Submitted by Adam on Thu, 2004-10-07 01:23
AngryMan writes "This article was published in April, and discusses how radical feminists are trying to characterise men with Asperger's Syndrome as deviant sociopathic abusers, based on the femi-fascist superstition about 'women's ways of knowing' being superior. It is a lesson in how even basic things like health care can be poisoned by misandrist femi-fascism.
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Submitted by Adam on Wed, 2004-10-06 22:21
Submitted by Adam on Wed, 2004-10-06 18:19
AngryMan writes "In this interesting article, the Independent Women's Forum refers to the Department of Labor's Time Use Survey to expose some familiar feminist lies about how poor, oppressed women have to do more work than those lazy good-for-nothing men. Guess what? It isn't really true...
(URL again:)
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2004-10-06 02:36
mens_issues writes "I am announcing my intent to create a provisional NCFM chapter for Colorado. We have the required minimum 5 members for such a provisional chapter, but would like more, so feel free to contact me if you're interested at We hope to be able to meet for the first time sometime this month, preferably on a Saturday afternoon.
More under "Read More"
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2004-10-06 02:32
Submitted by Adam on Tue, 2004-10-05 20:25
Now here's a silent classic by Raj Singh back in 1997 (makes ya feel a bit old huh?) about the symbolism involved in men's hair, I won't spoil it, but there is a alot to think about. It's a good one folks.
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Submitted by Adam on Tue, 2004-10-05 18:43
Tom writes "
From Stand Your Ground. The show Suburban Madness was on CBS last night. It focused on Clara Harris and the story behind her murdering her husband by running him over three times in a parking lot. Rather than portraying her as a violent murderer the show's voiceover near the conclusion of the movie asks the following loaded question: "Clara Harris was in a life and death fight for her family. Her survival instinct kicked in. I want you to ask yourself, would you kill to save your family?" Kill to save her family? How can she save her family if she is killing them?
The misandry, hatefulness, and misdirection are astounding. Here's the phone number for CBS's main office in NYC:
212 975-4321
Tell them you have a comment about a program and they will connect you with the programming department that tallies the comments.
Please call and complain! Tell them that they are advocating murder, that they are encouraging violence in the family and that is an insult to any viewer. Demand a personal apology.
You can go to and go to the bottom of the page and click on "feedback" to leave online comments.
It's time we gave them a ton of feedback. Please take a moment to call and give them your perspective. This is an outrage."
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Submitted by Adam on Mon, 2004-10-04 21:40
Anonymous User writes "So called "child support" laws punish men even for "unplanned parenthood" and place a huge burden on male sexuality. Male birth control pills would offer men a choice to avoid this artificial, government created penality for having sex. There's some good news about male birth control, but naturally it put in a story dripping with contempt for men and disgusting attempts to obscure reality."
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2004-10-04 20:48
Brian writes "When equal rights is reversed, it becomes a problem. They use the excuse of "tradition" for not allowing males admitted. Funny, was the same excuse thought of as archaic in conjunction with gold courses (Augusta) and the like that are male-only? Read here.
Ed. note: This could have gone under News, Education, or Inequality, it covers so much ground. But that's not uncommon for many stories on this site.
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Submitted by Adam on Mon, 2004-10-04 01:11
The_Beedle writes "So I'm reading through the local livejournal community for my city and come across an open invitation to attend a talk held by both a Womens Group and a Mens Group. September Feminist Culture Club Meeting So who the heck is NOMAS? Why haven't we heard about them before?
After taking a look at their website, they appear to be composed entirely of Womens Studies graduates, with a gay man and a hetero male apologist thrown in for good measure. Their stated goals are :
1. Pro-Feminist
2. Gay-Affirmative
3. Anti-Racist
4. Dedicated to Enhancing Men's Lives
#2 and #3 are all well and good. Why is #1 there at all, and why do men come in 4th place in an organization that sounds like it should be pro-Men?"
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Submitted by Adam on Sun, 2004-10-03 22:09
Ray writes "You could almost laugh along with Mr. Roberts at the rediculousness of this story here, but the reality is no laughing matter. The addled, Femi-babble language that defines the radical/gender feminist hate movement is at the core of women's studies programs on college campuses. What can the future hold for America when dumbing down ideology like the feminist agenda, with all of its misnomers and inane definitions, is sweeping through America's higher educational institutions and disallowing all: opposing viewpoints, dissenting opinions, objective criticism or constructive criticism. In California with the recent passage of Sheila Kuehl's SB 1234 we are one step closer to the concept in law of “anti-intellectual feminist harassment” (a form of sexual harassment) that threatens academic freedom and free speech as never before. Big sister is running amok in our society, and I for one am sick and tired of her gross intolerance, and downright hatred of all things male. Maybe the time has come to sue the gender feminist bigots for the hate speech they spew at males."
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Submitted by Adam on Sun, 2004-10-03 18:06
mens_issues writes "The Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men (DAHM) needs your help! So far people have been generous enough to donate $805 towards roofing materials for the shelter (this is for the rebuilt second floor) before winter sets in. Without a roof it will be very difficult to keep snow, ice, and sleet from damaging the inside of this newly built apartment. This will be used to house male DV victims (and their children)when ready.
[Please post the rest under Read More/Add Comments]
Also the downstairs is ready for sheet rock and could be usable later this winter if there is a roof on the second floor. However, the total need is about $4,500. So, in order to raise more money, I'm willing to match donations from others up to $500.
You can contribute to DAHM through PayPal at:
Or send a check to:
Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men
P.O. Box 252
Harmony, ME 04942"
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Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2004-10-02 23:52
Anonymous User writes "This research suggests that Boys play creates sensitive children, whereas girls talk creates less sensitive children. Feminism taught me it was the other way around. Here is the story."
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Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2004-10-02 21:51
Hunchback writes "This story of a bereaved single father mourning for his son, but grateful to be reunited with his daughters, is a direct consequence of the Michigan move-aways laws. The newspaper's coverage, while sympathetic, was bland compared to the reportage on this story here which in days past had the usual full spread pictures, etc."
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Submitted by Adam on Sat, 2004-10-02 18:49
CJ writes "A sentence that restricted a man's right to procreate was overturned by the Ohio Supreme Court. A lower court placed felony charges (jail) on a father who had children with multiple women if he fathered another child. This father was behind on child support for some of the children. It appears that this man has bad judgment, as any man should now understand that the US government (as mandated by decades of un-opposed feminist jurisprudence) has taken over the family unit. Soon enough we will see more rulings against a male's right to procreate while we see more hysteria about a woman's right to chose.
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