Tom Pierce

"Having been put through 3 years of hell in a Georgia Family Court system which repeatedly reminded me that only mothers can raise children, I’ve decided to put my computer/internet skills to work. The site is at and while it don’t look too pretty right now it is fully database driven. I’m currently seeking advice/comments etc., on shaping the content of this site. I have not yet taken any steps on advertising the link on Google, etc., but am hoping your site would be so kind to direct some traffic there to help shape the community a bit before advertising further."

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The sexist death penalty, sexual abuse, and homoph

P. George writes " A gay man named Eddie Hartman was(?) put to death by the state of North Carolina last Friday. The prosecuter used people's prejudices against homosexual men in particular to bias the jury against him. This situation may be able to bring to light the sexist and useless death penalty that mainly targets men, and also the homophobia that seems to mostly target men more so than lesbians. It also shows the ignored but very real sexual abuse/assault that does happen to some boys.

Click Here

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Men Flex Political Muscle in California

As you know Steve Imparl works with male depression. His great attitude is greatly appreciated at Men's Activism News Network. A major function of MANN is simply the activism. From time to time Steve will be sharing with us his views on Male Depression and its relation to us. Here is his latest journel in regards to California's recall vote. Read here and enjoy :).

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No Plans to Charge Ben Affleck's False Accuser

According to this BBC article, Tara Ray, the woman who filed an unfounded arrest warrent against Ben Affleck, won't be charged with any crime. Mr. Affleck's spokesman claims that there are a number of witnesses, who can testify to Affleck's innocence. Nevertheless, North Carolina District Attorney, John Carriker, stated that there are no plans to charge Ms. Ray with any offense.

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Anti-Male Hate Campaign Kicks Off in PHX

Trudy W Schuett writes "Ads drive home message on abuse
by Susie Steckner
The Arizona Republic
Oct. 9, 2003 12:00 AM

Waxing a car. Pitching a tent. Throwing a spiral. Punching a woman.

A new public service campaign aimed at fathers will carry messages like this, explaining "There are certain things only a father can teach his son."

The campaign, like two previous blitzes launched during Domestic Violence Awareness Month, intentionally go for shock value....

A television spot, for instance, traces through adulthood a little boy who has heard his father repeatedly yell at his mother, slap her around and knock over furniture. When the boy grows up, he repeats the abuse in his own home. The lesson for dads: "He becomes more like you every day."

Full text is

The campaign comes from MAN, the Men's Anti-Violence Network in Phoenix, established in 2000. This site is loaded with false and misleading factoids!

Contact info for all parties:

Reach the reporter at or (602) 444-7962.

Leah Myers
Phone: 602-279-2900
Fax: 602-279-2980

Brian Landauer
Cramer-Kasselt Phoenix

Phone (602) 417-0600
Fax (602) 258- 1446

The Men's Anti-Violence Network
2828 N. Central Ave. Suite 1200; Phoenix, AZ 85004"

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Men Get Own Kindergarten While Women Shop

mens_issues writes "Isn't this demeaning? Reuters' "Oddly Enough" reports that "German women fed up with their partners' grumbling on weekend shopping trips can now dump them at a special kindergarten for men offering beer and entertainment." Interesting that there isn't a similar kindergarten for women who grumble about their men attending sporting events! The link is here


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Letter from Farrell to men's activists

Warren Farrell sent us the following letter...

"On Tuesday a few friends of yours in California will vote for
children to have their dad only if you call them, and only if you
address your friends' unconscious ambivalence: their openness to
voting for me versus their desire to make their vote count. Here's
how they can do both:

Explain that there's about a chance in a billion that their one vote
will make the difference between the winner and the loser. But since
I am identified on the ballot with fathers' issues, each vote for me
can be seen, and delivers a crystal clear message to politicians,
"stop giving moms the right to children while making dads fight for

In brief, their vote will tell politicians, "you can no longer ignore
dads". (This is the way the Green party forced politicians to no
longer ignore the environment.)

If your friend objects, "I care about children, not dads," explain
that since every child is half their mom and half their dad, a vote
for me is a vote for a child to have both halves of itself.

It's the first chance we've ever had to do this. We don't know if
we'll have that chance again. Please think of a California friend and
make that call tonight.


Warren "

Until recently I'd been offering a new challenge to you everyday to work for the men's rights cause by supporting Farrell. Election day is today! This is your last chance to participate by taking up Farrell's challenge and talking to any friends you have in California, or if you don't have friends there discussing it on a California forum.

"What did you do when a politician ran on a men's issues platform?"

"Nothing, I was tired and didn't want to miss my favorite TV show."

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His Side Commemorates DV Awareness Month

October is DV Awareness Month, the month when the men of America have to endure listening to feminists and their endless array of media lackeys pretend that domestic violence is only committed by men.

Glenn discussed the anti-male myths guiding current DV policies with domestic violence experts Phil Cook and Jan Brown on His Side with Glenn Sacks on Sunday, October 5. Cook is the author of Abused Men: The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence. Brown is the founder and executive director of the Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men. To listen to the show, go to His Side Archive>.

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Unsung Hero

locksley2k writes " Today's Newsday ran a feature story about Pfc.Patrick Miller whom appears to be the real hero of the 507th, Jessica Lynch's outfit.
Although Pfc. Miller received the Silever Star for his actions, he was not promoted and still only receives $25K/year as a Pfc.while Ms.Lynch is making millions. True to form Pfc. Miller has apparently never said a word about it. 06,0,3500854.story"

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Jobless, single and male

That's what it says here and it's about the time this issue got some coverage. However, she does leave out two very important factors, namely the fact that alot of jobs get shipped off to third world countries for cheap sweatshop labour, and she neatly side-steps the issue of women in the workforce, which is a pity as you won't see the full picture until you look at everything I suppose. Still, it's a start right?

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The pill for men

More news on the pill here, not too much longer hopefully. To quote: "A male pill is potentially the next step after the successful Australian trial of a treatment of hormones that switches off sperm production. The five-year study, led by David Handelsman of the ANZAC Research Institute in Sydney, involved 55 couples. None of the women in the trial became pregnant. Sky News revealed last night that the treatment was a world first, and Professor Handelsman said the method would eventually have men taking an injection every three to four months."

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NH Men's Commission Now Ready for Action!

Foster's Daily Democrat printed an excellent front page news story on Saturday about the NH Commission on the Status of Men. The article objectively mentioned many of the injustices and problems we had getting the commission established and included some great quotes about men's issues. My favorite, from Rep. David Bickford, was: "For so long, it was politically incorrect to examine whether there was anything wrong with the way men are treated in society. To not even consider where men fell in the mix, I think, has had a negative effect on society...This will give people a chance to hear from the other side. Until now, information about gender issues has been very tainted and one-sided." Right on, David!

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So what has feminism to be proud of?

Anonymous User writes "Hope your readers would like to give these links a look at and leave a few comments.
We'd like to know....
What the word 'Feminism' means to you?
What have feminist ideas meant to you in your life - has this changed over the years?
Your personal stories?
What are feminism's successes and failures?
What's the future for feminism? In the second article feminists are crowing about being terrorists. These days rather than being funded through drugs they use your taxes to destroy you.

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Prostitutes bribed to make false rape claims

Daily Nation and have uncovered a story in which they reveal...

"Human rights activists have encouraged Kenyan prostitutes to submit fake rape claims against British soldiers"

"They told me that if I said I was raped by British soldiers and showed them my baby then I would get three million shillings [£30,000]," Miss Muguri said. "I would take two million and they would take one."

"I know none of them was raped. The fathers were either British soldiers or tourists or white Kenyan citizens. If a child looked partly Indian we would tell them to say they were raped by Gurkhas."

"Another prostitute, Rose, who has two mixed-race children as a result of liaisons with Italian tourists at the coast, refused to say she was raped, despite attempts by activists to persuade her."

"However, lawyer Martyn Day maintains that most of the claims are genuine and is set to continue with the legal action on behalf of several hundred Samburu and Maasai women."

Anyone want to make some money by claiming Martyn Day raped you?

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Male birth control pill soon a reality (hopefully)

It's looking hopeful, acording to this story it looks like we might have several choices before long. And with minimal side effects too. Anybody else got the feeling this invention might be like using a flamethrower on a planet full of gunpowder?

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