Domestic Violence

Ray Blumhorst writes ""A Marine's wife and another woman were arrested with the deadly poison ricin, and authorities said the pair planned to kill the husband to get insurance money." -
article .

Once again the news media fails to use the words "domestic violence" to describe violence (planned) against a male by a female "intimate" and her associate."

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Coup d' Etat at Men's News Daily Forum!

Roy writes "MEN'S NEWS DAILY Forum has been erased and disabled by the joint actions of the forum's owner and its newbie female moderator, effective Saturday, January 10, 2004.

Anyone visiting the MND Forum site will discover "O" posts on the forum where thousands resided only yesterday.Men's rights advocates interested in witnessing the co-optation of men's free speech on the Internet might wish to follow this story as it unfolds! The only current messages are two communiques from the self-elected People's Revolutionary Forum Junta:

(Quotes from site posts) --

Braveheart (Site Owner) –

"The old forum has been permanently erased. In future, only members approved by the moderator will have posting rights.

This forum will no longer be a haven for misogyny, women-bashing or personal venting. Violation of this basic tenet will result in instant expulsion from the group.

You must be a member of this group to post here."


Navyblue (moderator) –

"The forum is in transition. Please be patient with the changes and you will be notified/receive access as soon as the administrative kinks are worked out."

~ Robin"

Feminist censorship is real. By taking down the MND forum, feminists have just attempted to shove a gag into the mouth of every person that regularly posted there. The question is, how loudly will the activists respond?

Note - since posting this more important information about this development has come out. For one thing, apparently it was not an outside group that had hosted the board which decided to erase it but Mike LaSalle, the owner of men's news daily, (and certainly no feminist), who decided to erase the board himself. Read the comments for more details.

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Sex Survey unearths domestic violence disparity

CJ writes "A new survey from the University of Chicago found that typical urban-dwellers spend much of their adult lives unmarried -- either dating or single; and that there are no shelters in any of the studied communities for gay domestic abuse victims. The article fell short of mentioning all forms of abuse, but the interesting point about this is that for traditional radical feminist "abuse" shelters to recognize other victims of violence, even gay men, the doors will have to be open for a discussion on the true nature of the DV Industry, which is to criminalize men and destroy the family unit with no evidentiary standards, and neglect every other forms of abuse (including mother on child, or female on male).

The article is an interesting read too."

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White Sambo charicature appearing in more ads again

Jack Thomas, Jr. writes to us about the following misandrous ads..."The gist of the Sony commercial is as follows: A young man's kid sister secretly videotapes him singing "You Are My Shining Star" to his girlfriend. Then she shows the tape to the family while they all laugh and make fun of him for the purpose of humiliating and embarrassing him. And, when the dad says to the mom that this is a good line, she does the usual eye roll, making the dad look foolish and immature.

The KFC commercial shows two young white males eating something with barbecue sauce which is smeared all over their faces like a baby eating. Then the black male makes some condescending, disparaging remarks about how foolish they look."

Also, Disney's recent ad about going to Disneyland talks about doing what you really want to do and showing men sleeping in many different places in a manner to mock them as lazy, (again only white men), keep that in mind when planning your next vacation.

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TSA hiring - if you fit the right mold

Matt writes "I heard an ad for TSA positions on the radio here in the DC area the other day. It mentioned that women, minorities, and sr. citizens were strongly encouraged to apply. The ad ended two sentences later with "TSA is an equal opportunity employer".

Well, unless of course you are white, male, and under 65."

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Bitter Post by ex-family lawyer

hurkle writes "Venemous Kate tells it like it is at her blog. A great post about what the family courts are like and how the privileged members of our society bypass the justice that is dispensed to the rest of us."

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Father's day rally

jenk writes "
Let me introduce myself, my name is Mike Reagan. I am with an
organization called FathersDayDC. FathersDayDC Inc. is a
coordinating group that sponsors an annual Father's Day rally in
Washington, D.C. to promote public awareness of fatherlessness in

On Father's Day, 2004, we invite all organizations, mothers, fathers
and their children to join us to bring overdue attention to the
problems of fatherless children and the importance of fathers to all

FathersDayDC has obtained permits for two locations on the Mall in
Washington D.C.. We are currently signing-up groups at both locations for organizations to set-up informational booths, hold seminars, and a forum for speakers. There is no cost for your participation at the event. Volunteers are encouraged and welcome.

Mike Reagan


A Men's Activism Booth would be a great idea-I am willing to contact Mike and get space, anyone care to join me?
The Biscuit Queen"

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How about this for disgusting...

Matt writes "

Check out the closing paragraph of this article.

"When I met him, I wanted to know what happens if you interrupt and challenge a general," said Lt. Gov. Barbara Lawton of Wisconsin, who was traveling with the general this week. "I didn't want to be party to the election of one more defensive, arrogant male. What I found was that it's part of his nature to understand the lives of women."

OK, so when do we hear a male politician ever saying something like:

"When I met her, I wanted to know what happens if you interrupt and challenge a feminist," said Lt. Gov. Jim Smith of Wisconsin, who was traveling with the candidate this week. "I didn't want to be party to the election of one more defensive, arrogant female. What I found was that it's part of her nature to understand the lives of men.""

Since when did objecting to being interrupted and dealt with in an argumentative fashion become "arrogant" and "defensive"? Oh, since the person is a lowly male and the instigator the intentionally boorish Ms. Lawton.

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Domestic Violence claims the life of California Cop

Ray Blumhorst writes "Here is a blatant and brutal case of domestic violence, and against a Policeman! The story appears in

the L.A. Daily News.

This egregious act of domestic violence appears to have just happened early yesterday, and there is also a story in the

Los Angeles Times.

Neither paper ever mentions domestic violence, thereby showing an apparent bias against men being victims of domestic violence. How can a man ever get away from domestic violence, if the major medias can't even admit that a male victim exists in a blatant and brutal case such as this?"

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Call for Action

jenk writes "Here is something that will take only a few minutes, and will make a big difference. John is a member of Fathers4Justice International, and is fighting to see his son. He is asking we all write letters to the governor in Virginia demanding something be done. Here is his letter to me-

"Note, I haven't seen my son in two ten years I have had him around ten times,
My court order says..I can have him fri-sun..twicw monthly,
You know how that goes,
The letter should protest that the Governor is doing nothing at all to fix our problems in Family Law."

Please write to for the address, let's help him on this one-he has been battling cancer and the courts, and neither has been kind.
Please do NOT use the F4JInt name, this is a private effort not affiliated with the group. Thanks, Jen"

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Roberson's Accuser Thought He Was Someone Else

A.J. writes "Here's a follow-up to the Ell Roberson rape accusation.

Get this - according to the story the accuser thought he was someone else.

"The woman who accused Kansas State quarterback Ell Roberson of raping her on the eve of the Fiesta Bowl said she believed she was having sex with another man, according to a police report released Wednesday."

Roberson's name will always be associated with a rape accusation. In addition to the damage to his personal life, it may make him less attractive to pro teams.

The accuser will remain anonymous."

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Another Woman Who Can't...

frank h writes "Here we have yet another woman who can't control herself. This time the boy is eleven years old.


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NH Legislature Passes College Costs Bill

On January 7, 2004, the NH Senate passed HB 299. This bill removes judicial discretion to order a divorced parent to contribute to an adult child's college expenses. At least two fathers in NH have been jailed for not being able to pay their children's college tuition. You can read about one man's story here. Once the bill is signed by the governor, this should never happen again. This bill is a huge win for us in returning common sense to the child support system. Married parents aren't required by law to pay their children's college expenses, and divorced parents should not be treated differently.

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The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands

Dittohd writes "If the content of this book is anything like this article written by the author, Dr. Laura, she deserves a big kiss... and our gratitude. She has made me very angry with a couple of her comments in the past, but on the whole, she is more fair and balanced in her opinions (and equally caustic towards women as well as men when she feels it's deserved) than any other talk show host or hostess I've ever heard."

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Wow! Recent Court Ruling in Favor of Eric Foretich

Stan Gaver writes "Incredible! I was searching for information on the infamous Eric Foretich vs. Elizabeth Morgan case, (remember that travesty of justice?), and stumbled into a recent US Court of Appeals case that ruled in Foretich's favor, essentially concluding that Congress acted unconstitutionally when it passed the (vomit!) "Elizabeth Morgan Act". Recall that a judge had imprisoned Morgan for contempt for violating court orders, but The Cowardly Congress passed a special law to override the judge's order.

From the article: "Since the abuse charges had been so definitively disproved, the two judges reasoned, Congress could not have been acting to protect Hilary from abuse, but only to stigmatize and punish Foretich, which it cannot constitutionally do.""

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