John Kerry And Sucking Up To Feminism

Luek writes "Likely Presidential candidate John Kerry says if elected his administration will put American government and our legal system back on the side of women.

Well excuse me Mr. Kerry but as I see it the government has made women a social class of over privileged aristocrats at the expense of men. I don't believe this arrangement is what this country is about.

It is past time for the tide to go the other way and restore men's rights for a change!

I don't know wether to label this misandry by the Kerry campaign shameless pandering or just plain stupidity. Probably a mix of both."

Additional reading of his site shows that he supports affirmative action and Title IX, believes that women only earn 73 cent for every dollar earned by men due to massive hidden discrimination by millions of employers and not women's own choices to work fewer hours, safer jobs, etc., co-sponsored the Violence Against Women Act and the Women's Health Equity Act, and will only appoint pro-choice judges to the Supreme Court. I'm not sure that it matters whether his misandry is shameless pandering, stupidity, or anything else. As long as he's going to act like a feminist, he might as well be one.

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WashPost columnist decries Naomi Wolf's latest

Matt writes "Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum courageously and rationally called Naomi Wolf on her latest attempt to get attention for herself, ruin a man's career and/or repuatation, and otherwise be a jerk. The column speaks for itself.

While three weeks old, I came across a reference to it in today's Post's letters. Two were published, predictably both denouncing Applebaum's column. Well, what did I expect? :-)"

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If? More like already is! But not for much longer....

Get a load of this "use"
of taxpayer money (mostly the nearest man's I imagine) It pretty much proves Esther Vilar
right when she says man hardly exists in woman's world. Sometimes, I think a gendered civil war is pre-determined, what am I saying? We're already in the middle of one!

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British dad's magazine

Anonymous User writes "Fq Magazine

Hm! 150 k or so subscribers. Looks promising, no? Some of this, some of that, some articles on F4J! Have a look


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Amnesty International Spreading Misandry

Luek writes " Now Amnesty International has gotten
into the disinformation act about violence against women.

The are stirring up the crock pot by spewing out the same old tired myths about how a woman is raped, beaten or otherwise abused by a man ever couple of seconds somewhere in the world.

Never is any mention made of the violence perpetrated against men!

Too bad Amnesty International has turned into a political organ and has apparently abandoned its original purpose as a humanitarian organization.

There is an e-mail address to contact the local Amnesty International office in your country if you would like to educate the twits!"

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Abduction faked to hurt ex

Anonymous User writes "A dethroned beauty queen admitted yesterday she staged her own abduction and beating and blamed her ex-hubby to bolster her position in a child-custody battle. Story


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Texas Jury Didn't Honor The Abuse Excuse Card!

Luek writes "
A Texas jury convicted a woman for the brutal murder of her husband.

Her defense was based on the abuse excuse and claimed justified self-defense. She alleged he repeatedly beat her and she killed him after he raped her adding in the marital rape charge which is becoming a domestic violence popular false allegation to use against the husband.

Also, she murdered him by stabbing him almost 200 times!!!"

TLE also writes "In Houston a woman was just convicted of the murder of her husband, claiming "self defense" as the justification for stabbing him 193 times while he was bound to the bed.

CNN acticle here.

Houston Chronicle article from last week here.

How could they convict her? She's so cute!"

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Blaming Hubbie to Stay Out of Jail

Mark Turner writes "Here's a great story: Dar Heatherington is a city councillor in the city of Lethbridge, Canada; about a year ago she disappeared on a business trip to Montana and showed up in Las Vegas three days later, claiming to have been drugged, kidnapped and sexually assaulted. A few days later she admitted to making the whole story up, and running off to Las Vegas with a married man. (background) NOW, in order to stay out of jail, she is claiming that her husband STALKED her, even though she's lied to police before and has absolutely no physical evidence to prove her allegations. (Story)"

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L.A. judge acknowledges anti-male bias

Marc writes "This article at NBC4.TV discusses the paternity fraud case of Taron James, a Gulf War veteran in Torrance, CA, a member of NCFM-LA, and the founder of
Veterans Fighting Paternity Fraud. Taron was stationed in the Gulf of Mexico on drug interdiction when a woman falsely identified him as the father of her child in order to collect benefits. The DA obtained a default judgment against Taron using faulty service that wasn't even in Taron's name. When the DA then came after Taron, he
got a DNA test that excluded him as the father. The DA still pursued him and took over $45,000 of his property, driving him virtually penniless. When the DA garnished Taron's unemployment pay, Taron appealed it. The administrative law judge wrote a decision saying that he cannot do anything about it but that this was totally unjust. The article quotes part of the decision, but the best part, not quoted in the article, is when the judge says:
“Further, it is acknowledged that ongoing fraud in the child support arena occurs regularly, and there is a distinct anti-male prejudice at work, of which the claimant is a victim. Hundreds if not thousands of individuals are being deprived of their due process rights to liberty and property as a result of draconian child support laws.”

When NCFM-LA gets its website finally updated, we'll post the full decision."

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Virus Spoofing Attack Targets Users

This morning I received an e-mail which claimed to be from "" The message claims that the recipient's account has been disabled, and to see the attachment. It claims to be from "The team." The attachment, of course, is a virus (W32/Bagle). Please forward the entirety of any messages you receive along these lines (with the complete mail headers) to Update: This is a known new internet worm that is attacking other organizations as well. Keep your anti-virus software up to date and don't trust suspicious or unsolicited e-mails.

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Fathers Rights

Anonymous User writes "Mother jailed for denying Father access to child ! Unbelievable. There has been more positive developments in mens rights in 2004 than in the past 20 years. See link here:

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No Child (Girl?) Left Behind?

frank h writes "The title of this article is "No Parent Left Behind." It addresses the things that the No Child Left Behind Act requires that schools make available to parents. Among these things are information on achievement numbers by race, teacher qualifications, test explanations, and offers to transfer students from struggling or dangerous schools. What's missing is gender. This law does NOT require that districts maek achievement by gender available to parents.

This is a small thing but the implications are large. It's something we ought to try to change."

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Birth control for men nearly here?

According to this article it says: "A new contraceptive for men has been developed - the biggest revolution in family planning since the launch of the Pill. Thousands of volunteers will begin testing the implant - which works by lowering sperm count with doses of the female hormone progesterone - this month. Experts are confident that the treatment will be almost 100 per cent effective and side-effect free, and predict it could be on the market in three years." Don't forget there's similar work happening in various countries on this as well.

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Grade School Nefarious Program to Feminize Boys

Anonymous User writes "Local 6 in Florida is reporting that a preschool forces five year old boys to wear dresses as punishment for "talking too much while watching TV." The female teachers humiliated several boys in front of their class. For all of the feminist hype about women being being more caring and nurturing, forgive me if I don't see it here. The DFC investigated and didn't lift a finger. But keep in mind, that's the Child Protective Service that literally looses children in their care. Anyway, I think everyone here, at least, sees thru the ulterior modivations. It has nothing to do with punishment, it's a deliberate attempt to feminize the boys according to feminidiot doctrine that gender doesn't exist."

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Differing views on critics of boy-bashing clothing

Anonymous User writes "An article in the San Franicsco Chronicle newspaper targets the critics of boy-bashing T-shirts. The article implies that nobody would actually throw rocks at boys due to a T-shirt. For females, it mentions that there are issues for them such as female-bashing rap music and pressure to dress like hookers. Rush Limbaugh has his comments about this article."

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