American Men: Brace Yourselves

The drumbeat to reinstitute the draft is growing louder.

American men need to gird themselves for being called up to fight, kill, be maimed, and die at rates far greater than those faced by women. At the same time it's a safe bet that, if women are drafted, they will on the whole not only be given far safer positions than men. They will be given positions in which they will learn skills with which they can later make a comfortable living. And no doubt we will still hear about how oppressed women are.

In addition, numerous high ranking officers will be women, who have never had to face combat. In many cases these women will determine where the male-draftees will be sent to suffer the hell of war.

The majority- (read "female-") elected government is preparing to come for you.

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Another son-murdering mother

Matt writes "It's getting so routine, isn't it? Read it and weep:

Bet she'll get put into an 'institution' for the 'criminally insane'. Men get prison. Women get psychiatry. And boys continue to get murdered by their mothers without any real effort to stop it.

Things like this continue to confirm my decision to remain unmarried and childless. America, sow what you reap."

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No Such Thing as a Free Lunch

This is apparently yet another case of a woman falsely accusing a man of rape. The man, who was accused of rape, has filed a lawsuit for just over $25 million. (He is, of course, identified by name, while the alleged false-accuser is simply called "Amy Doe" in the suit.)

It would be good to see successful civil suits against false accusers, but the plague of false accusations is unlikely to abate until lengthy prison sentences are meted out to perpetrators of this monstrous crime.

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Woman "Wins" Boston Marathon

CPM writes "Woman "Wins" Boston Marathon

...with a half-hour head start. Why don't the men get the head start? Oh I know, so a woman can be first to cross the line thereby "winning". Also I'm sure that the leading men had to also deal with the obstacles of lagging females thereby increasing their times.

Upon reading the first sentence, I was thrilled to see that a female had won the whole thing. I really do want a woman to win so that they can then get rid of these silly men's/women's divisions. Once a woman wins, they can no longer claim that it is some kind of biological obstacle preventing them from winning.

Her time was actually 14 minutes slower than the winner of the "men's race". Geez, I can run two miles in 14 minutes and I hardly consider myself to be a runner at all.

I don't know how they record these things, but is she actually declared the official winner? Also, how many men finished under 2:24:27?"

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The tip of the iceberg...

PJ writes "Would it be about time to establish a database of the false accusers?
(You might need to login for free to NYTimesonline to view the story: "Study Suspects Thousands of False Convictions")"

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Life as a guy (Ah, L'Amour)

While This is going in the humour section, I doubt most guys will find this funny, here's a
link to Life as a
(Asf File) there's some history
behind it in case you're interested. make of it what you will.

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College student charged in fake abduction

Jeff writes "It's okay that she fabricated the assualt and abduction ( here) ...she is a "young woman upset by a fading relationship with her boyfriend, Ryan Fisher. Friends said the two had been fighting, and Seiler's roommate, Heather Thue, told officers that Fisher did not pay as much attention to Seiler as she wanted. Seiler's mother told police her daughter had not been herself lately and was "extremely needy" of Fisher.""

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False Accusations and Justice - or lack thereof

Ray writes "In the story about the 19 year old student who faked her own abduction it is revealed that the police (in looking for a "male suspect") had a gun to the head of one male fitting their profileFalse Accuser and Her Victim.

The 19 year old student has been charged with two misdemeanor counts of obstructing officers, each carrying up to a 9-month jail sentence plus a fine.
False Accuser Student Charged. In looking over the facts involved in this chaotic series of events one can only wonder, "Has justice been served, and if so, how?""

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Domestic Violence

Ray writes "Dr. Stephen Baskerville writes of yet another atroctity committed by our government against men (and their families) in his article. Violence Against Women Panel Commits Violence Against Democracy. In this election year, it appears the Bush administration has no desire to offend any of the potential voters in that multi-billion taxpayer ripoff, (cesspool of corruption) known as the domestic violence industry. It likewise appears he has no care about offending every voting male in America, including this registered Republican."

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Convicted Women Drunk Drivers Are Victims.

Anonymous User writes "For many women drunken drivers, jail not a cure
Prisons need to offer gender-based treatment options, officials say
But some prison officials have concluded that the system has to improve the type of treatment it offers and come up with more gender-specific programs.

Women often have a harder time than male alcoholics re-integrating themselves into the community after they have been punished, said Sandy DeYoung, a social worker who counsels female alcoholics at Taycheedah.

"The stigma of going to prison for a woman is huge," DeYoung said. "It adds shame and guilt to the underlying reasons they have for drinking in the first place.

"The issues for women are different than men. That's been a problem we didn't understand for a long time."

"It's absolutely amazing how many of these women have been sexually abused. Eating disorders are huge in here. The issues just pile on and on." article

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Sororities scrutinized-- in a manner of speaking

There's so much to say on this, I don't know where to begin! A book written by an undercover 'investogator' re sorority life in America. She ends the review saying they have really great parties. The usual rape stuff is mentioned, too. I am not surprised MSN carried this review. Frankly I think this is a work of fiction. Thoughts?

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Females dominate teaching in Nova Scotia

Anonymous User writes "A shortage of male teachers is causing concerns in Nova Scotia. "Many elementary students come from single-parent families typically headed by women, and they can benefit in many ways from exposure to positive male role models at school." Except 80% of school teachers are female.

Maybe they need some affirmative action to encourage men to go back into teaching.

Read the story here"

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You Are What You Learn

Ray writes "This study says Girls Have Been Faster Learners, but faster learners of what? And what biases of the reasearchers led them to conclude that what girls learn is what boys should also learn? Are educational researchers telling males, "This is a woman's world," rather than taking a more objective approach showing that the sexes learn different things at different rates based on their interests, and perhaps their "hard wired" genetic differences?"

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"What Are Men's Issues?" Introductory Flyer

After many delays, I've finally converted Steve van Valkenburg's What Are Men's Issues? document to PDF format to make it available for easier distribution. Click on the link to download it or find it in the Activism Projects box on the right side of the main page. We encourage everyone to download, print, and distribute this document wherever appropriate. It's a wonderful introduction and summary of men's issues and is a great resource to be used in men's advocacy. I'd like to thank Steve and everyone who contributed to its creation for doing such a professional job!

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We have bigger lawyer problems than ACLU

MAUS writes "Look at what was submitted to Dear Abby as advice on how to deal with unwanted flirting. If this group of lawyers is anything like their counterpart in Canada they are composed of lesbians with marine sergeant haircuts, little round Leon Trotsky glasses and snears that would intimidate a rottweiller. And they are bent upon making heterosexuality as illegal as possible. I know this will make a great forum discussion and I think it might be a nice gesture if we gleaned the best of that discussion and sent it as a reply both to Abby and this "ERA" group of lawyers."

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