Superman joins Spiderman, Batman and Robin

Misandry at Texas Tech

Anonymous User writes "Texas Tech has been mostly spared the plaugue of misandry in the past, but unfortunatly things are changing. Here is a University Daily article steeotyping modern men and blaming them for lack of chivalry.

You can send a letter to editor at"

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D.A.D.I. To Close Soon

On the 28th of this month, is due to close down due to lack of funds, with ten years of service in our movement. A sad end, seeing as how there's a huge amount of info there, a last second save might be possible, I can't say, but drop Gerald a line at give him some good words for his effort. Perhaps you might want to have a look through the archive, at stuff like this this classic I posted a while ago. A real shame, that's all I can say.

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An Article

The papers are filled with it. The courts can't handle it. Welfare offices overflow with it. Ministers rail against it. Teachers must deal with the results of it. Society abhors it. Children suffer for it. And the whole country pays for it in one way or another.

Article Here

Angry Harry puts things straight here Scroll to about half way to read it.

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Yahoo Coverage of Campaign Against D&G

bledso writes "It's good that this is getting some press, but we've been relegated to the "Strange" category. I'm not at all surprised."

A few pieces of the article seem to attempt to bias it against Glenn's campaign, such as the title and the unnecessary mention that he's "often at odds with feminists.", and putting it in the "strange" category. However, I think it's obvious enough that the shirts are offensive that the article won't keep people from realizing it, and if anything is a good advertisement for the His Side radio show.

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Study "proves" female execs outperform peers

TLE writes "Here it is. Proof that women are better corporate execs than men. Top companies with more female execs make more money. Oh wait. Maybe it's just "statistically significant," not a study about cause and effect. But let's go ahead and draw conclusions from it."

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A tip of the hat to hobbes for alerting us to this. Glenn Sacks has announced that "Claire's company spokeswoman Marisa Jacobs says Claire's has 'canceled all pending orders that bear any of the slogans that people found offensive'"

Stalingrad! From which the Nazis recoiled after reaching their limit of power and influence.

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Fathers 4 Justice Protestor "could die" in cold

Raymond Cuttill writes "Fathers 4 Justice Tamar Bridge Protestor "could die" in the cold but declines police's kind assistance towards a nice warm cell.

In 1588 Francis Drake played his famous game of bowls on The Hoe, Plymouth before joining battle with the Spanish Armada.

In 1620 the Pilgrims set sail from Plymouth's West Pier aboard the Mayflower for the New World.

In 2004 on a Plymouth bridge Jolly Stanesby escaped the police trap when the police reneged on their word ...

From the Men's Hour Blog"

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A Breakthrough in Africa

There's a move toward equality in statutory rape laws, as shown by this article. If proposed changes become law, both boys and girls, who engage in consentual underage sex, can be charged with statutory rape. I have to say that I'm not sure either should be charged, if they're close to the same age, but if the government believes that boys should be open to charges, then girls should also be open to charges. The way the law now stands only boys can be charged.

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Just in time for Valentine's day!

It's "50 First Dates"! A wonderfully romantic comedy opening in theatres on Febuary 13th about a man who must try to win the love of his forgetful girfriend day after day after day. Remember what Farrell said about human beings and human doings? She gets loved just for being, and his being, (and even his past doings), are forgotten every day and so he must do more to earn her love, (and naturally she simply needs to be in order to "earn" his, no matter how a**holish her doings have been). Best of all, while women and girls across the US are oohing and ahhing about how that would be the perfect relationship, they get to watch the beautiful Drew Barrymore beat a man repeatedly with a baseball bat as a hilarious result of him trying to help the boyfriend win her love.

"She's sooooooo pretty. I want to be just like her when I grow up!" - A young girl scout, out watching a movie to "earn" herself an entitlement charm.

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Women as Homicide Bombers

frank h writes "I'm sure the hard-liners here will find some column by this columnist that will seem to speak ill of men. No matter. This piece addresses the growth among Palestinians in the number of women as homicide bombers. No longer can the feminists claim that terrorism comes exclusively from men."

Unfortunately I've yet to see a major media outlet mention the existence of even one female terrorist. They still think Aileen Wournos was the world's first female serial killer!

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Choice for Men Petition

JenK writes "This petition
has been going on for a while, if you haven't signed it please do, and pass it on to any group you know of. Thanks, The Biscuit Queen"

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Battered Men? Battered Facts

P. George writes "Does anyone want to help me with this article? I'm not sure who to believe when it comes to statistics, I'm not good at math and even though I'm down with some mens issues I'm also skeptical. It doesn't mention how battered men quite often have no one to go to for support. And since it's obvious this author had to do some research on this topic she/he/it had to come across the argument that most men don't even report being battered. I didn't get the feeling that this person even cares about men. I've never got that feeling from feminists. Also notice the quotations around "battered men". Can anyone give us an argument against the article? Thanks."

Click "Read More" for more info.

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Ambiguous Genitalia & Orthodox Feminism

Michael Wright writes "Study: Genes may trump nurture with intersex kids

Orthodox feminists and "queer" theorists are fond of saying that "gender roles" are purely the outcome of "socialization" by the "heterosexist patriarchy."

One of the most notorious advocotes of this line of trash thinking and ideological mish-mash is the lunatic Andrea Dworkin, who advocates a vision of "pansexual androgyny" which will do away with the recognition of any significant distinctions between males and females. The myth of universal bisexuality is incorporated into this nonsense, but it even goes beyond that, since the notion of bisexuality does at least presuppose that there are differences between males and females.

For debunking this nonsense, the most interesting evidence from the news article about ambiguous genitalia is that eight of the 14 males raised as females later declared themselves to be male, and six of them said they wanted to undergo sex-change surgery to gain penises. All 14 had some male traits: They had trouble interacting with girls (but not boys), and they reported little interest in playing with dolls or playing house."

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What Do Women Want?

Ye gods and little fishes! Check this out.

Now they want to be supported by men who go out to the battlefield every day to earn a living. The women want to stay in their pretty houses with their children and to take vacations in France -- and maybe to boff that hot, young landscaper. (Hey, he's good genetic stock.)

I was in a bar a few weeks ago, and I met a woman at the pool table, when we became partners for a game. She told me she had recently graduated from the University of Colorado and she was depressed because she had to go to work as a school teacher. She had wanted to get married and have a couple kids and be supported by a man with a good profession. (I didn't preach anything to her. I just enjoyed the wildness of her fantasy.) She didn't strike me as particularly bright, or a particularly good conversationalist, and the only reason she was the least bit attractive was because she was still young.

Why the hell, I thought, would any man want to marry her and have to slave his ass off to support her and her kids, while knowing that, even if her kids turned out not to be his, he'd have to continue to support her (even if they divorced) and her children, with no assurance of ever seeing the kids. (I think maybe I needed a question mark at the end of that sentence.)

To put it mildly, the genie's out of the bottle. I doubt men will go for this in large numbers. Frankly, I think all these idiot books, by and for women, are just marriage, mortally wounded by four decades of feminism, morbidly displaying its death throes.

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