DV Petition Against Fathers

Anonymous User writes "While websurfing I came across an interesting post in a women's forum. The post is split into three sections here:

http://forums.newyork.craigslist.org/?act=Q&ID=117 40964
http://forums.newyork.craigslist.org/?act=Q&ID=117 41009
http://forums.newyork.craigslist.org/?act=Q&ID=117 41023

I don't know if this was just a troll, but it does include a link to a petition to make people accused of domestic violence prove their innocence instead of having presumed innocence."

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Divorce and suicide

Matt writes "Mention of the correlation between divorce and suicide, in an unlikely place, about half-way down the page:

An interesting footnote to this study was the discovery of a strong correlation between the rates of suicide and divorce.

Alas it fails to mention the much higher number of men than women who kill themselves after a divorce."

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Goodbye, Mr. Chips

Anonymous User writes "There are some good points in

this article

about the declining numbers of male teachers. However, as always, we get the bigot who gets me going with statements like

"I think," she said, "it means schools are becoming environments where women prosper."

She should have followed that with "and boys get shortchanged""

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Eating Disorders in Males

crescentluna writes "The National Eating Disorder Association's ED Info Index has several articles pertaining to males about anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, enhancing male body image, a statistics page (10% of those who come to a mental health professional about an eating disorder are male), and strategies for prevention and early intervention of male eating disorders. Even on the rest of their site, they strive to not to be biased towards females in their information."

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Steve Irwin Outrage

Dittohd writes "Is anyone else here outraged that Steve Irwin's wife's culpability and sanity in this matter is not being questioned? Since women are automatically assumed to be primarily responsible for their children and are awarded sole custody when women and their husbands get a divorce, and men are automatically assumed to be the "outsider" in almost every case, isn't the wife REALLY responsible for allowing Steve Irwin to perform this stunt with their baby son? Here is the email address I used to send a letter of complaint to Jamie Berry and Claire O'Rourke, the authors of this article: newsdesk@theage.com.au" Steve Imparl also mentioned this event in his blog.

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Internet Activism: Getting Involved

zenpriest recently submitted a request for a permanent thread on Internet activism to be created on MANN. We think this is a great idea, so here's how it will work: post your comments/ideas under this story, and a permanent link will appear on MANN's Activism Projects box for easy access even after the story moves off the main index. zenpriest writes "I would be happy to answer any questions about basic webmastering for guys who would like to try setting up their own men's activist site. Create a few web rings, and we have an instant activist network."

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Clark makes stand...

jenk writes "
"Democrat presidential candidate Wesley Clark recently spelled out his position on abortion for the Manchester Union Leader. “Life,” General Clark proclaims, “begins with the mother’s decision.”"

Just great, this is all we need. Excellent article though, very well thought out from the male perspective, demanding accountability on the part of women. The Biscuit Queen"

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MSN on Men - refreshingly non-bashing

Matt writes "MSN usually is not so sympathetic with the male gender on such topics. Still, as we know, they have plenty of opportunity to turn from their misandrist ways in a far more affirmative fashion.

Hey, should MSN have its own topic on mensactivism.org? :)"

Grouping it in with "press" seems okay to me. This article is surprisingly sympathetic for MSN, but myths 1,6, and 10 could use a little work.

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Female school principal strikes boy's face

Anonymous User writes "In January 2003, the female principal at a charter school struck a male student in the face. In court recently, she has entered a plea of no contest. It is said that she will likely get probation. The mother of the boy is not happy about the principal getting a light punishment; the parent removed her son from the school after the incident.

What kind of message does this incident send about the use of violence?"

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Earl Sholley's run

Anonymous User writes "

Below is a Press release for Earl Sholley. He is a strong advocate for Fathers Rights:

Dear Precious Dads & Supporters:

One of our dads... one of us, Earl Henry Sholley, is running for the Mass. state Senate. It's a special election with a primary on Feb. 3 and general election, March 2. It's important to support Earl, not only for the cause, but because he's a highly viable candidate as well.

Here's an immediate opportunity to rally:

This Friday, Jan. 16 at 3:00 p.m. is Earl's first debate to be hosted by the Community Newspapers at 254 2nd Avenue in Needham. Reporters from the following newspapers will attend; Wellesley Townsman, Dover-Sherborn Press, Needham Times, MetroWest and several others.

The Sholley for State Senator campaign needs sign holders, information gatherers and general supporters to be in attendance at the debate in Needham. People should begin arriving at 2:30 p.m. For more information, please contact Alan Thomas at the Sholley Campaign Headquarters at 1-508-699-0432 or reply to this e-mail. Financial contributions are always welcome.

Thank you,

Mike Franco"

Remember this is going to be this Friday so if you want to participate or know others in Massachusetts whom you think might you need to jump on this right away. By the way, does anyone know if Mr. Sholley has a website detailing his campaign?

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Boy Abusing Female Couple Get 30 Years Each

Anonymous User writes "The Cleveland Plain Dealer has
this story about a woman who stood by and did nothing while her lesbian lover abused 5 boys living at the house.There was also a daughter living there who was not abused.

"She sentenced each woman to 30 years in prison for abusing the five boys by denying them food, beating them, locking them in a closet and forcing them to eat animal feces and lick the toilet seat if it was soiled"

"Assistant Summit County prosecutors Mary Ann Kovach and Greg Peacock told Cosgrove the five boys took the brunt of the physical abuse but all six children suffered long-term psychological damage. "What strikes me the most is that these are hate crimes, motivated by gender and racial bias," Peacock said. ""

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He never came forward because he thought no one would believe him

LUEK writes "Here is yet another article about a female batterer.

But what makes this story special is that the prosecuting Assistant District Attorney (a female by the way!) recognizes the social stigma that protects female batterers and further victimizes male victims in these abusive relationships: HE THOUGHT NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE HIM!"

Even if he was believed at a conscious level, the light sentence indicates to me that the judge at some subconscious level at least just couldn't believe a woman could abuse a man. I would be amazed if this had been a man who'd pled no contest to charges of attacking a woman with a hammer, stabbing her a few times with scissors, disfiguring her genitals by biting them, and sending her to the hospital with a life-threatening injury if the sentence would have been the same, 9 months plus counselling. Anyway, the good news is that the DA recognized the stigma and the article not only refers to a female abuser as an abuser it even mentions her name!

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Anti-Male Bias on Judge Judy

TLE writes "Today was a case involving a woman suing a man for return of property she considered hers after a breakup. The man had been honest with the woman for several years that he had no intention of marrying her. Even so, Judge Judy went into a tizzy accusing the man of "wasting her time" whereby she began to award the woman most items in dispute as compensation for her lost time. Then she went off on how "men never get better, we just get used to them." I wrote in to Judge Judy to complain of her bias. She needs to understand that marriage is no longer an intelligent choice for men. And maybe women don't get better either. Anyone else see it?"

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Father's rights activist receives award for community service

Congratulations to Larry Davis, co-founder of the Coalition for Fathering Families, on being recognized with a Jefferson Award for his community service. See this Post-Gazette article for details.

"Fortunately, Davis, 43, is a fast learner. As a result of his efforts on behalf of fathers like him, he is a winner of one of seven local Jefferson Awards given for community service. On Jan. 29 at the Carnegie Music Hall in Oakland, he and the others will receive a medallion, and Kaufmann's will donate $1,000 in his honor to the Coalition for Fathering Families, the group he co-founded."

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Massachusetts candidates for senate discuss father's rights

"Three of the seven Democratic candidates vying to succeed state Sen. Cheryl Jacques showed up at a well-attended candidates forum in Wellesley last night hosted by a fathers' rights group."

"For us men who were always first-class citizens; on this issue we are third-class citizens," said Lipof, referring to the rights of fathers in the court system."

- Milford Daily News

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