Marx, Lenin, Friedan and Feminism

Anonymous User writes "The Untold Story of Betty Friedan, an article on MND by Carey Roberts, is an interesting read, and for many it will be an eye opener. Yes, Marxist-Leninism has a long history of affiliation with the Feminist movement."

I understand Elizabeth Cady Staton not only belonged to and frequented church, she also owned her own personal copy of the Bible! I hope that comes as a real eye opener for everyone. Yes, Christianity has a long history of affiliation with the Feminist movement.

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NY Times Still Lying After All These Years

Anonymous User writes "It looks like the New York Times hasn’t changed much even after the public exposure about their bias. Here is a recent article titled “Abused Mothers Keep Children in a Test of Rights and Safety.” In case the link breaks, here’s an excerpt that gives the gist of the article: “Domestic violence has always been a tricky problem for child welfare workers. Studies have shown, for instance, that households victimized by domestic violence can be spectacularly dangerous, even lethal, for children. And even temporary interventions — the brief removal of children or the forced treatment of the parents — can be undone as battered mothers return again and again to their abusive husbands or partners.”
Response letters can be sent to or by fax to (212)556-3622."

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Feminists want less confusing bathrooms

Men, women, what the... ?

Ah, those wacky feminists are at it again.

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Washington Mutual TV Ad

TLE writes "Yet another man gets tortured for laughs in this ad. It's for Washington Mutual, a bank apparently. The dumb dorky guy is so happy with his loan from this bank that nothing can get him down. He gets a pot of hot coffee spilled on his head, which is fine with him. Then of course, the deal closer. He gets hit in the groin with a bowling ball! How original. Excuse me while I rush out and get a loan! Not! Anyone else seen it??"

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Male DV Victims in Military

Marc writes "Here is a good article on male domestic violence victims in the military. The article helps confirm that the military is way ahead of the domestic violence movement on this issue. This is exactly what we found when we set up a table at the DV Conference in San Diego, CA this year (where rad-fems tried to get us barred). We came across a number of military folks there who knew, based on their experience in doing DV work in the military while free from feminist propaganda, that men and women are initiating the violence at about the same rate. They explained that their military programs emphasize communication and preventative measures (as Warren Farrell and SAFE do) rather than reactionism, blame, bashing, and gender politics, and that as a result they have seen a marked reduction in the frequency of the problem. Will the DV industry ever learn from this?"

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Stormy Future of Marriage

Roy writes "NY Times article briefly looks at several controversies in the ongoing marriage debate, brought on by the recent Massachusetts recognition of same-sex marriage.

One interesting fact is that single households in the U.S. now outnumber those occupied by a married couple.

And, there's a growing interest in getting the government out of the marriage contract, leaving partners to determine exactly what the terms of marriage will be... including even the option of "renewable" short-term vows.

Between the men's marriage "strike" and multiple emerging forms of matrimony, it looks like the traditional church-blessed union may be fading away....

Article here"

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Men Putting Down the Remote

frank h writes "This is the second time in as many months I've seen an article on this topic. It seems that Neilsen is saying that TV viewership among males 18-34 is dropping sharply, and the networks are blaming Neilsen's research methods (!@@!). They simply can't see (or refuse to acknowledge) that the emperor is nekkid."

In a related story it seems a local newpaper has lost much of its Jewish demographic after repeatedly portraying Jews as bumblers, depicting violence against Jews as humor, condemning Jews as dangerous, and repeatedly stating that any problems which affect Jews are unimportant and whining since a lot of the businesses in the world are owned by Jews and besides that talking about their problems won't get them laid. Experts are stumped.

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Turner Touts Female-Dominated Foundation

jenk writes "From Newsday...

"UNITED NATIONS -- Media mogul Ted Turner has taken a small step to demonstrate his belief that women should run the world because men have "mucked it up" with too much warfare and military spending."

Turner is a very powerful man, we need a large and cohesive backlash to"

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Subway Sandwich Chain Bashing Men?

An Anonymous User submitted the following message that was sent to the Subway corporation: "Just a comment on your latest ad campaign. I'm referring to the one in which a man is shown being hit in the groin at the end, for no reason, not that any would justify the physical harm. I wonder why you consider this funny. Your poor taste and insensitivity has just lost you another customer - after years of supporting you, no one in my family will eat at a Subway again. Fire the ad agency, clean up your act!" Please comment if you've seen this ad.

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Reader Query Regarding Women Only Gym Areas

albundy writes "My Gym has a "women only" workout area but no corresponding "men only" area. I complained to the manager but was told, "That's just the way it is." I live in California. Is anyone aware of any laws against this blatant sexism?"

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Parental Salary, OOOPS... Government Handout to Women Proposed

The Liberal Party think tank, the Menzies Research Centre, has proposed that Australian mothers (not fathers) receive tax free $11,000 per year for five years after having a child. Lucy Sullivan, the author of the report, also recommended an additional government payout of "$4000 a year for primary school children and $6000 for high school children."

Women would have the option, through childbirth, of taking this government handout, so they can stay home. Men would have no such option.

Now that marriage is collapsing and men are being systematically removed from the family, men would be forced, through taxes, to support mothers, in most cases whom they've never even met.

Will Australian men be stupid enough to allow this to be done to them?

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BusterB is on Hiatus

radikal writes "Our beloved BusterB has gone on hiatus. If you don't know who he is, please take a minute to read his site and blog. Actually, take an afternoon. It's good stuff. I'll miss him and hope that he chooses to continue."

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Towards an Understanding of Heterosexual Violence

crescentluna writes "This is the opposition. This is their research. If women use violence against their male partners, they are in need of understanding. We need to examine the cultural attitudes that shape it. Those cultural attitudes are that men abuse to maintain power, whereas women aren't really abusers. Here's
the link"

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Cleveland Brown's runningback is a victim

jimmyd writes "apperently william green the runningback for the cleveland browns was attacked by his fiance Asia Gray. who apperantly stabbed him. what I think is most unbelivable about this is that they actually arrested her!! The story is here"

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NH Men's Commission TV Footage Now On-line

Updated! On Wednesday, the second meeting of the NH Commission on the Status of Men was held in Concord, NH. We had the room packed and two local TV crews filmed the event. NH Public Television aired a half-hour segment with footage from the meeting on their NH Outlook program. You can view streaming video (RealPlayer) of the program at this link. Interviewed on the program included commission chair Gerry Boyle, Rep. David Bickford (who sponsored the men's commission legislation), and Mike Geanoulis, president of the NH chapter of NCFC.

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