bad men”, because of the gender bias they observe and experience as young children.
After a while, if society only hears one version of the ”truth” they begin to believe that it is the only truth…we hope that this Commission will bring another perspective forward that needs to be considered.
Depression, isolation, suicide, stress related illnesses, emotional trauma, homelessness and other issues have a serious impact on the men and boys who go without the services and care provided to women and girls…it is time to “take gender out” of these issues and
”put humanity in”!

We hope that those in our State who have been prejudiced against the formation of this Commission will eventually see it as a good thing for all of us who enjoy the “quality of life” in NH and want to make sure that ALL of our citizens have the chance to pursue that as well!

Please use this link to voice your opinions or show support for this important Commission!

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He's Attacked, yet he's the Aggressor?

Paul writes "She comes after him with a baseball bat, a jar of olives and a butcher knife, yet he's arrested as the aggressor in the situation.

Details here."

Another example of the Christian feminist domestic violence industry.

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Marx, Lenin, Friedan and Feminism

Anonymous User writes "The Untold Story of Betty Friedan, an article on MND by Carey Roberts, is an interesting read, and for many it will be an eye opener. Yes, Marxist-Leninism has a long history of affiliation with the Feminist movement."

I understand Elizabeth Cady Staton not only belonged to and frequented church, she also owned her own personal copy of the Bible! I hope that comes as a real eye opener for everyone. Yes, Christianity has a long history of affiliation with the Feminist movement.

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NY Times Still Lying After All These Years

Anonymous User writes "It looks like the New York Times hasn’t changed much even after the public exposure about their bias. Here is a recent article titled “Abused Mothers Keep Children in a Test of Rights and Safety.” In case the link breaks, here’s an excerpt that gives the gist of the article: “Domestic violence has always been a tricky problem for child welfare workers. Studies have shown, for instance, that households victimized by domestic violence can be spectacularly dangerous, even lethal, for children. And even temporary interventions — the brief removal of children or the forced treatment of the parents — can be undone as battered mothers return again and again to their abusive husbands or partners.”
Response letters can be sent to or by fax to (212)556-3622."

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Feminists want less confusing bathrooms

Men, women, what the... ?

Ah, those wacky feminists are at it again.

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Washington Mutual TV Ad

TLE writes "Yet another man gets tortured for laughs in this ad. It's for Washington Mutual, a bank apparently. The dumb dorky guy is so happy with his loan from this bank that nothing can get him down. He gets a pot of hot coffee spilled on his head, which is fine with him. Then of course, the deal closer. He gets hit in the groin with a bowling ball! How original. Excuse me while I rush out and get a loan! Not! Anyone else seen it??"

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Male DV Victims in Military

Marc writes "Here is a good article on male domestic violence victims in the military. The article helps confirm that the military is way ahead of the domestic violence movement on this issue. This is exactly what we found when we set up a table at the DV Conference in San Diego, CA this year (where rad-fems tried to get us barred). We came across a number of military folks there who knew, based on their experience in doing DV work in the military while free from feminist propaganda, that men and women are initiating the violence at about the same rate. They explained that their military programs emphasize communication and preventative measures (as Warren Farrell and SAFE do) rather than reactionism, blame, bashing, and gender politics, and that as a result they have seen a marked reduction in the frequency of the problem. Will the DV industry ever learn from this?"

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Stormy Future of Marriage

Roy writes "NY Times article briefly looks at several controversies in the ongoing marriage debate, brought on by the recent Massachusetts recognition of same-sex marriage.

One interesting fact is that single households in the U.S. now outnumber those occupied by a married couple.

And, there's a growing interest in getting the government out of the marriage contract, leaving partners to determine exactly what the terms of marriage will be... including even the option of "renewable" short-term vows.

Between the men's marriage "strike" and multiple emerging forms of matrimony, it looks like the traditional church-blessed union may be fading away....

Article here"

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