Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2004-10-13 21:46
dougwells writes "Here is yet another grossly misleading domestic violence article by a university student newspaper (Idaho State University) that quotes a number of false (anti-male) statistics. Please let them know that such dishonest (or lazy) reporting should not be tolerated."
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2004-10-13 21:42
Indianmale writes "This report comes from Singapore. The coverage is very pro-male, comprehensive. During the last six months, I've read stories on this topic from India, South Africa, Barbados, Malaysia, and now Singapore. I think it's a good beginning."
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2004-10-13 21:39
Trudy W Schuett writes "
We’re only two weeks into October, and I’ve tracked about 175 news items from traditional media and blogs all over the US. The first ten days was mainly about various fundraisers and events, now we get into the important news!
There has never been a better time to contact your local media and government officials and have your voice heard! Communities all over the country have begun to question their domestic violence programs, laws, and procedures. It’s time for you to speak up and be a force for change! You can have the most impact at the local level, which is where the changes are beginning. District attorneys, law enforcement administrators, public officials of all kinds will soon be involved in re-visiting old policies that no longer serve their communities.
Every media outlet mentioned in the DLJ has heard from me – now it’s your turn to add your voice! Check the DLJ for activities in your local area.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2004-10-12 02:55
MANN administrators also received a request from a reader to sign a petition addressed to Pres. Bush, the Congress, and the Supreme Court, demanding redress for the ignoring or misapplication of Constitutional principles that has resulted in the problems of fathers separated from their children, imprisoned, abused, and driven to suicide by the legal system. The note MANN admins received is below under "Read More". The link to the petition is
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2004-10-12 02:50
MANN Admins received a note from Dr. Richard C. Weiss, displayed below in the "Read More" section, for support for the Alabama NCP class action lawsuit. Especially if you live in Alabama, please take the time to express your support of the action to the presiding judge.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2004-10-11 21:02
Anonymous User writes "What's interesting is for the first half the usual excuses are given, then this quote:
"They may be even more committed than their male colleagues, because they have more social hurdles to overcome. But in the West, they are often tied to the conventional stereotype of reacting to male violence."
After this, interesting read.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2004-10-11 20:29
Dave K writes "Shocked me to read it...
It appears that some of the liberal media is realizing that this is a subject that is going to be addressed... irregardless of how much they try to ignore it. Lawsuits accross all 50 states is something I would certainly consider newsworthy."
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2004-10-11 02:03
Via a comment to the previous post, I was made aware of this newly-formed group at UNH to fight the kind of misandry we have been seeing there. Great work guys!!! The fight will be hard and an uphill battle for sure, but men have got to stand up for themselves and this is one way you are doing it. Congratulations and I hope you will succeed at building membership and freeing your campus from the grip of feminist tyranny.
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2004-10-10 18:34
Here is an update on the fallout from Whitney Williams article and claim of being the target of a death threat, dated Oct. 8, 2004.
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2004-10-10 18:34
Steven Brown writes "Here's a shocking story about a woman who lived a very comfortable life while, at the same time, starving her own two young sons. She was sentenced to a pifitully short 15 months in prison!
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Submitted by Scott on Sun, 2004-10-10 01:24
At the University of New Hampshire (my alma mater), radical feminism has reached new depths of public contempt for men. It appears that last year's Take Back the Night rally was only a hint of things to come. Whitney Williams, a Feminist Action League member at UNH, has been taking her radical anti-rape message that blames men and fraternities for violence against women to the school newspaper, where she writes a column. Recently she claims to have received a death threat and has rallied more supporters to her cause, who attended a protest rally on Tuesday. On Friday, Williams printed her most extreme diatriabe yet against men, which clearly exposes her intentions. It is, in my opinion, the worst time ever to be a male at UNH. And it continues to baffle me why these young men sit in silence.
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2004-10-08 21:47
thea writes "On October 7, Zach and Alex wrote an article under Opinions called 'Editor's Note' at (you may have to scroll down and look to the right or look it up under Red Letter Daze) saying they concede that had the bigoted article been a man wanting to commit mass gendercide on women, then the Cornell would have been in deep trouble. And because of their immature and disrespectful remarks to Male readers they have been forced to resign. But at the end of the article you ask yourself "WTF?""
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2004-10-08 21:42
Great news! ACFC's, et al., recent series of lawsuits have made Yahoo!'s main news board. Let's hope it makes the airwaves, too.
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Submitted by Adam on Thu, 2004-10-07 21:49
Linucs writes "Let me quote this story:
"A group of Swedish parliamentarians has proposed levying a "man tax" to cover the social cost of violence against women. "It must be obvious to all of us that society has a huge problem with male violence against women and that has a cost," Left Party deputy Gudrun Schyman told Swedish radio on Monday. "We must have a discussion where men understand they as a group have a responsibility," said Schyman, one of the party members to sign the motion for debate on the new tax." So, equality equals man tax. Makes you wonder about inequality, doesn't it?"
Anonymous User writes "In Sweden a group of MP's have suggested to pose a tax on men... Check the vote next to the article and see the opinions!!!
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Submitted by Thomas on Thu, 2004-10-07 19:06
The 2004 Nobel Prize in literature has been awarded to Austrian Radical Marxist-feminist, Elfriede Jelinek.
Additional note by Thomas: I'm adding the following after there've been 10 posts to this thread, but I don't think it should cause confusion, and I want to show up front how far gone this Ms. Jelinek is.
Here are the Nobel organization's "biobibliographical" notes for Ms. Jelinek. Note that "Jelinek lets her social analysis swell to fundamental criticism of civilisation by describing sexual violence against women as the actual template for our culture."
So, sexual violence against women is "the actual template for our culture."
Also, her Gier. Ein Unterhaltungsroman (2000), is "a study in the cold-blooded practice of male power."
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