Feminist Speech Underlies a World of Man Hating

Ray writes "You could almost laugh along with Mr. Roberts at the rediculousness of this story here, but the reality is no laughing matter. The addled, Femi-babble language that defines the radical/gender feminist hate movement is at the core of women's studies programs on college campuses. What can the future hold for America when dumbing down ideology like the feminist agenda, with all of its misnomers and inane definitions, is sweeping through America's higher educational institutions and disallowing all: opposing viewpoints, dissenting opinions, objective criticism or constructive criticism. In California with the recent passage of Sheila Kuehl's SB 1234 we are one step closer to the concept in law of “anti-intellectual feminist harassment” (a form of sexual harassment) that threatens academic freedom and free speech as never before. Big sister is running amok in our society, and I for one am sick and tired of her gross intolerance, and downright hatred of all things male. Maybe the time has come to sue the gender feminist bigots for the hate speech they spew at males."

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The MIO DAHM matching funds challenge

mens_issues writes "The Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men (DAHM) needs your help! So far people have been generous enough to donate $805 towards roofing materials for the shelter (this is for the rebuilt second floor) before winter sets in. Without a roof it will be very difficult to keep snow, ice, and sleet from damaging the inside of this newly built apartment. This will be used to house male DV victims (and their children)when ready.

[Please post the rest under Read More/Add Comments]

Also the downstairs is ready for sheet rock and could be usable later this winter if there is a roof on the second floor. However, the total need is about $4,500. So, in order to raise more money, I'm willing to match donations from others up to $500.

You can contribute to DAHM through PayPal at:


Or send a check to:

Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men
P.O. Box 252
Harmony, ME 04942"

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Boys' play creates sensitive boys AND girls

Anonymous User writes "This research suggests that Boys play creates sensitive children, whereas girls talk creates less sensitive children. Feminism taught me it was the other way around. Here is the story."

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Move-away leads to death of son

Hunchback writes "This story of a bereaved single father mourning for his son, but grateful to be reunited with his daughters, is a direct consequence of the Michigan move-aways laws. The newspaper's coverage, while sympathetic, was bland compared to the reportage on this story here which in days past had the usual full spread pictures, etc."

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Court asserts man's right to procreate

CJ writes "A sentence that restricted a man's right to procreate was overturned by the Ohio Supreme Court. A lower court placed felony charges (jail) on a father who had children with multiple women if he fathered another child. This father was behind on child support for some of the children. It appears that this man has bad judgment, as any man should now understand that the US government (as mandated by decades of un-opposed feminist jurisprudence) has taken over the family unit. Soon enough we will see more rulings against a male's right to procreate while we see more hysteria about a woman's right to chose.


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Scalia advocates for orgies

OK, I am posting this under 'Humor' only because you will of course laugh hysterically when you read it. However, this is a real story from the UK"s Guardian and I will presume it is accurate unless they issue a retraction for whatever reason.

How does it fit into Men's Rights activism? I am not sure. I think it does fit in somewhere though however. Just, I am not sure how. =)

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"Desperate Housewives" panned by NYTimes

I almost thought about adding this under Humor. Anyway, it seems that to the NY Times' Alesandra Stanley, "Desperate Housewives" is a terribly sexist, regressive TV show that never should have made it to TV. (She pans "Boston Legal", too, which apparently has William Shatner himself on it.)

Well, who knows. I must say I was surprised; I rather imagined a different kind of show being reviewed. But you know, why should it be too surprising? The pilot hasn't even aired yet so no one except media, industry insiders and select audiences have even seen it.

Hmm, maybe I *should* have posted this under "Humor" after all...

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VIP/SAFE-NH represents SAFE's Mission in D.C.

VIP SAFE NH writes "NH’s Violence Intervention Program/SAFE-NH
Makes Impact in Washington, DC

Lee Newman, Founding Executive Director of VIP/SAFE-NH traveled to Washington to attend the “invitation only” 10th Anniversary Symposium of the Violence Against Women Act. (also known as VAWA)

Click "Read More" to read the entire submission.

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A win or tie on DV

NextEntity writes "While I care a lot more about reproductive rights and equality for men, this article concerning DV after natural disasters was surprisingly non gender specific. Chalk one up for the good guys. It's a start. Article located here"

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Class Action Lawsuit on behalf of Dads & NCP's

Masculiste writes "Sorry About The Size But It's Too Important To Delete..."

Text of article is at this link entitled "Across U.S., Non-Custodial Parents Sue," by Wendy McElroy.

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A dating violence site

LibertyUNH writes "
Unlike your tipycal misandrist DV organisation which does not even mention male DV victims, See It And uses gender neutral terms to describe abusers and victims. Unfortunately, their poster gallery and advertizing is very misandrist and one sided.

See It And Stop it advertizement to end DV appears constantly under the electronic version of The UNH newspaper. As most UNH students read the paper online, IT EFFECTS THE CLIMATE AT UNH VERY MUCH!

Contact them and tell them that by portraying men as only the abusers they show absolutely no compassion for male victims. Tell them that men will be far more likely to join them if they had at least one or two posters about boys who are abused. Given their well intent from the start they may listen."

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Pitcairn sex abuse trials

AngryMan writes "Not quite sure what to make of this one. Half the male population of Pitcairn Island (7 men!) are facing a string of sex abuse charges, but the island's women have rallied to their defence, claiming that the young 'victims' were coerced into testifying. Story


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At The Cornell Sun....

The fun never stops. And things are hotting up quite a bit, since they're not too fond of folk like us apparently.

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Kiss Singer Against Marriage

Gene Simmons, AKA the front man of KISS, has just come out to say his thoughts about marriage. To quote "It's not beneficial for a man to marry." It's a short article, but it shows our beliefs on the marriage strike are starting to get heard. Article's over here in case you're wondering.

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The Cornell Sun Says....

In response to The End of Mankind by Anna Weiss, that it was all a joke. Yup, that's right, gendercide is a laughing matter when it's aimed at the nearest man. Given the responses, I don't think they'll be doing something similar anytime soon. Then again....

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