Domestic Violence, California Style

Ray Blumhorst writes "A California woman, who poisons her husband (with Oleander and antifreeze) for the insurance money, gets the death penalty, and once again they never call it domestic violence.
Article here."

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VIP/SAFE-NH acquires access to Legal Assistance

Lee Newman writes "Our Services are available to ALL Victims

VIP/SAFE-NH acquires access to Legal Assistance for "victim"clients.
Lee Newman
January 23, 2004
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Thomas writing: SAFE (Stop Abuse For Everyone) is an organization that provides assistance to victims of domestic abuse even if they are male. While this announcement may be of particular interest to readers who live in New Hampshire, this is an important step toward the goal of providing help to all victims of domestic violence.

Please go to "Read More/Post Comments" to see the rest of the announcement.

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Uniquely ME!

Oy, vey! My head is spinning a bit over this one.

The girl scouts are changing their image and recruiting message. Be sure to enlarge the side image to get a good look at it.

I think for now that I'll just post this and people can discuss it, if they want.

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Update on Glenn Sacks's David & Goliath campaign

zenpriest writes "From an email from Glenn -

Last Sunday evening we initiated round 4 of our campaign against our largest target yet--Claire's, which has 2,875 retail outlets in nearly a dozen countries. They sell hats, wallets, wristbands, socks and other products which say "Boys are Stupid--Throw Rocks at Them" and "Stupid Factory--Where Boys Are Made." The next morning hundreds of you wrote and called Claire's to complain, and Claire's executives met Monday morning to decide whether they should continue to sell the products.

Apparently the result of that meeting was a decision to request that all letter writers and callers send Claire's their full names and mailing addresses so that Claire's could snail mail them a response. I speculate that Claire's did this to gauge our true level of support. Perhaps they believe that our campaign is really the work of a few individuals with a bunch of different e-mail addresses. Also, I believe they are stalling in the hope that our campaign will lose steam.

As I said during my January 18 broadcast, I did not expect Claire's to give in as quickly as our three previous targets did, all of whom capitulated before noon the day following our broadcast. Please give them the information they requested so they will see the broad support our campaign has garnered. Also, urge your families, friends, and colleagues to get involved.

Also, while I'm touched that hundreds of you have joined our campaign, given the size of this e-list it is clear that there are many of you who have not participated. If this is because you disagree with our campaign then I'll respect your opinion. If not, then I urge you to join us. All information about the campaign, including contact information for Claire's, will always be available at Join Campaign Against 'Boys are Stupid' Products.

The campaign against Claire's has received some prominent endorsements and press coverage. and has made local news in Cleveland, Washington state, and others. There are major media outlets who have expressed an interest in covering our campaign, though if our action against Claireâ??s fails they probably won't materialize.

Some of you have been writing Claire's about "Boys are Stupid--Throw Rocks at Them" T-shirts. Please remember, as I stated in my broadcast and on our campaign page, Claire's sells many "Boys are Stupid" products but does not sell T-shirts.

zenpriest writing now: My position is that Claire's has already proven that they are not worth doing any business with in the future. They don't have the quality of people who would discontinue the products just because they are foul, but must have it proven to them that there are enough people involved in this campaign for it to really hurt them if they continue to ignore such people.

Let's show them how wrong they are, and see how much of a decrease in their business we can achieve by bad mouthing them to everyone who will listen."

Thomas writing now: Often people who lead boycotts don't threaten never to do business with a company in the future, even if that company desists in the offending behavior, since by making that threat boycotters make it clear that their actions will be the same, whether or not the offending behavior is stopped. As a result, the company has less incentive to stop. Everyone can decide for themselves, but I agree that Claire's has shown itself to be the type of business with which no decent person should do business at any time in the future. Unless, perhaps, every officer of the corporation is removed over this.

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Celebrity joins battle to save wrestling from title IX

It seems that actor William Baldwin has decided to try and save the wrestling program at Binghamton University. You can read a short article about it here, and you can also read letters sent out by Mr Baldwin to the wrestling community and university president Lois DeFleur here.

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Propaganda In Arizona

hurkle writes "In the last couple days driving around Scottsdale, AZ, I have seen signs in the back of taxicabs reading, "Break the cycle of Domestic Violence" with a phone number, and the words "Men's Anti-Violence Network".

So I looked it up: website

Turns out it's an initiative of the Arizona Foundation for
Women, (kind of like how the sequel to the Vagina Monologues, about penises, was written by a woman) and filled with the same old tired misandric lies. I'm so disgusted, I don't even know what to do. No, that's not true. I'll try to gather some irrefutable facts, and send them a letter pointing out that men are not the only abusers. If it disgusts you too, please feel free to contact them and point out the truth."

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Evidence of Prior False Accusations is Inadmissible

Anonymous User writes "A man was convicted of date rape based on the testimony of a woman who made false accusations of rape in the past. And while the judges of Arkansas Supreme Court are intelligent enough to understand that they are most likely destroying an innocent man's life, they unanimously convicted him to further their careers."

Ok, so this guy's going to prison for 13 years, where he will be repeatedly raped and recieve all the treatment famously given to convicted rapists in prison during that time while the guards look the other way but let's have keep some perspective. A woman was saved from the possibility of feeling uncomfortable by talking about her sexual past on the stand! Thank God that travesty was averted.

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America a Safe Haven for International DeadBeats?

Laura Wright has submitted news that a woman who is wanted for non-payment of child support in Germany is running scot-free in the United States, where similar non-payment of child support would ordinarily result in a prison sentence. The short version of her story is, "Ex-wife pushes for prison sentence of so-called deadbeat dad, to find out she is wanted in Germany for non-payment of support for her two abandoned children. She has the staus of a deadbeat parent in St. Wendel, Germany and has taken citizenship in the US to avoid prosecution in homeland-Germany. Immigration says ok." Laura has extensive documentation about this case that she would like to distribute, particlarly to any media outlets. Please e-mail her at for more info.

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9/11 - Too Desperate to Find Women Heros

Stan Gaver writes "Some people just can't accept the fact that, BY FAR, men were the heros of September 11, and that male firefighters -- no, make that fireMEN -- and policeMEN were almost exclusively the ones who gave their lives while saving others.

While doing an internet search to get exact numbers, I ran across this preposterous web page that desperately tries to "out-victim" the loss of men on that terrible day.

While we certainly must also appreciate the duty and sacrifice of women who serve alongside men, I personally find it both amusing and offensive when a femno-writer (femno-liar?) resorts to linking a so-called "war against women" in Afghanistan as "proof" that women's sacrifice on September 11 was equal to that of men. Lord, what crap!

I've filed this under "Humor" because it is so incredibly laughable."

That's nothing. Hillary Clinton once said that "The real victims of war are women and children". Take heed, feminist claims don't stand up to peer review very well, and we're starting to get a voice to expose them.

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Boy gets 10 years for breaking girl's hymen

TLE writes "Did anyone see this on the CBS news? An 18 year old is found NOT guilty of rape, but has to serve 10 years for injury to a minor (breaking her hymen.) The female prosecutor misled the jury into thinking it was a misdemeanor, so they convicted. This is going to the Georgia Supreme Court this week."

The poor kid's already spent a year in jail over this. Anyone think the jury didn't just assume the virginal qualities, (both literal and figuritive), of the girl before finding him guilty? Even though it's a ridiculous reason to throw someone in jail, did they ever bother to prove he was the one who took her virginity or was her word on that just taken for granted?

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British political party comes onboard

Julian Abbott writes "A big cheer for the
British National Party !!!!! The BNP recognises that very large numbers of loving fathers are discriminated against, abused and badly hurt"

Looks like Fathers4Justice may be making an impact. Great work!

Scott's Note: We have been hearing that the BNP is a radical group with questionable policies when it comes to racial issues and immigration. is not endorsing the BNP due to these concerns, and readers are encouraged to investigate this further and decide on their own.

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Unequal Justice: Male sex offenders chemically castrated

Anonymous User writes "

Have any of you ever heard of a female sex offender being chemically castrated? I didn't think so. It is a special punishment reserved only for men. Because a male sex offender is much worse than the equivalent female. Right???

Isn't this an unequal application of the law? Isn't it sick and cruel to castrate, chemically or surgically?? I can imagine the uproar if it was applied to a female. But in our society today we can do whatever we want to men. They are just men, they deserve it.

I think it is great that because of the pressure applied you were able to make some store chains remove their anti-boy t-shirts. I think it is time that we change this obvious injustice.

- Angry man"

Interesting topic. By the way we're still fighting the battle with the t-shirts, and if you haven't written a letter yet, please go to His Side's campaign site and do so.

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Adoptive parents choose girls

jenk writes ""Bringing Up Babes
Why do adoptive parents prefer girls?",
By John Gravois.

Adoptive parents overwhelmingly show a preference toward girls, which plays out in many more girls being adopted than boys. Interesting article, with several different veiwpoints presented.The Biscuit Queen"

They seem to have left out the viewpoint that caring about anyone male is antithetical to modern cultural mores, so of course when adoptive parents are looking for a child to love and care for they'll pick a girl.

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Glenn Sacks's campaign targets Major Outlet! Your assistance needed!

zenpriest writes "The "A" in "MANN" stands for "Activism", and the most activist thing I have seen come out of the men's movement yet is Glenn Sacks's campaign against the violence against boys advocated by david & goliath. We discussed here before that this issue might be the "Stonewall" of the men's movement. After 3 decisive victories, Glen himself has characterized the current focus, Claire's and Icing, as being the "Stalingrad" of his campaign.

Claire's has 2,875 of d & g's 3500 retail outlets. To encourage them to drop the line would eliminate over 80% of d & g's market. This is the best opportunity for men, AND the women who support them, to roar.
There is nothing defensible about this product line. They slander Asians, blacks, and, interestingly, gold-digging women as well as white males.

Here is the text of the email that I sent to the 5 officers of the corporation which Glenn so thoughtfully provided to us. Please, either plagiarize this, or write your own. Forward it to EVERYONE in your address book, and post it to every mailing list you are on."

I would encourage people to choose to write their own as individual letters tend to do a little better than everyone sending copies of the same letter, or to at least put a couple personalizing touches onto Zenpriest's well written letter. Glenn has asked all his listeners to participate. I would like to ask all our readers to participate as well. Glenn has called this battle the "Stalingrad" of this campaign. He needs all the help he can get.

See read more for the text of the letter itself.

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Still too many white males in engineering

TLE writes "It looks like we need to get busy and disrupt the careers of more white males. Obviously the patriarchy is behind the lack of women and minorities in math and science. Read about the shocking oppression here. "

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