Submitted by Adam on Tue, 2004-02-24 23:52
Thundercloud. writes "I know I probably seem hyper-sensitve to the subject of female on male violence in "entertainment". especialy when the violence is sexualized and in a sado-masochistic manner.
I recently posted an article about the movie "CATWOMAN" and it's use of a 'dominatrix' type character, and aired my concernes on the matter. But perhaps I've been a bit to hasty in my concern over the polifferation of this image.
Case in point. The movie "EURO-TRIP" was released this past friday. It boasted of scenes with Lucy Lawless as, (what else?) a Dominatrix and a TEEN AGED boy in (What else?) bondage.
Well, according to Yahoo news the movie BOMBED.
If, when "CATWOMAN" is released the male audience again rejects this "Dominatrix-male victim" scenerio, perhaps I'll back off the subject a bit.
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Submitted by Adam on Tue, 2004-02-24 19:46
Anonymous User writes "A female computer virus author in Belgium was recently arrested. Apparently, she was angered when a male anti-virus expert made a statement that most virus authors are male and she wanted to show that he was wrong. The virus author was also angered about comments that suggested stereotypes about virus authors."
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Submitted by Thomas on Mon, 2004-02-23 14:55
Anonymous User writes "I remember the Doctor asking me if I wanted this procedure done when my son was born. I wondered if they would have been so eager to perform a clitorectomy if I had had a girl? Guess not.
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Submitted by Thomas on Mon, 2004-02-23 09:31
rage writes "Here is an article from The Independent (UK) about the ongoing initiatives to helping boys catch up with girls in schools. For those interested in the topic, you can go to and make an advanced search with the exact phrase "raising boys' achievement" and you will see that there are currently in Great-Britain lots of programs designed for young male underachievers. It seems that things are beginning to change at last.
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Submitted by Thomas on Mon, 2004-02-23 03:00
Roy writes "In a piece to be published this week in New York Magazine,
"lipstick feminist" author Naomi Wolf ("The Beauty Myth") has publicly accused aging Yale professor Harold Bloom of groping her in the 1980's when she was his student. A shameless self-promoter who has used her vixen facade to market her pseudo-intellectual brand of new feminism, Ms. Wolf apparently also has no qualms about using "third party abuse" via the media to destroy the reputation of an eminent scholar.
Independent Women's Forum has a good take on the flap.
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Submitted by Thomas on Sun, 2004-02-22 23:45
Ray writes "Here is a link to over 700 women's studies programs, departments, and research centers (mostly in the United States): Women's Studies Programs, Departments, and Research Centers
With Title IX wreaking havoc in Men's Sports Programs, why is there no comparable legal ruling demanding an equal number of "gender specific" programs educating about and advocating for the many issues that males face? Men's Studies should be taught in colleges and universities (from the male perspective) based on the number of students (by gender) enrolled in each college or university? Sexism 101 (taught from a male perspective) would be a good beginning, explaining how schools today treat male students in sexist and hostile ways."
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Submitted by Scott on Sun, 2004-02-22 14:38
Cain writes, "Procter and Gamble are running yet another unbeleivably contemptous television ad for their product Secret Antiperspirant and since a search on this site has turned up three ather articles concerning ads for the same product I have sent them the attached email and suggest that others send similar emails or letters. It would seem that since the product is an exclusively female one Procter and Gamble are reluctant to take men and our response to the ads for this product seriously. So I have included a list of products that are not exclusively female and I would encourage all those that read this to spend their money elsewhere. See the Read More section for Cain's letter and send your feedback here.
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Submitted by Scott on Sun, 2004-02-22 09:32
Raymond Cuttill writes "The only place on the BBC website that mentions the police raids on the homes of Fathers 4 Justice demonstrators has disappeared.
Now maybe there's a minor problem or the BBC doesn't want to say that the fathers are being treated badly in any way, in other words it's just a bunch of men complaining about nothing. Maybe I'm paranoid or maybe they're out to get me. Probably both. for full text."
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Submitted by Thomas on Sat, 2004-02-21 22:59
This article in the Detroit Free Press describes how a woman, who 15-years-ago had sex with a 14-year-old boy (it was probably a crime, since she was an adult at the time), has now been awarded child support. The court, of course, says it's all for the sake of the child.
Notice to all American women, or at least those in Michigan: If no man is willing to be stuck with you while you have and raise kids, just rape a boy! The courts will reward you! And remember, you're a widdle baby wictim of da paaatweeeaaaarchy! WAAAAAAAAAH!!!
ADDED NOTE 02/22/04: LSBeene, aka Steven, has provided us with this additional news on the case. The victim claims that, when the woman (Laura Michelle Evelyn) raped him, she drugged him with alcohol. The court has yet to decide how much of a reward will be taken from the victim and given to the woman (Laura Michelle Evelyn) who raped him.
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Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2004-02-21 22:30
Roy writes "
University of Colorado football coach Gary Barnett has been reprimanded and placed on administrative leave after he had the temerity to speak truthfully about the “awful” level of play of a former U.C. female kicker who has made rape allegations against the team.
“Not only was she a girl, she was terrible. And there’s no other way to say it. She couldn’t kick the ball through the uprights.”
U.C.’s President, Elizabeth Hoffman said "In the context of rape allegations, it is inappropriate to make statements about the ability of the player.”
Apparently U.C. has expanded its already draconian campus “speech code” to now include Thought Crime!
CNN on-line has full details here"
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Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2004-02-21 17:35
jenk writes "Authorities arrested the mother of a 17-year-old boy after her son saw his picture on a missing children's Web site and discovered that she was accused of abducting him from his father 14 years ago."
The thing that sickens me is that the mother gets sympathy, no one has even mentioned how the father felt or why he got custody in the first place, and the boy is in foster care. I would like to think the father would get him immediately, after the mother stole the last 14 years.
The Biscuit Queen"
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Submitted by Adam on Fri, 2004-02-20 21:18
Dittohd writes "Here's an article about a judgement against the U.S. government's Small Business Administration after a female manager tried to rid the organization of its "too many" male supervisors and then retaliated against a woman employee who wouldn't cooperate, forcing her to eventually quit the organization. Progress!" Frank H also said "This story is self explanatory. It seems the Small Business Administration has been undertaking a campaign to get rid of what it regards as "too many" male supervisors. The sad thing here is that the plaintiff, a woman who chose to speak up, is the only beneficiary. I wonder how many men actually lost their jobs or had their opportunities for advancement diminished? Will they be able to sue now, as well?"
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Submitted by Adam on Fri, 2004-02-20 19:15
amperro writes "California State Senator Sheila Kuehl (D-Santa Monica) is an enemy in the war on paternity fraud, and the proof is in this article We will never be able to win people like her over with reason, compassion, fairness or logic. Therefore we must ensure that they never win re-election again."
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Submitted by Scott on Fri, 2004-02-20 02:06
Jan Brown writes, "The Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men (DAHM) needs your help! Our call volume to the toll free 24/7 helpline has quadrupled in the over three years we have been in existence. Additionally, Verizon is working over the next year to include our toll free 24 hour number on the crisis line page of every phone book they make in the country! Please click Read More for the rest of this request for help.
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Submitted by Thomas on Thu, 2004-02-19 15:45
Michael Wright writes "The faux feminists at the University of Oklahoma have found a new cause: "period week" or "menstrual awareness week." The idea is to encourage women "not to be ashamed of their bodies" and to "expel taboos that are part of being a woman."
They are also "reclaiming" something "that's thought of as bad by our society." That's funny. I never thought periods were bad.
But faux feminists have to make everything a confrontation against the "patriarchy." They believe that evil patriarchs have been slandering women for centuries because they have periods. Now it's pay-back time.
They'll have the usual "health experts" addressing this topic. I'll bet you a dollar to a dime they won't tell women what they really need to know about periods, i.e., when they stop happening, beware of hormone replacement therapy. There's a growing body of literature among the truly hip (rather than the pseudo-hip we find in abundance at OU) about the problems of HRT. At OU, they won't be treading on the profit interests of the pharms as they wage their "struggle" against the "patriarchs."
Go here for the Oklahoma Daily article about "menstrual awareness week."
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