Fred on the Feminization of America

Philalethes writes "In his usual haphazard, insightful and amusing fashion, Fred Reed once again hits several nails on the head: To quote: "In the United States women are, I think for the first time in history, gaining real power. What will be the consequences? ... Men use [power] to conquer their neighbors whether in business or war, women to impose security and pleasantness. ... Just about everything that once defined masculinity is now denounced as “macho,” a hostile word embodying the female incomprehension of men. ... The question may be whether one fears most being conquered or being nicened to death. ... Men are happy for men to be men and women to be women; women want us all to be women."

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IWF dismisses men's concerns

Matt writes "

Notice their commentary reflecting a lack of sympathy for men paying C/S and then on to talking about what happened recently in Iraq. Do they suppose those Iraqi men were raised by their fathers? And I won't even start on the question of whether or not anyone, male or female can be trained to be killer or for that matter, whether they appreciate being invaded and occupied.

This is again part of the general dismissal of men's issues I find so offensive, coupled with a lack of ability to analyze situations that come from too many people of both sexes these days. Really makes me want to move out. I suppose the idea of paternity fraud doesn't strike IWF as being patently unfair, or the sexist selective service, etc., etc.?

I am sure in their own way groups like IWF mean well but the truth is, they're still feminists. They don't care a whit about men except in so far as we are useful in some way to women."

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Do We Need a Men's Rights Movement?

The Christian Science Monitor is having a poll on whether or not there should be a men's rights movement.

Unfortunately, they missed the boat by having as the only two options, "No. Men still enjoy a privileged position," and "Yes. Casual male-bashing has become too commonplace." Casual male-bashing is hardly the only anti-male discrimination in a society, where men and boys are disappearing from the educational system; male suicide is rampant; far more money is put into researching female-specific diseases than male-specific diseases; for a given crime men receive far more severe sentences than women; paternity fraud is pandemic; men are railroaded in divorce and child custody determinations; domestic violence by women against men is either ignored or excused as self-defense; men account for 94% of workplace fatalities, and there is a federal Office of Women's Health but no federal Office of Men's Health, despite the fact that on average women outlive men by the better part of a decade — to name a few items.

If you'd like, you can vote here. When I last checked, the poll was running 81% in favor of a men's movement.

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25 Greatest Getaways for Men by MSN

CJ writes " We've found the best places you've never been. The map is in your hands. All you have to do is pack a bag and walk out the door. Here is a little pro-male reporting from the typically misandric MSN crew. Enjoy, and perhaps take a trip."

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Vote on "If... women ruled the world" good or bad

Raymond Cuttill writes "The BBC broadcast a programme called "If... women ruled the world". I discuss it on my blog. BBC - "If... women ruled the world" - Don't Blink You Might Miss The Men Talking.

"All the drama-documentaries in the IF series are based on rigorous journalism and research, here's just a few facts about how women's roles have changed, and could continue to change in the future."

I'm tempted to say that it was researched as well as weapons of mass destruction were researched before the Iraq invasion.

Anyway, at If... women ruled the world you can vote on "Would a women's world be a better place?" Currently 55% No. Can we get it higher?"

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Child support agencies not doing their "job"

CJ writes "The Senate voted Tuesday for an additional $6 billion for child care for welfare recipients. This increase in welfare begs a few questions: If the huge amount of federal money spent to subsidize the government attack on “dead beat dads” is in place to supposedly decrease the burden of taxpayers in an effort to support single mother homes, then perhaps the anti-father collection agencies backed by our government's forces aren’t functioning correctly. Or perhaps these agencies exist for the sole purpose of attacking heterosexual males as run by feminist power bureaucracies, as huge budgets will get allocated for welfare needs anyway? One opponent of this additional money, Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., said a $1 billion increase already built into the legislation was sufficient. "The idea that there isn't enough money out there for day care is a ruse," Santorum said. "What this is about is a social policy that people should be more and more dependent upon government." Article is


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Paternity Testing Now!

amperro writes "Marilyn vos Savant, of Parade magazine's "Ask Marilyn" (Sunday, March 14, 2004) states that "based on genetic counselors stumbling across many cases of discrepant fatherhood in the course of testing for inheritable diseases" 10% of American children were fathered by someone other than "Daddy"! She goes on to say that the figure may be even higher, stating women might avoid "medical tests unless absolutely necessary." WE NEED MANDATORY PATERNITY TESTING AT BIRTH RIGHT NOW!!!"

Thomas writing now: Sorry I'm late getting this posted.

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Duped Husband Also Guilty?

Dittohd writes "In this case, a woman duped her husband and others into thinking their daughter had cancer to keep the husband from leaving them. They both accepted donations to cover nonexistant cancer treatments, the father trusting the wife and having her handle all the medical visits and bills. The woman got 6 1/2 years in prison. The husband - 4 years 11 months. Are men ever "victims"?"

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God Made Her Do It, Not The Devil

CPM writes "Miss Yates said it was the Devil, Miss Laney will claim it was God.

This is the first I hear of this one, but I obviously missed it the first go round. This article says that it is already at trial and that this all happened on May 10 (2003?) Did anyone see this reported back in May? I have seen many stories on women killing their children in the last year, even though it is usually only a blip on the newspage and usually in one of those "oddly enough" sections. But, I think I would remember if this was one of them. I actually find this one more disturbing than Andrea Yates. A tip for Miss Laney: when you tell the jury that God made you do it, make sure you point out that in this kind of situation, God is a man."

RPB659 also writes "Here is a link to a story about a woman that killed two of her sons with rocks, and seriously and permanently injured the other (18 mo. old) son. We should make sure that POS at David & Goliath sees this. Remember when Todd Goldman said that no one was actually going to use rocks against boys?"

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Glenn Sacks asks for our help

LSBeene writes "I wrote to Glenn Sacks about starting a new campaign. I suggested that we target a company that makes male-bashing commercials or uses violence against men as an advertising tool. He replied:

Steven--I can't do a campaign on this right now for various reasons. What I would like to do is to do a show on anti-male TV and radio advertising, with audio clips from some anti-male ads. If you and your sympathizers could collect some for us (Foleys and others) we could do the show. I don't have the staff to prepare it myself, at least for now.
Best Wishes,
Glenn Sacks

I am hoping that people at this BBS and others I post on would be willing to send him examples of violence against men as an advertising tool. From our examples he can get a new campaign started. This is our call to action. I could really use the help. What do you say?"

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Female teacher busted for sexual abuse

Rand T. writes "The unusual twist in this story, one that should make the public response to the case particularly interesting to watch, is that the student is a female. here's one
and the

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Suing the False Accuser

Ray Blumhorst writes ""How much money do you think it would be worth to you for every year spent in a maximum-security prison for a crime you didn't commit?" Soldier whose rape case was overturned files suit That's a tough question to ask, but that is exactly what the man in this story is doing. Another question one might want to ask is, "Did 'Rape Shield Laws' play any part in the false conviction and incarceration of this innocent man?" When one goes to the Innocence Project web site, Innocence Project and looks over the 143 people (all but one are male) who've been freed by DNA evidence, it boggles the mind to think how many other innocent men must be rotting in American jails today. Look over the reasons for false convictions on that web site if you get a chance. Are those 143 men who were falsely convicted just the tip of the iceberg in our misandric country that now has the highest rate of incarceration in the world (we passed Russia), 93% of whom are men? No wonder more and more men have no confidence in the integrity of our entire legal system."

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Canada's Top Court Upholds Pre-Nups

MAUS writes "Today the Supreme Court of Canada overturned decisions of two lower courts which cut a man's assets in two in spite of pre-nuptual agreement. The top court has ruled that pre-nuptuals and separation agreements, especially when both parties had fair access to legal council WILL NOT be subject to review or revision by any court in Canada because one party may deem them unfair after the fact. For unscrupulous lawyers in Canada who have profitted by the culture of mysandry, becomming a millionaire through screwing men in divorce court has just become harder. Prehaps the thought police commisioned by SOW to monitor mens activism sites on the internet are starting to get the message article"

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Advocates fear due process

CJ writes "The woman accusing NBA star Kobe Bryant of rape will be forced to testify Wednesday about her sex life a move some experts (who are these experts?)fear could discourage other women from reporting sexual assaults, so the feminist media outlets are already crying foul and are concerned that due process might get restored in cases of alleged rape. Women are indoctrinated from early childhood to report any issue that hints of assault, so to say that someone’s history is irrelevant is ludicrous as everywoman knows that she can ruin a man on mere allegation alone today. When one has a rape allegation against them, the media broadcasts his face and name to the world before a verdict is met while the "victim" hides behind a veil of secrecy. The victim advocacy that exists in today’s courts jeopardize any semblance of a fair trial, plain and simple. The media outlets never give someone acquitted of charges much attention. With DNA testing, many men are freed from jail every year, and I bet if a look at the false accuser’s life were admissible in the court room, many innocent men would not have their lives ruined to satisfy feminist jurisprudence and the feminist media spin doctors.


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Bobby Brown is being used as an example

CJ writes "Singer Bobby Brown was jailed for failure to pay $63,500 in child support payments to the mother of two of his children. After being incarcerated for one day (but up to 90 days) in debtor’s prison by Family Court Judge Paula Carey, he paid this court ordered debt. Brown is by no means a role model, or perhaps even a good man, but his life reflects that of many underprivileged men who end up in debtor’s prison (remember the constitution was supposed to protect against this). Now this isn't to say that fathers do not have responsibility for their children, but awarded monthly support payment amounts often exceed the actual costs of raising a child and often resemble punitive damage payments to the mother who has sole responsibility for every decision for the child. The “Spin Sisters” in the media have made sure that Bobby’s imprisonment is broadcasted and set as an example for other men who have similar backgrounds to Bobby. Obey, pay, or jail."

You know, whenever I look at articles like this, I keep being reminded of a name "Daniel Amneus" perhaps if you did a search, you might find out why?

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