Washington City Paper and "catfighting"

Matt writes "Entertaining but predictable article
on so-called "catfighting" in DC area bars and pubs. Written by one of the cats herself! Notice she tries to shift the blame for her and her fellow "catfighters" onto men in more than a few places. So much for adults taking responsibility for their actions. Sounds like a chance for a letter or two to the editors..."

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She Longs for the Old Days

radikal writes "I saw this in a employee rant forum. It seemed appropriate to men's issues in the sense of old school vs. modern family structure. This woman is "busy and bored" at her job and wishes that she could be a "stay at home wife and mother". She's in her early thirties now. She also adds that "When you even mention this to people, even other women, they look at you like you're from another planet..." I'm stealing your experience! Go here and read for yourself."

What was it feminists said about men not wanting to live in the 21st century again?

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When oral sex is outlawed, only men will be outlaws

Anonymous User writes "A Singapore policeman has been sentence to jail for two years for receiving oral sex from a girl. The girl was of age and consented to the act but only the male police officer is going to jail. Oral sex is illegal in Singapore."

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New DV center to further criminalize men

Anonymous User writes "The Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children adds that partner violence by men is the greatest single source of injury to women requiring emergency treatment. Now MA intends to build a center that will place victims of domestic violence under one roof with police, prosecutors, and advocates. This is very scary and brings MA one step closer to a complete gender based Marxist society - considering the criteria for evidential standards for DV have already been completely erased. I am a victim of the false DV allegations, and I could not have conceived in my worst nightmare that the judicial system in MA could become more biased than it already is. Yet a new Parthenon of misandry is getting built and the hypocrites building it are using sexual assault on children as the Trojan Horse for public support to gain funding for their underhand methods to further obliterate the rights of men/fathers. Once again, the rights of men and consideration for male victims have been completely left out of the agenda. Pleae help anyway you can. Here's the


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Hi Honey...What's For Dinner Tonight?

Luek writes " Here is a story about a woman who murdered her male friend 10 years ago and made a stew out of some of his flesh. She was diagnosed as legally insane at the time of the murder and was committed to a state insane asylum.

However, she has now been proclaimed sane by the powers that be and may be moving into your neighborhood soon. Also, the article said she had two young children at the time of the murder. I wonder if she will now be given custody of them when she is released? Probably!"

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What Are Men's Issues

Steve Van Valkenburg, creator and administrator of the Yahoo group, Men's Issues Online, and a frequent contributor to MANN under the handle "mens_issues," has created a list of concerns particular to men and boys.

Steve states, "I created the brochure 'What are Men's Issues?' as an outreach piece to inform the public (and newcomers to the men's movement) about the major issues that men face. It was adapted with permission from Trudy Schuett's online document 'What is the Men's Movement.' This brochure is merely a first edition, and will be updated as the discourse on men's issues develops over time. I hope that it will be useful to those who wish to further our cause."

Any useful additions or links to sites giving specific details will be quite useful. MANN will post a permanent link to download the document in the "Activism Projects" box.

See "Read More, Post Comments" for the full brochure.

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Michigan gets tough on deadbeat "parents"(ie dads)

The Biscuit Queen writes "State gets tough on deadbeat parents:
Attorney General's Office has collected $900,000 this year.Tougher measures by county prosecutors and Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox's office have helped the state collect hundreds of thousands of dollars in back child support payments in the last year."

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Teenage Girl Takes Responsibility For Her Actions

radikal writes "The girl (whose name has been withheld) lied about her age, got drunk, and tattooed with a few questionable choices by a few 20-something men and women. When she sobered up, havoc ensued and resulted in the arrest of a 22-year old male for tattooing a minor.

To her credit, she told them her real age and also held herself responsible for being drunk and getting tattooed. You have to read it to truly appreciate it..."

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Daily Breeze Prints NCFM-LA's Letter

Marc writes "The Daily Breeze printed NCFM-LA's letter
in response to the op ed they printed on veterans and paternity fraud.
I'm especially glad because it names NOW, DCSS, and Senators Sheila Kuehl and Hannah-Beth Jackson, all of whom have opposed and prolonged paternity fraud legislation all along.

Thank you Mensactivism.org and everyone who wrote letters! That's what helped get one printed!


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Fathers' Rights Showdown in CA Supreme Court

Anon User Writes "Over two dozen feminist groups nationwide have joined together to help ensure that California custodial parents can move children hundreds or thousands of miles away from their noncustodial parents.

Against them all stands one loving father and his tenacious attorney.

Gary LaMusga has fought a seven-year battle to prevent his two boys, now aged 11 and 9, from being moved 2,400 miles away from him. The issue of move-aways is headed for a showdown in the California Supreme Court.

Family law attorney Garrett C. Dailey, the attorney representing Gary before the California Supreme Court, will discuss the case and the move-away issue on His Side with Glenn Sacks on Sunday, November 16 at 9 PM. To listen to the show archive, go to His Side"

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ESPN shows plight of a single father

jimmyd writes "I've got something for all you fathers right's guys out there. The espn drama Playmakers just ended it's first season and in final episode one of the main characters, a linebacker named Olczyk, has just found out his going to be a dad. he tries to become involved as a father only to discover that the mother basicly wants him to be a pay check. the show's site is here"

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Some Truths About Early Feminism

Anonymous User writes "I saw some interest here in the series on early feminism, so here's the latest. Enjoy, and follow the links (evidence) in each column!

Susan B. Anthony: Against Marriage

Previous pieces.

Susan B. Anthony: Racist Manipulator

Susan B. Anthony: Victim Feminist

Keep up the good work at MensActivism.org."

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Free Spiderman, Aka Dave Chick

Raymond Cuttill writes "From the Men's Hour Blog

Your last chance to sign the petition. It's overdue and only 41 signatures to go.

Yes, I'm sure a petition to the (London) Metropolitan Police is not going to sweep 30 years of father denigration away, but if we can't get 1000 signatures for this then the next time some feminist on TV makes a remark about men's/fathers groups being "2 or 3 men crying in their beers" then don't ask why men don't have any rights. You will know the answer!


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No sooner than....

Matt writes "... MSN puts out something not bashing men, another link appears discussing "why women cheat". At no point is there discusses a condemnation of it, as MSN has done when "guys" cheat."

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More Anti-Male "Humor"

Boy Genteel writes "I've found another company that we need to "have a little talk with". I saw one of their calendars--the one called MEN! with the retro-stylings--in a bookstore. More of the same, 12 months of "Men are great...every woman should have a pet!" and "Men: half the population, quarter the brains." There are others like it on the website. I looked for a similar calendar degrading women--not that I'd buy one...I think that would be just as wrong--but it's telling that there isn't one about women. The name of the company is Ronnie Sellers Productions and their contact addresses are rsp@RSVP.com and mweiner@RSVP.com. Let's have a few words with them, how about it?"

And they say it's a best seller too! Ack!

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