New Campaign Against Boy-Bashing Shirts

Glenn Sacks from His Side is organizing another protest against the sales of anti-boy shirts at Tilly's stores, which have 32 locations in Southern California. Glenn writes, "They sell "Boys Are Stupid--Throw Rocks at Them" T-Shirts as well as pajamas, stickers, postcards and journals. Go to Join His Side Campaign Against Hateful T-Shirt for Tilly's and David & Goliath's e-mail addresses and toll free telephone numbers. I want all of you to write them and call them and LIGHT THEM UP. Be polite, but let them know EXACTLY how you feel. Our victory in Washington state shows that this is a battle we can win." Update: Mission success! We're receiving word that Tilly's has announced they will no longer sell these shirts. See the Read More section below for more info, and check Glenn's site for updates.

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Lieberman Riding The Domestic Violence Horse

Luek writes "Presidential candidate Lieberman is pushing the same old tired misandric eyewash (women good men bad) about domestic violence to get the women's vote. Quote from article:

"I want to say to women who may be in this situation, 'Come out of the shadows. Don't take it. Ask for help,'" Lieberman said during a discussion at a campaign supporter's home in Bedford. "And I say to men, 'Strong men don't beat women. Strong men take care of their women.'"

He says nothing about the other half of domestic violence that is ignored by society and as bizarre as it seems he proposes criminalizing violations of restraining orders as if they are not already!"

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Proposal to draft all young men

In this op-ed to the Denver Post, Rick O'Donnell, executive director of the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, proposes that all boys be removed from high school after the first semester of 12th grade and forced into homeland security, the armed forces, or community service. He justifies this with a quote from a Colorado legislator who asked, "If more than 25 percent of Colorado men drop out before the 12th grade, and for those who remain it is a blow-off year, why are we paying for it?"

According to this despiser of boys, all boys leave school before or blow off the 12th grade.

Girls, of course, would be allowed to continue their educations.

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Faces of the Fallen

Matt writes "The NCFM-DC web site has something very special on it; it's the faces of those killed in Iraq, courtesy of the Wash. Post.

Note they are almost all men (surprise, surprise). Rest in peace, brothers.

Faces of the Fallen

Don't forget to click the "Answer" link in the upper right corner..."

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Punished just for an accusation?

Scudsucker writes "Ell Roberson, the Kansas State quaterback, might not be allowed to play in his final college game because a woman claimed he raped her at the team's hotel. No charges have been filed, but its possible that he could be banned from the game. Looks like men are usually still assumed to be guilty until proven innocent when it comes to accusations. NYTimes story here, free login required."

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Woman, ex-boss dating after harassment suit

CJ writes "After getting caught together together on Christmas Eve, a woman and her ex-boss have paid back $35,000 in taxpayer funds she received after accusing him of sexual harassment (insert circus music here..)"

Yet more proof that feminist phobias make bad laws.

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'Monster' movie spreads call to action!

Anonymous User writes "Well, the feminists are at it again. 'Monster', which will be in wide release soon, is the sad, empathetic story of poor, mishandled Aileen Wuornos, lowly prostitute, serial killer. Of course, all her ill-will is lodged within her by 'men', as usual. This movie acts as though she didn't admit to lying on the stand and in reports (she told the truth before her execution), and so justifies her killing due to a 'rape'.
See the CNN article for more details.

Time to boycott, or maybe even picket. Placard up, boys, let's get to work. The Shark"

Also see the movie's website here.

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Not Acting "Like a Man"?

Dittohd writes "Here is an editorial by Michelle Malkin detailing her choices for "Whiners of the Year". Note the segment on Rep. Bill Janklow. Below is the e-mail I sent to her at her address

Dear Ms. Malkin,

In your article, you state, "Rep. Bill Janklow. The Republican congressman from South Dakota is still refusing to accept the consequences of his actions like a man." Does this mean that he is acting like a woman? Are all men the same? Do all men act in one particular way? Should they? Is "acting like a man" good? If so, should women act "like a man" also? Do you consider your comment to be sexist?


Dittohd Austin, Texas"

Whether you agree with the morality of the case in question is not the issue here, the issue here is one of definition. Namely, that we must define ourselves, and not let others tell us what a "man/real man" is, as if they define us, they define our self worth, and our honour and dignity will be forever dependant on others, and we can't have that. So make an unyielding stand, and say "I am a man, and none shall say otherwise" that is all.

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It was a very good year

As 2003 fades out to make room for the new year, a lot of us are asking ourselves where we're at, where we're going, and where we've been. Normally we ask those sorts of questions about our finances, our relationships, our career goals, etc. but this year I encourage everyone here to set aside a little time to review what all we've accomplished as men's activists as well. We've accomplished a lot, and I know most of us are looking forward to bigger and better things from the movement, but let's not forget to stop and reflect on what all we've accomplished already and give ourselves a well-earned pat on the back before charging ahead.

See *read more* to look back at men's activism in 2003.

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Call for men victims of family and domestic violence

Raymond Cuttill writes "The BBC is doing a series on bullying. They are looking around for personal stories of men being bullied by women. Bullying of the whole family and/or bullying/bad reactions by the police and courts would also be of interest. To be considered you should contact Dickon Le Marchant by email or at the office on 020 8752 6209 immediately, certainly in the next week or so.

From Men’s Hour Blog "

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The Wenches War

I think you'll like this one for the symbolism, if nothing else. It's a tale of gender archetypes from the 8th century Czechoslovakian style. Grab a seat and a drink, it'll take a few mins to read, but like a certain haircare product, it's worth it. :-)

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The Men's Movement Looks Forward

Trudy W Schuett writes "Things look good for the year to come! I've got my year-end essay up at the DLJ blog."

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I give up

zenpriest writes "I really do give up. The undisputed queen of yuppie kvetching, Naomi Wolf, has actually managed to twist things around so that men's decreasing attraction to women over the past 20 years has nothing at all to do with the rape hysteria and the hostility, suspicion, contempt, and general exploitation that men have gotten from women, and managed to blame it all on porn. She credits Andrea Dworking with being right, by being wrong, and remains blind to the extent to which Dworkin herself contributed to bringing this about. article here."

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Family court euphemisms that make good sign slogan

CJ writes "Please publish the following euphemisms that are related to the mistreatment of men in family court. These euphemisms make good sign slogans as well "fodder" for letters to the editor to your area newspapers. Note: Are you part of a local men and fathers' group? If not, you should be."

See *read more* below for euphemisms

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Woman kills pregnant woman

Matt writes "I am quite surprised they didn't suppress

this story.

I am sure she will use some kind of "defense" now well-known to many and all. But that the victim was another woman may just lead the sheeple dealing with this one to actually put her away. Well, we can hope."

Notice the story spent more time talking about how much Effie really wanted a baby of her own than on the details of the murder. Oh well, at least they didn't blame her husband yet.

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