Submitted by Adam on Fri, 2004-04-16 20:37
Ray writes "This study says Girls Have Been Faster Learners, but faster learners of what? And what biases of the reasearchers led them to conclude that what girls learn is what boys should also learn? Are educational researchers telling males, "This is a woman's world," rather than taking a more objective approach showing that the sexes learn different things at different rates based on their interests, and perhaps their "hard wired" genetic differences?"
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Submitted by Scott on Fri, 2004-04-16 15:04
After many delays, I've finally converted Steve van Valkenburg's What Are Men's Issues? document to PDF format to make it available for easier distribution. Click on the link to download it or find it in the Activism Projects box on the right side of the main page. We encourage everyone to download, print, and distribute this document wherever appropriate. It's a wonderful introduction and summary of men's issues and is a great resource to be used in men's advocacy. I'd like to thank Steve and everyone who contributed to its creation for doing such a professional job!
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Submitted by Hombre on Thu, 2004-04-15 09:03
MAUS writes "Look at what was submitted to Dear Abby as advice on how to deal with unwanted flirting. If this group of lawyers is anything like their counterpart in Canada they are composed of lesbians with marine sergeant haircuts, little round Leon Trotsky glasses and snears that would intimidate a rottweiller. And they are bent upon making heterosexuality as illegal as possible. I know this will make a great forum discussion and I think it might be a nice gesture if we gleaned the best of that discussion and sent it as a reply both to Abby and this "ERA" group of lawyers."
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Submitted by Hombre on Thu, 2004-04-15 08:45
Ray writes "Here is a very interesting letter that was sent anonymously to Mensactivism, that wound up as post #93 in the discussion on "Domestic Violence Propaganda in CA," and is entitled, A One Stop Divorce Shop In Virginia. I am very pleased that Mensactivism has reached a level of integrity, where someone feels confident enough to send/post such a letter. I forwarded it on to "appropriate authorities" as best I could, and requested that they try to further ascertain allegations made in the body of the letter. Lastly, in post # 94 of that thread, is a copy of my forwarding email, REGARDING:A One Stop Divorce Shop In Virginia that I sent directly to Anon."
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Submitted by Adam on Wed, 2004-04-14 23:59
Ray writes "NOW-NYS Demands Federal Investigation - Family Courts Fail to Protect Abused Children: A National Crisis (click) For Immediate Release Maybe we should support this, but not for the reasons given by NOW... Is it possible they really don't get it?"
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Submitted by Adam on Wed, 2004-04-14 20:55
Anonymous User writes "A man who harassed more than 40 women whose names he got from accident reports and obituaries that ran in local newspapers was sentenced to 15-225 years in prison along with 46 years of probation after his release. The guy definitely has some problems, but I would suspect that if the sexes were reversed in this case, this story wouldn't have even made the news, and the woman would have got nothing more than a little slap on the hand. article"
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2004-04-13 21:26
mcc99 writes "The ACLU has, like Amnesty International, been overtaken by feminists. Like AI they try to keep it quiet but it comes out every now and then unequivolcally in what they choose for their causes. Thus an organization that started off as being good and noble and a necessary corrective has become a force for feminist indoctrination and promulgation of women's-interests-only-need-be-considered thinking. ACLU won't touch men's issues with a 20' pole but will happily promulgate feminist myths of all kinds. Like AI it champions a number of gender-non-specific causes and then when it finds a feminist one, it goes all-out advertising it and pushing it. They try to avoid getting noticed for their bias but alas they cannot help but be scrutinized.
ACLU's latest offense can be seen in their recent action item at: e.cfm?ID=9955&c=249
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Submitted by Adam on Tue, 2004-04-13 01:37
Here we have a interesting article called Heather's Compromise by Terrence O. Moore which is quite simply,
A morally bankrupt shaming ploy. Indeed, the whole article can be summed up this one quote "Though women can command higher salaries, they have ceased to be able to command men."
He also wrote an similar entilted article Wimps and Barbarians given the spate of articles like this, the status quo folk must getting worried about our advocacy efforts. It is crucial that we as men are not dependant on others for our self worth, and that we are not shamed into doing things for certain demographic groups (you know who you are!) that harm and compromise us. Still, at least the self flagellant stance in the articles will make for a good discussion eh?
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Submitted by Hombre on Tue, 2004-04-13 00:29
CJ writes "No one here will be suprised to learn that a woman fabricated a story for personal gain (yet she still is a "victim")and the system was easy on her. In this case a Woman closed an airport to avoid a vacation with boyfriend. The threat prompted authorities to shut down Germany's third busiest airport on a busy Sunday in September, stranding 64,000 people for hours, while police searched in vain for a bomb. The woman was given a suspended sentence after admitting in court that she called authorities and, in a hoax, made an al Qaeda bomb threat because her parents disapproved of her boyfriend. If a male had done this, you know that he would have been locked up for a long, long time. Again, this story is listed under the "unusual article" section, damn spin sisters."
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Submitted by Hombre on Tue, 2004-04-13 00:22
Marc Angelucci writes "In the recent discussion at, an anonymous poster (who sounds like the male feminist known as “ampersand”) quotes Dr. Richard Gelles as saying that domestic violence by women is often self defense or retaliation. I wrote a response but I don't see it posting. I think it’s important that men’s rights activists all be aware of why the “self defense” argument is unfounded. Too many of us go silent when confronted with it due to lack of awareness about the research, and feminists are using this as a very misleading tool. Below is a response I wrote to the anonymous poster on the issue in which I give references to some very good refutations of the self-defense argument. Anyone who is not familiar enough with the “self defense” argument should look up the sources and be prepared to answer it when the argument comes up, which it will.
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Submitted by Hombre on Tue, 2004-04-13 00:19
Matt writes "Got an email from advertising a WomenForHire ( event in the DC area. Immediately my blood pressure went up. Do they do MenForHire conferences? No.
Calls to their office at (212) 580-6100 nets one a less-than-ideal response. Comments, they say, are taken via e-mail at
Let them know what you think of their sexist ways. Would "MenForHire" or "WhitesForHire" stand a chance of going unchallenged? Why let this go unchallenged?"
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Submitted by Tom on Mon, 2004-04-12 22:02
Are you tired of seeing good men shot down by bad laws and bad courts? Are you tired of the feminist propaganda being the status quo?
If you are please join us and take a stand at the
href=""> Men's Rights Congress this
June 18-19 in Washington DC. If these issues are important to you please
drop what you are doing and join us. We need you to be there. Our goal is to
gather a sizable number of men and women to make a strong statement that our
issues deserve to be addressed. We have a goal of registering at least 50
people by May 15th. If you are planning to come, as many of you are,
please sign up now. In the event that we don't get a good turnout we
will likely cancel the event so
href="">please sign up now.
All too often men's
events such as this are under-attended and we are determined not to let that
happen for this event. Join us! Take a stand at the U.S. Capitol on
Capitol Hill. Be there.
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Submitted by Adam on Mon, 2004-04-12 01:21
MB-Chicago writes "Clueless Dads
Search: Bumbling Dad Ads
Ads have found new fall guys to sell products
By Theresa Howard, USA TODAY
Clueless men and bumbling dads have been the laughing stock of Madison Avenue lately. With political correctness putting an ever-increasing portion of the population off limits for humorous situations, advertisers are increasingly casting straight males as folks who can't cook, drive or watch the kids without making a mess of it."
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Submitted by Adam on Sun, 2004-04-11 23:19
Luek writes "No Excuse For Abuse
The Domestic Abuse Helpline For Men is having a fundraiser of $20,000 dollars to purchase more space to carryout the ever growing number of cases of domestic abuse against men that are coming its way. So far as I can tell there has been a whooping $2,000 raised for this noble effort! Have all the men and women who visit this site sent in a contribution? You can donate by Paypal on site. I have!
The call volume to our toll free 24x7 helpline has quadrupled in the over three years we have been in existence.
For over three years we have worked out of a small home office responding to callers from all across the U.S. 24 hours a day, developing trainings, mailing requested materials, and setting up annual educational conferences on male victimization etc. Now is the time to start expanding our services and capabilities! There is a building for sale nearby that has just the space we need to accommodate offices for our volunteer staff and a larger room to hold trainings, support groups and other meetings."
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Submitted by Adam on Sun, 2004-04-11 19:18
Jim writes "This article from the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. examines the reasons why so many men are apparently still living with their parents well into their 30's and 40's. I thought this would be an objective look into an interesting subject, but it soon becomes obvious after a few paragraphs that this is not an even-handed article. Who agrees?"
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