Submitted by Adam on Thu, 2004-04-29 02:02
Philalethes writes "This guy found his ex-wife's wedding dress in the attic ('she took the $4000 engagement ring but left the dress') and put it up on eBay, hoping to recoup the $1200 it cost him when 'my drunken sot of an ex-father-in-law swore up and down he would pay for but didn’t so I got stuck with the bill. Luckily I only got stuck with his daughter for 5 years. Thank the Lord we didn't have kids. If they would have turned out like her or her family I would have slit my wrists.' Seems he hit a nerve; it's been forwarded around the 'Net (I heard about it from a friend's mailing list), and after six days the auction's had more than 4,800,000 hits (yes, that's four million eight hundred thousand -- 25,000 in the last four minutes), the bidding's over $15,000, and he's had a lot of emails, both negative and supportive. And media invitations. (The auction ends today, but the page should remain accessible for 90 days.) Looks like a possible new career for this guy."
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Submitted by Adam on Wed, 2004-04-28 19:16
Submitted by Adam on Tue, 2004-04-27 19:09
Anon user writes "The National Fatherhood Initiative has launched an insulting billboard and bus-card campaign depicting small black children who have biting words for their fathers. Reginald Brass and Alvin Thomas of My Child Says Daddy and NFI president Roland Warren had a spirited debate on the issue last night on His Side with Glenn Sacks. To see the anti-father billboards and to listen to the show archive, click on here"
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Submitted by Adam on Mon, 2004-04-26 18:47
35699 writes "Latest commercial from Cooper Tires focuses on the wife telling her husband what a moron he is. Just a dumb person in a brown sweater who obviously bought another brand of tires and she's not happy. I emailed Cooper tires and told them they lost my should do the same."
Come on people, let's get some contact info and do some activism.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2004-04-26 02:09
Genital Integrity Awareness Week
The fourth annual Genital Integrity Awareness Week is in Philadelphia May 1-7 with demonstrations at the Pennsylvania Convention Center lead by the International Coalition for Genital Integrity (ICGI) picketing the national conference of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) for performing non-therapeutic infant circumcisions.
More details... click "Read More"
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Submitted by Adam on Mon, 2004-04-26 00:09
Luek writes "
Here is an article about how slowly but surely domestic violence against men is being recognized in Britain.
According to the article there are now 3 shelters for men in Britain but women still have something like 500+ devoted to them only.
article here
BTW: How many have contributed $ to the only domestic abuse helpline for men that I know of in the US at:
No Excuse For Abuse"
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Submitted by Adam on Sun, 2004-04-25 20:06
Anonymous User writes "Here are some more anti-male commercials for you guys to ponder. One is from SuperCuts, a hair salon/barbershop. In the commercial it shows young men trying to describe what kind of hair style they want. The stylists (female) always interrupt them with a smart-ass remark like, "soemthing that says I don't live in my parents basement" or something to the effect of not looking like a failure in women's eyes. Also, Ford has not listened to you guys - they have come up with a commercial that shows a wife folding seats and preparing the kids safety seats while the husband struggles with the stroller. At the end she does it for him with ease and he's left standing there."
It's activism day today, so can anyone verify?
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Submitted by Adam on Sun, 2004-04-25 18:00
LSBeene writes "A girl who had consensual sex with 3 boys in a school bathroom later claimed it was rape. The boys went through the hellish ordeal of being accused rapists. The girls story quickly fell apart and she confessed to lying. The interesting parts: 1) the forensic evidence originally said to be VERY CLEAR that she WAS raped. Now that same evidence is "inconclusive". 2) The boys (15-18/yo) have had their names dragged through the "accused rapist" mill, while the girl, even after she confessed to lying, will remain anonymous. 3) Also, the DA says no charges will be filed, and that he'll recommend the girl get "help". 4) At the high school, AFTER the confession, administrators, parents, and students had a meeting to discuss "the incident and other safety issues". The feminist buzz words for concentrating on rape, which didn't happen, the girl, who is the only criminal here, and boys sexuality. No mention of a discussion on how to safeguard boys from false accusations or any invites of men's advocates mentioned. (big surprise)
Link to article:here
Let's write a few letters on this one? I have all the E-mail addresses and will post them as my first post, with my letter, once this gets "up".
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Submitted by Scott on Sat, 2004-04-24 09:13
Tom James writes "Family Law Source is a new web site that has been set up to provide information on family law topics, including custody, child support, domestic violence, and many others. It includes links to the laws of all 50 states and the federal government, books, articles, and a growing list of links to related web sites and helping organizations."
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Submitted by Thomas on Sat, 2004-04-24 00:01
Here is an interesting essay from the Website Men for Justice. It discusses the extent to which feminism has been waging war on male sexuality for decades. And for those, who are inclined to fall for the lie that feminism was a noble movement in the 60s and 70s, I'll emphasize the dates of the following quotes from feminist leaders.
"The nuclear family must be destroyed, and people must find better ways of living together.... Whatever its ultimate meaning, the breakup of families now is an objectively revolutionary process.... No woman should have to deny herself any opportunities because of her special responsibilities to her children...."
" Functions of the Family," WOMEN: A Journal of Liberation, Fall, 1969 - Linda Gordon
"We can't destroy the inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage."
From Sisterhood Is Powerful, (ed), 1970, p. 537 - Robin Morgan
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2004-04-23 17:15
Marc Angelucci writes "Mineke Schipper is a feminist who is getting publicity for her book in which she digs up proverbs, from all over the world, that are negative toward women and then uses these proverbs to help spread stereotypes and one-sided distortions about gender and domestic violence. The Los Angeles Times ran her op-ed a few days ago. Today they printed this violence23apr23,0,7034554.story?coll=la-news-comme nt-letters letter from NCFM-LA in response. Unfortunately they cut out the web link to Dr. Fiebert's bibliography, but at least they printed the letter. Note the interesting letter following it by a Rabbi who quotes female-positive proverbs from the Bible that Schipper never mentions, and then says, "I guess this makes the Bible a radical feminist document." (The web link will probably break after about a day or two.)"
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2004-04-23 17:09
Dittohd writes "Here is an editorial article by Rabbi Smuley Boteach attacking Donald Trump because based on situations Rabbi Smuley could not possibly know to be true, he asserts that "The Donald" can't be a hero because he allegedly doesn't honor women. There is so much bias against men and so much blind "honoring" of women in this article, I think we all need to write to him and tell him how biased he is and why he is so wrong on so many fronts, as respectfully as possible considering his title. How and where is he wrong? I could no doubt write a book and am drafting my comments to him tonight. There is a link to email your comments at the bottom of the editorial web page."
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2004-04-23 16:55
Please visit . You will have access there to articles that have been published re the US gov't's plans to reinstate the draft. Visit and type "national service" in the search box and hit "Search". The first two hits will be the two bills on the House and Senate describing the "National Service" plan to make all 18-to-25-year-olds required to perform "national service" for two years, presumably mostly military service but also other kinds as determined by the authorities.
While these bills make females subject to the draft, they also allow the gov't to determine how people will serve the country, either in military or non-military roles. You can be quite sure that women will not be required to don uniforms in the same number as men, nor will they be required/expected to go into combat. Do you think any of these coffins hold women, and if they do, do they hold nearly as many women as men? If men do not stand up against this, it is us who will lose our own lives, freedoms (what we have of them), and watch our sons, nephews, and grand-sons have to deal with this situation. If we do not stand up for ourselves, who will?
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Submitted by Adam on Thu, 2004-04-22 23:58
Raymond Cuttill writes ""When an ordinary person is pushed to an extreme, they become capable of extraordinary things. The Rising - Fathers 4 Justice Documentary by Kevin Keating"
There's a free showing of the Fathers 4 Justice documentary "The Rising" next Wednesday, 28th April in London. It includes the Fathers 4 Justice march and Spiderman who climbed a crane near Tower Bridge and stopped London traffic for several days and helped put father's rights on the map.
See Men's Hour Blog for details."
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Submitted by Thomas on Thu, 2004-04-22 07:13
mens_issues writes Here we go again with the wage gap myth, this time from Denver's Their article states that "Colorado women won't close the 'wage gap,' which limits their earning power compared to men, until 2040."
What about the extra overtime worked by men when their wives work part time due to childcare? What about how the money is actually spent?
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