tonysprout writes "Spike TV claims it is the first network for men. I'm a man, and I don't watch it. I've sent email (via an online contact form at here)
asking them to consider doing a show advocating men's rights.

We NEED this show. You NEED to contact them and ask for the same thing. As a channel for men, they continue to reinforce the negative stereotypes of masculinity with shows like "Stripperella"."

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Touching Teacher Stories

Benjamin Adam Studtmann writes "Rather ironically in regards to the immediately previous entry concerning the total and absolute prohibition on teacher/student contract, particuarly emphasized towards men, we have this heartwarming tale of a female schoolteacher harassing several of her students with endless pornographic messages, as well as forcing the class in general to discuss her sexual habits with her boyfriend. Clearly, a total, modern woman. Oh, by the way -- the case against her was completely dismissed due to court irregularities. How handy! How fitting! How standard! How obscenely offensive to any sapient two-legged organism with the faintest concept of human equality!"

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Society Is Killing Its Males

Benjamin Adam Studtmann writes "Fresh in from Scientific American, we have an excellent article examining male and female mortality -- right from the get-go, they are quite emphatic that an enormous number of social factors are to blame for males' early demise; it is not purely a question of longevity being linked only to physiology of gender."

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Marcel Shurman's anti-male greeting cards

mens_issues writes "Marcel Shurman's anti-male greeting cards

Today I was at the Border's at the Flatiron Crossing mall in Broomfield, CO. I stopped by the greeting card section to see what was available.

There were several cards by Marcel Shurman that could be considered misandric:"

If you wanna "read more", I think you can guess where to click.

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The logic behind prohibiting teacher-student touching

Anon User writes "The paper Risk anxiety in the classroom: teachers touching children explores the logic behind the idea that teacher-to-student touching (no matter how "innocent") must be considered suspiciously and must be avoided. (Without mentioning gender, it should be quite obvious that teachers of a certain gender have to be more careful about this...) There is the issue of avoiding false accusations, but the authors refer to the perceptions of risk and danger in society. It is said that "no touching" policies have lead to such situations as male teachers afraid to pick up injured students lying on sports fields. Basically, this report talks about why teachers end up being warned about touching students and the effects that can result from rules and fears about touching students."

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The Rapid Response Team at menforjustice.com is dedicated to identifying new strategies against the men's movement as they appear and providing the MRA community with clean, efficient defenses against such tactics. Please read the following to inoculate yourself against the latest attack, then pass it on."

Vaccine found in the Read More section.

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Hunger striker enters 7th week

Raymond Cuttill writes "John is now 6 weeks into a hunger strike in Newbury, England as the media continues to ignore his story. Full item at Thames Valley branch of Father 4 Justice (Hosted by the Men's Hour). You are welcome to add comments for John. John is aware of the debate about the usefulness of hunger strikes in the father's movement but feels it is his only option so any encouragement and messages of support would be most welcome."

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The Sexual Revolution Becomes Passe

Cain writes "An interesting article highlighting the conflict between reality and feminist ideology.


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Son Carries Mother 6,000km, Eight Years

Benjamin Adam Studtmann writes "This man has carried his blind, aged mother across the whole of India on a holy pilgrimage for the past eight years. She says he is "nice". He is indeed a holy man."

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Kobe Bryant Case Dismissed!

The criminal case against Bryant has been dismissed.

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"Gunmen" and "Attackers" at Russian School

CPM writes


Wow! Just wow! Absolutely no mention that some of the terrorists are female. When refering to hundreds of men and just a handful of women dieing in combat, we must call them "men and women." When referring some male and some female terrorists are threatening to blow up kids, we must call them "gunmen" and "attackers". I'm sure that the ladies involved are only there to nurture."

Thomas writing now:

The threat of these "black widows" is growing, as pointed out in this article. Of course, the article goes out of its way to try to absolve these women who murder innocent civilians, including children. "There is no religious aspect to this -- it's psychological ... terrorists exploiting the misfortune of these women."

If all males had the decency to die, then every person on earth would be spiritually perfect. (Sarcasm off)

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belief.net: Theology of the Body

The Pope's biographer discusses The Theology of the Body, supposedly promising to revolutionaize the Cath. church's POV on sexuality and the body. Well, we'll see.

But condemning male sexuality is still very much on the agenda. On page 4 of this epistle, one reads:

What response have you been getting specifically from women?

I do seminars specifically for women and I begin these seminars with an apology for the lusts of men and for the way that male lust has wounded the female heart.

Just great.

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When Good Husbands Go Bad

jadeforrest writes "When Good Husbands Go Bad lists a bunch of bad men doing bad things. It isn't hard to find a lot of list of men doing bad things, or for a list of women doing bad things..."

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Canada's Supreme Court - God help us all.

Ragtime writes "Two recent vacancies in the Supreme Court of Canada had justice-minded Canadians hoping for new appointees who might show some respect for our Constitution and Charter of Rights and who would enforce law rather than try to create it to suit their personal agendas. Instead, our hopes have been cruelly dashed: at least one known radical feminist lesbian has received the nod.
Justice Rosalie Abella spells even worse times ahead for men, fathers, and boys and any right-minded citizens who oppose judical activism. The, ahem, jury is still out on the other appointee, Justice Louise Charron. CP News"

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Joint Custody Blues

jenk writes "Finally, here
is an article, in main stream media, which presents the joint custody issue pretty fairly. The Biscuit Queen"

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