A tale of Valentine's cartoons

mens_issues writes "Compare the two Valentine’s cartoons on the same internet page (courtesy Daryl Cagle of MSN). The “Valentine’s cards” by Ann Telnaes feature four abused/oppressed women. The cartoon at the bottom, by Mark Streeter, shows a man giving his partner an inappropriate Valentine card and gift. At the bottom, the man has been beaten up and wrapped in duct tape, while saying he’s lucky she didn’t have the keys to the Mercedes.

This telling juxtaposition can be found :


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Divorce Court

I've got to share this. Any man who is contemplating marriage should watch "Divorce Court" on TV. I just had to sit through a show for some research that I'm doing, and it was an eye opener.

The divorcing man accused his wife of domestic violence. When the judge asked the woman if it was true, the woman gave a snide smile and a little nod, which the judge took to mean "yes." When the judge told the woman that her actions were against the law, the woman kept saying, "He ain't gonna call (the police). He ain't gonna call." The judge lectured her about how she could go to jail for domestic violence but did nothing. (Would the judge have had the husband taken off to jail if he had admitted to beating his wife?)

In fact, the woman admitted to threatening on several occasions to call the police on her husband, when she was angry at him for (one example) using dishwashing liquid to wash the clothes. When the judge asked the woman what she would have told the police if she had called them, if she would have lied to the police, the woman just smirked. It was clear that she could have made a false accusation against her husband, who always left when she ordered him to. One time he had just stepped out of the shower, was wearing nothing but a towel, and had to cross town to go to a friend's house in the cold.

The kicker was at the end when the judge ruled on the settlement, gave everything but one car to the woman, and said to the woman (I swear this is true) "There's such a thing as equality, and you're getting most of it."

My god! I'm gonna have to remember that one.

I guess if a man is madly in love and has a desperate need to have kids, he'll want to get married, but men need to wake up and realize something. If a man is ever alone with a woman and doesn't record every moment, under the law he becomes that woman's slave. She may or may not do it, but she knows she can beat him with near assurance of impunity and destroy him in a moment with a false accusation.

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Paternity Fraud: Female Violence Against Men

As K. C. Wilson states in this essay, "Any fraud a man commits is called a crime. In forty-six states, the one exclusive to women is protected." He goes on to say, "Estimates are based on limited data but range from 3% to 5% of all children may be fathered by someone other than who they call by that name." I'm not sure where he got that statistic. From what I've read the rate for the entire population is about 10% and for the self-selected group of men who are suspicious the rate is about 30%. In any case, it's a prevalent, monstrous crime that is legal.

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More False Accusations

Here's yet another story of a false rape claim. Note that Washtenaw County Sheriff's Cmdr. Dave Egeler stated, "I'm not sure charges (for filing a false police report) are likely." The article goes on to state that next Wednesday's safety awareness meeting will still be held. Janet Hawkins, a spokeswoman for the community college said, "This will be an opportunity for us to review our safety procedures on campus."

Why do I doubt they'll be discussing how to make men safe from false accusations?

And here's a story of a false accusation of assault against a homeless man, who spent eight months in jail as a result. At least in this case, the girls were arrested. Since they were apprehended at school, students saw that society might be starting to hold females responsible for their actions.

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Bright Beacon

Anonymous User writes "This Men's Program at Pierce College seems to send a bright, positive message.

Those of you who may be interested in getting involved with forming a similar program at another university may be interested in inquiring with them to see what works."

This does look like a good program. I was in a high school yesterday and saw their list of National Honor Society students -- 20 females and 5 males. Yup, girls are the victims of terrible discrimination in the nation's academy. Sure, you betcha.

On a related note, this program may signify much more than what appears on the surface. Today women are able to have professional organizations, but such groups of men are seen as discriminatory. It would be good to see men, and not just those who benefit from programs such as this, start to form men's professional organizations to help each other with job placement and advancement and other workplace issues. Full-time employed women, on average, work far fewer hours than men, and there are far fewer full-time employed women than men, yet most company officers are women. It's time men started ignoring the lies about anti-female discrimination and started networking to help each other.

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Men Are Dogs

Skippy writes "Feminists have long complained about men objectifying women,
and most of us have learned to be cautious about using words
like "chick", "fox" or even "girl" unless it is pronounced
with two r's. But little is said about the ways in which
women objectify men. The author of Men Are Dogs actually
claims to like men. Or at least she likes dogs which is almost
the same."

Is there some of weird trend to paint the nearest man as an animal going on? First it was "The Care And Feeding Of Husbands" and now it's "Men Are Dogs" and all this from supposedly non-feminist women too. Ugh, I'm taking a hit of the whiskey right now.

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Freedom of dress

Matt writes "Interesting story - men seeking right to wear skirts and not be assumed to be transvestites, gay, etc. Didn't women have the same thing with dress pants a couple decades back? I doubt though these men will get as much sympathy as women got then. Story here"

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Policeman fired based on accusation alone

hurkle writes "

The Phoenix New Times this week has a cover story about a rookie policeman who brought in a woman who would likely face charges of DUI, and she immediately charged him with anally raping her. She has a history of such behavior, but as we all know, that don't mean nuthin'."

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Ad Council

bledso writes "You have to see just how lopsided this "campaign" is. It's about "Dating Abuse Prevention"(the domestic violence campaign isn't any better). Guess who they are interested in protecting from abuse? Be sure to check out the media links on the right hand side of the page here and it will be painfully clear."

Isn't nice that they make these lessons to teach boys not to be abusers, and girls not to be abused? Since boys and girls are equals we know that boys are more mean than girls and not as innocent, because that's what feminists have taught us equality means. Since we know that girls are always right, (or at least, close enough that it's best to pretend they are and not make videos showing the girls as guilty or anything), then we know that the behavior must have been unwarranted. In the first conversation perhaps she had his study materials for his upcoming SATs and he needed them in order to try and get into the college he wants to go to. But even still, because of our "girls are innocent" principal of "logic", we know that if that is the case, he must have done something really mean to her to deserve that. Or maybe she just forgot to return them and it's his fault for not reminding her properly or for loaning them to someone who was obviously so absent-minded. No matter what, he has no right to be mad because she avoided him that day, because we've taken as an assumption that she's right and he's wrong. It's just too bad being a jerk isn't a crime yet, because this guy is obviously really upset with some girl somewhere and yelling at her so he deserves to be in jail. Ack!

PS - You can contact the organization responsible for this ad at info@teenactioncampaign.org

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New HBO Series on Women's Suffrage History

Ray writes "Today’s men have issues that have always been there (oppressions they have never dealt with), and issues that have come about as a result of anti-male propaganda being disseminated through out the long, misandirst history of the women’s activist movement. The time is long overdue that men present a cogent voice addressing the issues of oppression in their lives, issues that are no less egregious than those women have faced, just different in their specifics.

There is a new series soon to be aired on HBO about the Women's Suffrage movement that took place around the time of Woodrow Wilson’s Presidency. It is called Ironed Jawed Angels and premieres Feb. 15th, 2004: HBO’s Iron Jawed Angels"

Click "Read More" for further info.

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Woman found lying about gang rape

Anonymous User writes "Woman files a police report claiming gang rape against university basketball players. School officials expelled the team's second-leading scorer and disciplined four other players. Woman reveals she lied about the gang rape. A woman is charged with filing fictitious reports, attempted extortion and prostitution. The MALE basketball players have not had their punishment reversed." TLE also submitted this and said "Good thing it was on video, or she would probably have gotten away with it. Even though the charges turned out to be false, the men are being punished. I wonder if senior Grady Reynolds can get unexpelled."

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Seems some stores are developing a soul

jimmyd writes "Appearently, according to this article in the light of our actions agianst stores that carry D&G items some stores are (shock) reconsidering the merchindise they carry. however the article also features a new target,urban outfiters, and a glorious qoute by toddy boy "I don't sell rocks with the T-shirts" you gotta be kidding me."

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Good press about D&G from alternet.org.

Jack Spratt writes "Alternet is a website read by many progressives (what some of you might call leftists), myself included.
This article seems to indicate that many people, not just men's advocates, find the D&G paraphenilia offensive.
Of course, as ever, it focuses on how the D&G stuff harms *women*. Ah well, one step at a time.

Check it out here.

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A Woman-Activist in Fathers 4 Justice

Jayne Woodman is the first woman to be arrested for participating in a Fathers 4 Justice, F4J, rally in the UK. She speaks her mind on the gender apartheid system of Great Britain.

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Male contraceptive implant

Anonymous User writes "Shering Plough and Organon are moving forward with Phase II trials for the male contraceptive implant / injection.

If you would like to offer a word of encouragement (and encourage them that there is a healthy market) or even enroll in the trial (to take place at 14 centers in Europe), you might try to contact Schering Plough or Organon.

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