Submitted by Hombre on Mon, 2004-08-23 23:49
After apparently watching one more episode of "Everybody Loves Raymond" than she could stand, Kerry Marsala has written an article challenging men to stand up for ourselves.
"So the real question is: Are you A Man or just a male sperm with fecundating fluid that enjoys being kicked in the groin?"
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Submitted by Hombre on Mon, 2004-08-23 23:12
Wendy McElroy writes on the current battle over California SB170, the bill which attempted to remove the rights of non-custodial parents in move away cases. The article gives informative details of some of the important cout rulings involved as well as providing the history of the bill itself, showing us why "SB 730 had the appearance of legislation being sneaked in through the back door."
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Submitted by Hombre on Mon, 2004-08-23 22:23
Benjamin Adam Studtmann writes "My day begins with this testament to the peaceful, spiritual, saintly purity of the double-X chromosome. Note the coordination and preplanning that went into the attack, and note their motivation, the motivation for all too many instances of female violence: not self-defense, but money. Lots of money.
It is a cliched rhetorical question, but how would this story be reported differently if two young strong black men, armed with butcher knives and a hammer, had tag-teamed stabbing a middle-aged woman 13 times in the groin? Would they be hung, drawn, quartered, burned alive, or all of the above, before he even made it to trial? And how many pages of text would we see testifying to the heroic strength and character of a female victim? Whereas here, the victim is flatly portrayed as just an older man looking for sex, and no further mention is made of him aside from his role as a female punching bag."
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Submitted by Hombre on Sun, 2004-08-22 22:51
Benjamin Adam Studtmann writes "Intially I was quite intrigued by this article that explores why women turn so readily on other women in work / social situations...until I discovered the terrible secret that it was all men's fault! Yes, you see, the world outside the bedroom is apparently so "universally misogynistic" that women are required to behave "like men", i.e., cruelly. When men behave badly, it is our fault. When women behave badly, it is our fault. Get it?"
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Submitted by Hombre on Sun, 2004-08-22 22:51
Submitted by Hombre on Sun, 2004-08-22 22:43
Jacob Kandlaker writes "Finally, here's an interview from Jerusalem Post that expose
the real situation of men in Israel, living under Feminist dictatorship.
Taly Bron's story
Taly Bron. 'Many men have committed suicide in similar situations...The establishment is responsible, especially the feminist movement and women's lobby in the Knesset.'"
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Submitted by Hombre on Sat, 2004-08-21 21:56
Dittohd writes "This American guy who lives in Mexico and married a Mexican woman has written articles criticizing "thousands of Mexican men (who) use emigration to abandon their wives and children," calling them "deadbeat dads", yet he repeatedly reenlists in the U.S. National Guard after marrying and having children, knowingly setting himself and his family up for exactly what just happened to him/them. Now he's been Called to Fight in Iraq (duh!) and is complaining about not having U.S. law to protect his job while he's gone so that he can come back to that same job when (and if) he makes it back. Plus he complains that his family has now lost the health insurance his previous employer provided.
Isn't this guy every bit a "deadbeat dad" as all the other men he criticizes or what? Was he putting his family and children first and foremost each time he reenlisted in the National Guard or wasn't he selfishly putting his family at risk in return for the few extra dollars he received from the U.S. Government for staying in and repeatedly reenlisting in the Guard?
What a loser!"
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Submitted by Hombre on Sat, 2004-08-21 21:51
Marc writes "Here is a Washington Times article about the turmoil in California over the Navarro case. Manuel Navarro got his paternity fraud case overturned in a heroic decision by the 2nd District Court of Appeal. But Child Support Services is asking the CA Supreme Court to depublish Navarro, saying it is causing confusion in the courts (which is really nonsense). Both sides are submitting amicus letters to the California Supreme Court."
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Submitted by Hombre on Sat, 2004-08-21 21:31
Dittohd writes "Does this sound a bit familiar? Like the woman who is accusing Kobe Bryant of rape? Sex with a lot of men... then suddenly accuses one or more of rape? The meat is in paragraphs 3 and 4. Sick! Sick! Sick! Do we need some serious, new laws to protect men against these false accusations or what?"
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Submitted by Hombre on Sat, 2004-08-21 21:26
Benjamin Adam Studtmann writes "As we read this heartwarming story of maternal love, we see once again how women are obviously naturally superior mothers, with enhanced 'emotional knowing' and social networking skills. (Yes, that's sarcastic.) Note that the police are far more worried about protecting the mother than the child. Also note that the father simply doesn't exist in the picture at all -- no mention is made of him whatsoever. Did this child spring whole from the forehead of Zeus?"
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Submitted by Hombre on Fri, 2004-08-20 20:41
Benjamin Adam Studtmann writes "Normally, I'd think of a clever commentary to go with the headline on this particular current-events tripe, but I'm flabbergasted. WTF? And why the HELL doesn't anyone else find this as outrageous as I do?"
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Submitted by Hombre on Fri, 2004-08-20 20:40
Anonymous User writes "In the face of enormous opposition, California Senate President Pro Tem John Burton (D-San Francisco) has decided to withdraw a bill which would have granted custodial parents an almost unlimited right to move children far way from their noncustodial parents.
Popular outrage--including over 2,000 calls, letters and faxes to Sacramento as well as wide media coverage--was generated by radio talk show hosts Glenn Sacks and Dr. Laura Schlesinger.
Article here."
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2004-08-20 07:01
DasCoon writes "Here we see an article on a YWCA allowing men in on the board of directors. The article states YMCAs have allowed women on the board of directors for over 70 years. Of course some women are protesting it for the same old reasons. What's good for the gander is good for the goose."
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2004-08-20 07:00
An article explains how angered females can inflict serious violence from the wheel of a car . Such incidents of female violence include a man who was run over after a fishing trip and the Clara Harris incident. Men were killed in both incidents. The article says that for violent females, vehicles may compensate for their lack of physical strength compared to men. It does not sound as though a huge amount of concern is expressed in a sense. For example, females are often viewed as the "weaker sex" (and thus usually incapable of violence.) However, vehicles used as weapons can even the odds such that they can do serious violence.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2004-08-19 20:36
seattleshark writes "I'm not really trying to inflame everyone here, but this story is almost unbelievable. Also, I challenge ANYONE that reads this site to find a similar story involving a father doing the same, and being treated the same.
May justice have mercy on your maleness."
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