Feminist inspired mess in Massachusetts

CJ writes "MA is perhaps one on the worst states to live in if you happen to be male. The same court system that is now under national scrutiny because the will of 4 judges intends to change the definition of marriage for all citizens in the state, has denied upholding the basic constitutional rights of divorced fathers and for all men for decades now. "We're up against like powers that be in the courts," (in regard to the courts decision on marriage) said Mike Franco, state chairman of The Fatherhood Coalition. "It's judicial tyranny and activism where judges are using their discretion to put forth a political agenda." Feminist Jurisprudence has wrecked havoc in men’s lives for decades now. Several of the "couples" suing to effect marriage change are NOW lesbians. In MA the media is pro-feminist in all issues relating to gender. Another issue in MA is that the Boston marathon has decided to let the women run 25 minutes before the men so that women will not get “lost in the pack and enjoy the victory without 2nd-tier male athletes in the way.” This prestigious sporting event has been spoiled by gender policy! All of the local newscasts ran 5 minute segments about an alleged “groping” of a female college student where no one was hurt before airing this news about the marathon. Every station! This had to be a deliberate attempt to stir up anger in women and shame men before dropping another feminist/elitist maneuver on the public. Another court case, where both parents starved a child to death, the man gets life, she got time served. Every day, it is an outrage living in MA, and most people still view women as oppressed? How much longer until women and men have a completely separate set of laws? article here"

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Age is no Barrier

Rob writes "It seems age is no barrier in preventing a female killing her husband and then blaming it on other people. This 81 year old, killed her husband and blamed it on two male burglars, before claiming he committed suicide before finally admitting the truth. It seems she was tired of his deteriorating health and having to look after him. Although not in this particular news item, it was reported in other stories that the defence claimed that it "was not in anyone's interest" to prosecute an old woman."

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New Site Helps Men with Life Struggles

GeekFish writes "A story is running on Religion Journal about a website geared to helping men with men's issues. MensRefuge offers individual help for men seeking advice, who may not otherwise reach out in a non-anonymous enviornment. The site is based on Christian principles, but offers hope and advice to all men, not just Christians. Looks like they don't even allow women to post on their forums. Finally, someone reaching out to men."

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Feminist response to false accusations

Mangesh writes "This is how Indian feminists are responding to the growing awareness about false accusations. According to them, the perception that women make false accusations is 'a myth'. Read the story here"

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Group to review prosecution practices

CJ writes "Prosecutors and police in Suffolk County (MA)will review investigation and prosecution practices after the release Monday of a man wrongfully convicted of rape. This sounds like a step in the right direction. One has to wonder how many innocent lives have been ruined by false rape allegations? When a "she said he did" basis is used for convictions, one has to seriously question the direction that democracy has taken.

Story here."

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Hollywood 'Stereotypes Violence to Women' - Actor

Rand T. writes "The mind boggles...

Hollywood 'Stereotypes Violence to Women' - Actor"

"The film industry is partly to blame for the global culture of violence against women, Star Trek actor Patrick Stewart said on Friday."

Of course they are. Just like they are to partly to blame for the interplanetary war we have with hostile martians. Both are Hollywood creations.

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Kobe's Prosecutors Seek to Erase History

Roy writes "The prosecutors in the Kobe Bryant rape case have appealed to the Colorado Supreme Court to deny the defendant's inquiry into the sexual history of his accuser. Under Colorado's rape-shield laws, the pattern of sexual promiscuity and predation by the female accuser are to be deemed "irrelevant." Interesting that this intrepretation of the law basically means that the "lady" seeking to end Mr. Bryant's career has no personal responsibility for her own past actions and choices, and that the CO. law is biased against any man who seeks vindication by showing a pattern of intentional predatory behavior by a female. Go figure.

Article here."

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National Committee on Status of Women broke?

Henry Vincent writes "The National Action Committee on the Status of Women is broke because the government stopped giving them money and women didn't continue to support it with monetary donations. One of Canada's loudest feminists even says the feminism born in the 60's is dead, but she still thinks the government should keep handing over money despite the fact that Canadian women seem to think this organization is irrelevant. Article


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UK Advertising Standards Authority Adjudication

Rob writes "There is an interesting Adjudication from the UK ASA on a series of adverts from Nokia on their N-Gage Phone/Games Console. PC Pro reports:

"With tag lines such as 'This is where I took on three guys... And made them cry like babies' and, 'This is where I made Kev look small', the ASA ruled that some of the ads were indeed 'offensive and distressing' and could 'condone or encourage violence'. The judgement also said that one advert which featured the line 'This is where I left Kate, Lucy and Michelle begging for more' might encourage sexual violence towards women."

The whole adjudication can be read here. Look under New Adjudications Published, 18th Feb-10th March, then search by Advertiser name.

It's interesting that they feel "taking on three guys... and making them cry" refers to violence by persons, but where female names are mentioned in the adverts, then that can only encourage violence against women"

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Anti-Circumcision Bill Submitted to Congress

napnip writes "A group called MGMBill.org has submitted a bill to Congress to ban routine male genital mutilation. Their website is here: http://www.mgmbill.org

Any thoughts on this? Do you think there is a chance Congress will put it to a vote? Since infant girls are protected by law from genital mutilation, I feel that it's only fair that infant boys receive the same protection.

Also, is there any chance that exclusive protection of girls could be challenged as unconstitutional, since it violates the equal protection clause?"

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NH Men's Commission Web Site Up

The NH Commission on the Status of Men now has a web site where you can download the meeting minutes and keep up with what is going on there. Also listed is contact information for the Commission members, and a calendar of upcoming meetings/events.

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Anti-male sexual violence in the media

Doug Wells writes "Here is a (heavily edited by the newspaper) letter to the editor that I submited to the Idaho State Journal about attacks on the male groin as a source of "humor". It criticises the widespread acceptance of this particular form of sexual sadism (not to mention the hypocrisy (sp?) of women who enjoy this) and its consequences for boys. The bottom line is that best-estimates run around 50,000 school-age boys in the U.S. suffer medically-significant sexual injuries each year due to "acceptance" of this brand of sexual assualt, and the media are partly to blame for putting this "humor" nearly all childrens shows, movies, etc."

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End of the Line for Canada's Top Feminazi Mandarin

MAUS writes "Canada's foremost elected feminist official has been crowded out of the arena. After coming dangerously close to winning the leadership of the front running Liberal Party, Sheila Copps, who championed the initiative to form a "hate watch"of men's groups on the internet has lost the nomination to re-run as a Liberal in her once secure bastion. Apparently she has also burned her bridges with the NDP. This marks a receeding of the tide of feminist power in Canada. Article here."

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John Kerry And Sucking Up To Feminism

Luek writes "Likely Presidential candidate John Kerry says if elected his administration will put American government and our legal system back on the side of women.

Well excuse me Mr. Kerry but as I see it the government has made women a social class of over privileged aristocrats at the expense of men. I don't believe this arrangement is what this country is about.

It is past time for the tide to go the other way and restore men's rights for a change!

I don't know wether to label this misandry by the Kerry campaign shameless pandering or just plain stupidity. Probably a mix of both."

Additional reading of his site shows that he supports affirmative action and Title IX, believes that women only earn 73 cent for every dollar earned by men due to massive hidden discrimination by millions of employers and not women's own choices to work fewer hours, safer jobs, etc., co-sponsored the Violence Against Women Act and the Women's Health Equity Act, and will only appoint pro-choice judges to the Supreme Court. I'm not sure that it matters whether his misandry is shameless pandering, stupidity, or anything else. As long as he's going to act like a feminist, he might as well be one.

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WashPost columnist decries Naomi Wolf's latest

Matt writes "Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum courageously and rationally called Naomi Wolf on her latest attempt to get attention for herself, ruin a man's career and/or repuatation, and otherwise be a jerk. The column speaks for itself.

While three weeks old, I came across a reference to it in today's Post's letters. Two were published, predictably both denouncing Applebaum's column. Well, what did I expect? :-)"

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