Woman Reveals Machiavellianism Via Maxim

Benjamin Adam Studtmann writes "Truly amazing. Here we have a fascinatingly frank article from a gal at Maxim, supposedly giving advice to younger men on how to hunt older women. In its insights, it reveals appalling shallowness, subterfuge, manipulativeness, condescension towards all males, bitterness towards 'commitmentphobes', an amazing neurosis concerning age (since when is 26 'old'?), and complete and utter disregard for any form of emotional link between two adults. Not only is it disregarded -- it is aggressively encouraged. This woman is specifically hunting for a 'toy' to use and drop like a used Kleenex, and is triumphantly proud of it. Moreover, she makes it clear that she beleives utterly that this is all that males have ever or will be interested in. Oh, and one more thing -- the 'older woman' should always be in charge of every aspect of the situation, because she's smarter and more experienced at everything than you, and don't you forget it. I have no problem with the idea of dating older women, but this person's attitude towards the entire thing left me wanting to take a shower and join a men's drumming circle. Please read it, and let us know what you think."

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A Response to Melanie Jacobs about Paternity

LSBeene writes "I wrote a response to Melanie Jacobs article that said that "Paternity Fraud is a legal theory". Mike LaSalle was kind enough to post it on MND. Due to the length (6 Pages in WORD) it is in the Archive Section. I sent my reply to Melanie too. My article:
Paternity fraud isn't a "theory" any more than pregnancy is a "theory". It makes a wage slave of an innocent person so that a lazy deceitful person can steal to live more comfortably. The best parent is BOTH parents.

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Woman kills man in DV dispute, 3 articles vary greatly

seattleshark writes "it's important that you read all three articles, then try to figure out what's what. Amazing, is all I can say (the last article may require registration...very easy to do). The first article, the
second article, and the
third article"

Third article requires registration.

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75% of suicide victims are male (Japan)

alphamale writes "While I do not know the population of Japan offhand, 34,000 suicides in a year seems to be a catastrophe no matter what the population is. This is a shocking loss of life in epidemic proportions. 75% of the suicides were committed by men. Yet nothing is done. You can bet if 75% of the suicides were of women, there would be a beating of breasts, tearing of robes with billions of yen being thrown at the problem. Japan is not an aberration, the percentage of suicide participants who are male is similar the world over, yet society continues to ignore these lost, neglected and forgotten souls. Check out the story here"

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Wearing a dress to work to protest

Anonymous User writes "There's a rule in Montreal that says men have to work 30 years to retire but that women have to work only 25.

He's protesting by wearing a dress to work, but he's told to stop it. Article


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Hairdressers to be trained to report men for DV

Doctor Damage writes "This article really speaks for itself. My astonishment and outrage at the undisguised hatred that exudes from the people being quoted is exceeded only by my surprise that I can still be shocked and outraged by this stuff. Fortunately, Hairdressing salons have so far been reluctant to participate in being trained to recognise a man who drives his partner to the salon as abusive."

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The End of Civilization?

The world has begun to harvest the bitter fruit of feminism -- population collapse resulting from the ruination of male-female relations, the systematic removal of fathers from the family (the destruction of the traditional, nuclear family), and so-called "family planning" (birth-control and abortion). Fertility rates in most advanced nations continue to decline despite the fact that they are already, in some cases drastically, below replacement rate. (In advanced societies, replacement rate is about 2.1 births per woman, since a man and a woman must be replaced and not all children reach the age of average rate of reproduction. In less advanced societies, replacement fertility rate is higher due to a greater mortality rate among youths.)

This chart gives fertility rates by nation, region, and the world for the years 1970-1975 and 2000-2005 (projected, of course).

This article describes the overall failure thus far of Japan's effort to stave off disaster through its "new angel plan." I've read elsewhere that young men and women in Japan are increasingly avoiding each other -- the women preferring to shop and the men preferring to relieve sexual pressures in private, alone.

This article reports that more than 80% of German women are happy to live without a man "in tow."

Please see "Read More."

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Men's Rights Activist or Total Nutbag?

The EU-parliament has a member who claims that he represents men's rights. Here's an article on him. While the guy strikes me as a nitwit, the article does point out that the UK's current paid-parental-leave policy is two weeks for fathers and six months for mothers.

Aaaaaah. Eeek-wallet-eeeee.

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TrueEquality.com site now up and running

Good news to report from the 2004 Men's Rights Congress Committee: the TrueEquality.com web site is now up and running. As time goes on we will be adding material and updating it from the content of the 2004 Congress site. We intend that the Men's Rights Congress be an annual event for the foreseeable future, growing each year and supporting the men's rights cause in its efforts to achieve social, legal, and social equality with women. The trueequality.com web site will, we hope, serve as a base for that, as well as help facilitate cooperation and activism across group lines and issues.

Also note that we have started a listserv for the Congress attendees. However others are welcome and encouraged to join the list so as to help promulgate the intent of the site and to facilitate communication and cooperation among groups and individuals. The list may be joined at this page.

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columnist writes about "groin kicks"

Boy Genteel writes "A writer for the LOS ANGELES TIMES did a piece about the history and prevalence of men being hurt in the groin in entertainment. Unfortunately, the writer's approach is to explain "why it's funny" (when, of course, it isn't) and makes the false claim that no one complains about this "gag". I've written the TIMES a letter to disabuse him of that myth, at least. I strongly suggest you do the same, at letters@latimes.com.

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3-Year-Old Ethan Faces Genital Mutilation

Acksiom writes "Ethan Azar, a 3-year-old boy in the midwest, is facing forced genital mutilation. His mother Camille, along with many men's genital integrity intactivists, is fighting hard in the courts -- of both judicial and public opinon -- to protect him from this lifelong sexual violation. Ethan desperately needs our help, and this case has tremendous potential to break through the Lace Curtain of bigoted silence and censorship surrounding male genital mutilation in particular and men's issues in general. Initial media response has been more positive than any previous case which I can remember, so let's EXPLOIT THE OPPORTUNITY! Get ACTIVIST, and contact everyone you can think of -- help tear down this Curtain, for little Ethan and for boys and men everywhere!"

Ed. Note: Some links on this topic: FreeRepublic article, NBC article,
Columbia Tribune article

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MSN article discusses missing persons reporting bias

Well, sometimes the sun rises in the west! MSN has covered the discrepency between reporting of cases in national media involving missing women and men and the factors involved. Read it here. Will wonders never cease??

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Teacher found not guilty in killing

Anonymous User writes "Pittsburgh Post Gazette Story of Kindergarten teacher, who originally lied about boyfriend's death...but is still acquitted. article here"

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Double Standard Female Teacher Alert

Anonymous User writes "In this story here

"Chmela, 34, a former substitute teacher in Crystal City, pleaded guilty in February on one count of second-degree statutory rape and one count of second-degree statutory sodomy. The case involves two boys, ages 14 and 15"

It also goes on to say(Guberman is her lawyer):

"There are two schools of thought on this," Guberman said. "One is that a woman should be punished as much as a man, the other is that there is a double standard that boys do not have to be protected to the same extent as girls.

"All statutory rape cases are different," Guberman said. "You have to look at the facts of each case and how much harm was done. In this case, I don't think much harm was done."

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The great thing about HIV is...

TLE writes "...it will empower women. Who would have thought that HIV would be the catalyst to liberate women throughout the world? Not me, but apparently, "Many experts" say so. So do "Advocates," and "Experts at the conference..." Read the "good" news here."

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